I am told the tide had turned against me at this point, such that it was clear I am doing the right thing but it had become so difficult and expensive for me to get support for it but this is actually not the case, what people are dealing with is the fact that if I were a prodigal child, these goons and their Celebrities would help me spend my fortunes for me pretty well, it does not mean the tide had turned, it simply indicates what Politicians have built by being so abusive, in that if they had their financial well being sorted out, then others should be subjected to abuses from them and they ought to get first redress every time people complained. It never stopped showing up near my affairs to leave me breathless on the basis it was backed by somebody bigger than I am with the eyes fixed on my social life, property and or career publicity and it will never be free of the reasons to complain about me for it too for the part that I play in the matter – as in whereby they claimed I had business with security services and they needed to find out what state provided security was, show they were more worthy and be the people to be served by state provided security, at the same time they acknowledged I would not have had business with the Monarchy as well, if I could not stand up for myself, leaving me on social security. For the former, state provided security is meant to facilitate the discharge of my duties and not the means by which I messed around and got a second chance any time I wanted but I am certain they realised this by now, except that they are too far gone and I am the reason they are too far gone, needs keep playing with me if complaining that its abusive and stupidities got serious the first time around – for the latter, as I mentioned, I cannot breathe the free air because others are backed up by people who were bigger than I am and had some unusual interest in me. This plays into public spending matters and it is said it was difficult to determine what was amiss but it is largely a simple matter of the fact that the Politicians were being corrupt and there was now a risk that the National economy will end up in the hands of the private sector before the scandalous effects of knowing too much about the private lives of wealthy people took hold of their lives and careers, therefore a new plan had to be devised to get them under control – naturally is it mostly the House of Commons with such a large deficit of simple Honour, that was the cause of all the problems, always assuming that when they picked up Government office to make arrangement with large companies that employed a lot of people, then pushed it towards private interests to get rich fast and climb the social ladder, the fact that they did not have the resources to pull off the whole process since it is National economy leaving everybody poorer, was not likely to develop into something of an unusual character on the streets getting indemnified and going about doing the real public office work on the economy that they were supposed to do – an example being the NHS, that if they had consistently failed to make the necessary investments, the supply routes that had relied on economies of scale in order to keep trading as a sustainable price with the health service, will not have dissipated, their big idea being that none knows when they are doing it. On the point that all is at this stage a complete mess, it is not; the correct thing is to get career in order and raise funds to safeguard mindset and stand up to society if people had problems with society, not build a two part society of their own where one side helps them keep a business and the other fondles peoples private parts, whilst the victims hang around the lower tier court systems, tolerating their stupid narcissism – they have opted for the latter and are starting to lip flap all sorts of nonsense whereby I am said to pretend I am better than other people whilst I am making the same mistakes that people made, whereas what is really happening is that I am taking the steps to ensure they had as much fun as they desired. Hence eventually making sense of the stupid point that I am not in any position to call any shots as people can do whatever they liked with my body – the last time I decided to live in their world of insults, abuses from their children at school and the stupid violence from a distance gimmicks, people died obviously, so I must accept the outcome was rather extreme, reserve it as something I can do when my health is no longer good enough to tolerate their gimmicks and I am about to bow out of the work market, hence need another means to protect my property and sort out the business of paying my way etc – the idiocy had since moved onto media narcissism, it needs that narcissism and an ownership of the media presence to protect itself from the stress associated with my responses whilst it continued.

There was the thing about these goons spirting ideas that they were determined to get me to a point of losing my career; I wouldn’t know anyway, need to stop handling me since 2017 – they will either move their gimmicks whereby they spent the youth being tough and now are getting money from Celebrities to make the career and retirement, the Celebrities who want them to bully people on behalf of famous fools etc, closely followed by entertainment studio gits who think they were about to keep my assets for themselves – they will either move it on their terms or I will move it for them, the rest of the narcissism from the cracked up out of my league well off neighbourhoods issuing threats was all good, like the instance that it got serious the first time around. The idea there was nothing I could do about it was not an emotive issue, it is a two part story of a foolish crowd behind their stupidities that was the source of all the stress at my Bookshop and their narcissism need to handle my public life, needs t0 shut the media salvation lip flapping if I had given them the option to stay away from my affairs, alternatively more insults from their stupidities, finds out what I am really like. It is simple, that it stops its interest and its commentary about my public life and career or it continues to peddle insults that I am a low life and there was nothing I could do about it with a media salvation. On the point that there was no real evidence that there was much I could do about it – the facts are that the narcissism had continued for years, I dropped out of University over the road to schizophrenia German influence types that followed me around over how my personality should be used, we have since entered into the part where picking up employment at security industry had left me open to the types that were practiced on me as I stood up in public places to enforce order in a premises, churned my tummy and has now built a media version that rips up my career publicity everyday to be happy, spends some of the happiness making advertisement to pick up my Royal Estate income margins and finishes off with gimmicks whereby the Celebrities clung to my career publicity and made it impossible for my clients to claim ownership of Books they purchased, the society gits have recovered from the part where I dropped out of University because government office fools always had ideas on ways that picking up the stupid society so they had to listen to my feelings about their gimmicks was something more  important people should be doing and are back at it with another gap on their left hand side, linked to the backyard of the prison services and existed to create me a career mess in door and outdoors everyday, whilst it got me to do their bidding with my profession, so it had since built up to the stage where it tells me that I my Books belonged to them, which leaves me a sense that their stupid male society gimmicks were done complaining I would not let the football people be and were now feeling better again, therefore started another – the male society narcissism platform idiots will not cease the commentary about my affairs which causes clients insecurity in leaving financial details with me in the course of trade, so that they may cling to everything I did and said, claim the cause of all problems poor people faced was a lack of security and goad me over everything I did with my career to get rich quick providing it, talking nonsense about those who were born under Scorpio birth signs being hard working. So I think this nonsense about the idea there was nothing I can do about it will end in a need to take out the this trash over the sense I could not breathe because everything I did was a tool to put me to errands instead of engage with the Books, the Celebrities picking up my career publicity over a gimmick where the more abusive the society low lives that gained access to an Arch Prince would be the more they could spend my concerns on themselves, over ideas my career should be better purposed to cover their backsides and of course that stupid crowd behind their gimmicks that was the source of all stress and likes to think it was a cluster of completely innocent people with a cracked up out of my league abusive neighbourhood, will come into focus as something I needed to concern myself with, to completely trash the Celebrity culture that was the source of all their female narcissism where they got to make out they have stuffed my schedule and could not turn their attention to fondling my private parts whilst I struggled with it. They do claim I am not innocent in the matter and it was well noted but the sense that each time they handled my affairs they were off on fools errand is meant to protect my patents, protect my property, not their possessions – simply put, one more insults building up from errands instead of Book buying, Celebrities handling my public image and a stupid crowd that supports their gimmicks to ensure it gets to me which I can trace all the way back to something they invented to get what they want since I left school, will gave way to something unusual over the part that I had to play in this nonsense.

On the point that I unnecessarily drove myself into this condition is also well noted but it has been a two decade career mess – writing Books and being caught up with opinionated ageists who were relentless and are currently now feeling with the help of media narcissism, that there was a lot of money riding is claiming my career as their own and would not mind doing something to threaten my existence, bothered me endlessly, to be left with my career information on my part, which they carried around like PR, I did not have to fund, so these idiots for all their abusive interest in the matter, had to build a media narcissism as well. I mean it runs people down all the time and this business of my career existing to cover their backsides because they succeeded and I had not, is a product of the fact they got ahead detached from public policy and their abuses detach their victims as well, so my career was best repurposed to cover their backsides, leaving me on social security whilst the local council idiots who never listened when told that forming an alliance with them to police people who lived on social security was counterproductive and is now complaining about paying social security – I have got get out to bed everyday to these fools who show up here to put me to errands, cling to my career publicity and run me down to feel good if their well off neighbourhoods were not enough for them, shoving their issues up my bum in bed, right up to my chest, which has convinced me that I will suffer heart failure at some stage unless I got to play with heart disease at their expense first; tells me there was nothing I could do about it again and I will fuck them over properly with it. I mean these insults have now arrived at a stage where the bum fingering and penis fondling abuses were things they did to people who were schizophrenic, starts off with gimmicks I am too cowardly to deserve my career and ends up with one of those on account their stupidities made them incredibly important but the part where I tracked that stupid society and they needed National media and assistance from politicians to survive had not yet shown that I am not.

It is not a complicated matter at all, my royal house academia and the library that helps me pay my way and maintain everything, caught up in their alliance with criminals who want to read astrology and sell drugs involves their history with my concerns and leaves clients without the confidence to leave their financial details for trading purposes and they will not keep their comments to their own careers with the well off neighbourhood idiots forging arrangements with their rogue landlords I rented a space from to set out images of me that will stick to people’s minds for the purpose of privacy abuses, that they made the most of when their famous fools goaded me over the public control matters associated with public service, complains endlessly but will not shut it down. They claim I made my career unnecessarily complicated which is not the case, the Bookshop should work if their stupidities were keeping a Job because I am not an idiot who makes a mess of peoples careers like they were – the complications are another example of what their schedule when it comes to handling other people looked like, at this stage would like to end their gimmicks but were too far gone. At this stage there was the point raised about lessons that could be learned from this but there are no lessons: it started stupidly enough 18 years ago to 2025, when the prevalent gimmick was that I am so weak that my existence was irritating according to antisemitism German influence Liberalism idiots and we have progressed through so many forms of abuse that they peddled on the basis that I was incapable of responding, we are now at the point where their stupidities were bold enough to suggest their insults were a kind of skill because the famous idiots rewarded it and I was a sex worker, a pornography celebrity to be precise – they are really good at this part where they got on my nerves and need tell me there was nothing I could do about it once more. On the point it always nearly always comes down to a clash with the famous – the abuses and narcissism of the famous on me has been going on for decades every day at this point – we are now in the places where the fantasies were activities I could feel as they were a matter of so many forms of intention to execute violence on me being taken to such publicly displayed extremes and is now a threat to my financial well being all together, finished of with an alliance alongside criminals who want to read astrology and sell drugs running gimmicks on me that got me to lose something important everyday i.e. if it wants to find out whether I am bluffing, gets to tell me that there was nothing I could do about the famous stupidities once more. Here there was the idea that my activities encourages people to do violent deeds but what we know to be fact is that violent people do not tell them my activities or writing produced such effects, what we know to be true is that a bunch of well off neighbourhood gits will progress from investigating law enforcement on behalf of criminal society to the idea that there was no such thing as a free lunch of finish off claiming they picked something of mine, linked to my assets off my websites, did not pay for a Book at the shop and used it as motivation to do harm to other people. Here some people have suggested it is not true that my work encourages people to do violence but I already know this, I simply want to play this game as well, since we know the same people who claimed otherwise did nothing about their fellow well off neighbourhood gits investigating the law on behalf of criminal society and building communities that pretended I was schizophrenic and had no clothes on, to blab on the shopfloor of parliament; time and again we see them do the same things their famous idiots did i.e. my responses were exhilarating. There was the story closely linked where they claimed that there were people at the Monarchy who hated my influence which I understand completely, my influence never being the issue as I had worked for everything I have, do not like to discuss such facts with politicians and celebrities because it was more fun for me not to, however when it is a matter of some new stupid civil rights that have been built on my assets, complete with communities that were making a living from it and were hopelessly reliant, issuing stupid threats at me, I will definitely play the part where I had worked for all I had at the Monarchy, to see what they were made of too. they used to be the bullied, now they have envisaged an opportunity never to be the victim of bullying ever again with a big mouth, so one side was busy with doing me security favours including the business of fighting communists on my behalf, which I cannot have enough of, but they had progressed onto claiming that doing so provided them means to claim ownership of the areas of my concerns that involved country ownership, a matter that had once gotten serious when they had to listen to my feelings no matter what – the other ensures everything I did and owned was available to everybody whilst its abusive well off neighbourhood stupidities got money off it by running advertisement and marketing gimmicks on it, spending my career publicity and public image on themselves, claiming that people had died for their stupidities to get to such a point i.e. what I mean when I suggested they got to tell me one more time that there was nothing I could do about it, if they were so convinced that I am bluffing.

I do not think that the people at the local authorities were my enemies as supposed either – it has been another 8 year mess after their need to make a mess of my career had been settled because there was a supposition that working with them will get people who could do nothing about whether or not somebody else gives them a job, into work and it has been disastrously counterproductive, now there has to be a withdrawal which is expensive, not least because of security that had to be employed to keep idealistic clingy gits away from local authorities, before all was normalised again, the entire time the question lingers as to when the mess with respect to my finances will end. They speak of some disconnect between what was required on the National and International scene and what the US President and those who supported him did which is not really the case as we know that here in the UK Keir Starmer was the person supplying Ukraine with Aid at the expense of the British Government, so Russia does not seem to respond to the idea that they were attacking a Country and if those Countries they attacked had allies, the allies will by bound agreement be obliged to provide aid to the country in trouble, as opposed to the proper result which was that of the Nation of the United Kingdom supplying Aid to the Nation of Ukraine, which would have conveyed the message accurately – so we are left with the outcome that Keir Starmer does not have the resources to follow up the resulting responsibilities thereafter and the continued interference with security services leadership was becoming a real problem; another instance where people idiot children got elected into Government buildings and spent time there causing us some suffering before it got serious once more. They claim I used this phrase often of ‘peoples idiot children in government buildings’ and which will not do me any favours in the future but I am sure that if somebody provided me an alternative phrase, to a condition where I am dealing with a  two decade career mess having also dropped out of University along the way because they wanted to show that if they were the people following administrative guidelines to run consulations with the public and they were the people who made the laws that were being enforced by the Police on the streets, it made sense for me to drop out of University in order for them to go from having no idea how government works and on being elected into Office develop themselves to a point where it was undoubted in the minds of the public, that they were in charge. I mean I do put it down to what happens when an engineer gets elected into public Office for instance and had no idea how government worked, there were stupid things people were likely to do with public office which everybody else had to tolerate but I am doing 2 decade career finance mess at this point, so I would like somebody to provide me a better word if offended by the fact it is all due to other peoples idiots children in government buildings at this stage. The other civil rights idiots bits have recovered from something I did to ensure the distance and boundaries with respect to their interest in my person was clear, so they are back at the narcissism yet again with no care for what will according to history repeat itself on the basis that sore penis, anus and back of the head whilst they believed their privacy was the place they were entitled to hide when finished was the way their stupid civil rights looked. On the point that for the politicians these ideas made sense, I understand how I made sense completely – if Kier Starmer was the one working with companies that employed thousands and were worth billions, the renumeration they got from being the people to assist with red tape cutting opening days was not good enough – feeds into the idea that I might talk but the Prime Minister is a barrister and yes he is, the Barrister who knows that this was all wrong but goes ahead with it anyway; I mean that he at least knows that he should not be doing such things and secondly if he cannot get his head around the matter like I have, he should not have taken up the Political job as he is clearly politically incompetent. It got serious the first time with these people and they are now saying that this condition where my finances were a mess and their own looked up, so when they got on my nerves people had to listen to what they had to say first over any conflict that may have arisen, was achieved in blood, due to the fact I had decided to live with being set out as the person on whom they can build their new civil rights abusing, insulting and wishing dead but had also decided they will be the people doing the abuse, the insults and the death, so it needs to keep playing with me.