At this point it had become a regular conversation on public
media, when it is not being required, that the famous hated me over ideas I am
annoying – I am writing this during the 15 years of on and off employment,
perversion of my work market history and the stifling of my Bookshop with
something that began stupidly enough, claiming what I wrote showed I possessed
the resources to kiss their backside better and cover it whilst they got famous
but they also needed the public control work that I performed and it was not
only a responsibility they did not have to concern themselves but were also
entitled to sell what I did to fans and get even richer than they already were
– outcome is that my Books are now associated with what happens to people
alimentary canal and the fact I wrote it considering matters that clients were
interested in, such as product aesthetics and functionality, which work I had
done so well that it was said by brokers that the created products helped those
who were sick with heart disease manage their condition, finished off with a
community that was created to get what it wants by fingering bottoms just as
they did at University to get me dropping out. The question being the true
extent of a human beings stupidity, to subject another person’s career and
social life to this sort of activity and the nature of the idiots who create
this sort of activity in the first place, as to arrive at a point where their
stupidities made them famous people and they had an increasingly violent urge
to announce that they found my existence annoying. I am since I do not see any
famous idiot shove their careers into my career as at 2025, going to put my
head down and tidy up this nonsense naturally but they are making it incredibly
difficult for me not to follow up such results as outcome where people had died
and outcomes where people realised that I was determined to punish the
activities that got me to drop out of University, which should have both
signalled the point where this story and all its nonsense and stupidity should
have ended. It cannot possibly be that difficult whether or not people got a
lot of pleasure from suggesting I should not be telling people I dropped out of
University when that happened 14 years ago to 2025 and they have been squeezing
the juice since, doing everything to ensure I did not get back and complete the
academic pursuits I had started, opening up my career publicity, personal and
social life for the insults they hoped would be financially profitable and
related abuses that leaned towards gimmicks that would progress from being
usual suspects to being terrorists – cannot be that difficult to get it through
peoples stupid minds, that I was working intellectual property administration
with clients and there were matters to handle which concerned the fact that
their stupidities were not the only bother as criminals, hoodlums and immoral
society low lives had decided the same environment where businesses were trying
to turn a profit was the same they wanted to handle to make money playing with
other peoples well being and careers but I cannot seem to make them listen, at
least not when I was not taking things further from looking like if I had not
murdered the well off neighbourhoods idiots, I deserved some sort of reward
from society. We are therefore set to progress from here to the part where my
response to their famous peoples insults and the attack on my finances would be
one in which their parents got a feedback for raising them to feel so entitled.
It likes to brag that it got on my nerves and had found something it can do to
annoy me naturally which it has not, only the stupidities that suggested
standing up for myself when the criminality sociopaths they familiarised
themselves with had abused them to satisfaction and turned attention to me, was
borderline unlawful, at the same time that I had public control work to do was
not their responsibility, before the lip flapping that the need to describe
them as a bunch of idiots will get me into trouble ensued. Some people have raised
this idea that I am living in something of a controlling relationship which is
utter nonsense as these fools do not have the means to leave me in one, besides
which if it annoys me well enough I will publicly grant it the opportunity to
give it a try so we may find out – first of all, we can see that if I am cash
strapped because my Books were associated with what happens to other peoples
alimentary canal to cover their backsides whilst their stupidities got famous
and it eventually meant that when they issued threats at me it was a crime a
passion, anybody could make sense of the way that passion crime idiots got to
fight hoodlums, criminals and communists on my behalf. Then of course there
were the facts that it was all a matter of gimmicks associated with their birth
sign reading insults, where I am a Libra and abusive Scorpio pricks tended to
put up a series of activities which meant that my career work was put to
practical jokes that helped them gain a media presence and we know they spend
their youth fooling around which was the main reason they needed the media
presence when they wanted to live up to the reputation of throwing themselves
at work and running me down for living on social security in the hope that I
will be made homeless, at this point which they were liaising with Celebrities
and every political prick was seduced by the societal gimmicks, and I suppose
they were going to need it or all the difficulties besetting clients that
engage with my career publicity and Bookshop will move out on schedule, this
was never the challenge, the challenge was the new kid on the bloc, the poof
Leos that will find all my secrets and share them with the rest of the world to
please famous idiots and get rich, learning only recently that it was in its
best interest to gets its insolent stupidities out of my affairs and take its
media gimmicks with it. I mean only responding to the nonsense running around
that I am in a controlling relationship with their stupidities; mostly the
Scorpio bits tended to suggest that I handled it well as an indication I would
do well with a male child on holding a Royal Office and the poof Leo one the
female child.
I have now spent 7 years experimenting with this nonsense,
as to whether the problem was the society, the security and the practical jokes
and the sexual context insults, none of which I am struggling with, since the
real problem was the Celebrities and the correct way to handle this matter was
to be able to shut down their careers for the day when they did my client
interests. An example of the impacts being the clandestine stupidities
concerning which they were mid gangs, people like me were small gangs and other
people were big gangs and since they did not know their place, would ensure
everybody felt it, up to the point where HMRC was affected - I mean everybody's
existence is understood in terms of gangs and the main cause of the problems I
faced was to do with them fighting hoodlums, criminals and communists on my
behalf. At this point it loves to boast that on the whole my success had been
delayed and it spoke volumes for their narcissism and the pleasures of it –
truth of course is that the success had not been delayed, the idea that I am a
low life when stupid members of the public decided how I provided a service
which they handled to keep jobs from which they spent money on celebrities and
blamed people who possessed property that could not be protected from their
stupidities for their problems, which property assets, equity and finances
concerned I intend to recover completely and for the sake of my wellbeing more
so, my part as well, had taken root and if they did not continue to make
something from claims that I am a low life, somebody else will do it for them.
On the details, these are the sorts of nonsense I put up with from famous
idiots I had not murdered yet, so I looked like I had done a great job and
needed to be rewarded by society considering that it cost me everything to
achieve the restraint. The part where it was not clear if the matter had gotten
serious to a point where people died pursuing me but it was still on, the lip
flapping that I did not have a chance when I mentioned they loved to suck up to
business community to attack people they had designated as profitable victims
of repression and should know that the cause of their problems was the state of
my finances and that it will not improve if there were continued interferences
between my career publicity and my clients – the part where I did not have a
chance being the part where it currently seems that people thought they were
oblivious to the effects of their famous stupidities on my career and I needed
to explain but each time I had pushed them back slightly, were found reverting
to the usual feral media narcissism that society was usually accustomed to,
whereby it will never likely develop into a case of me versus the CEOs that
made it by making the most of converting environments where businesses were
trying to turn a profit into one where gimmicks with criminals and hoodlums
made a mess of peoples careers and wellbeing, such that since it once did get
serious their stupidities ought to continue and want me in such ways.
I do not think the matter is a crisis to be honest; it is a
simple case of a 2 decade career mess for me, orchestrated by the male population
idiots at the UK Monarchy, celebrities, Politicians and local authorities: so from
time to time one group is the focus of activities that the other three became a
part of and the purpose was to levy such a degree of abuse and distraction at
me that I completely abandon everything else I am doing and paid all my
attention to gimmicks that meant nothing whatsoever but allowed them to cling
to my career publicity as a method of alleviating the consequences of personal
decisions. So what I now need to do is place a handle on each of these, so that
when any one section was a focus, I readily was confident that my action will
produce acceptable levels of results but by far the one I need to pay a great
deal of attention to was the vandalism of Americans, clearly which is not being
perpetrated by communists naturally and it will not stand still and pose that
threat where its stupidities had seen people get rich at the expense of people
who were enemies of the USA, continuing what is already for me a gimmick social
issues based career mess that has so far lasted two decades, ever so slippery
with the famous idiots and media gits and cannot keep away from my affairs,
scary to think people behaved that way but also not so bewildering that there
were so many weapon based deaths in their Country i.e. I do want it to say
still and pose the stupid threat if it was so confident after a two-decade
career mess for me, that this threat was the meaning of life itself, the way it
is currently perceived literally and the other usual suspect muslims need
continue to pursue the scraps of superiority that was being left behind.
Eventually the idea is that I am being made to pay the price
for the power I wielded but I am at a loss as to whether there was doubt
concerning the fact this is what it was all about; the problem we had being
that a bunch of idiots loved to tear up my career and finances by going off to
get on the wrong side of law enforcement, then show up to bully me to such an
extent that I would respond and come up with an idea to ensure that when they
got on the wrong side of law enforcement, the consequences were not effective,
so they made up their own if I had not and went onto a gimmick where each time
Officers arrested somebody it was claimed that I provoked them into doing crime
and that would be the part where it abuses me and had to remember me for a long
time. If there were no famous idiot goading me over public control matters
associated with my public work and the fact I had at some stage engaged with
private security industry and thereby according to them, created privileges
that to which they were entitled, there would be no problems – at the same time
before then, if there were no famous idiots claiming that standing up for
myself when tackled by popularity sociopaths was wrong on account that they
were dying when Law enforcement discharged weapons, at the same time which the
abuses that their popularity sociopaths levied on me was a responsibility I
would not pick up if my career and finances had not been damaged to make me
desperate, was the correct thing to do, like a stupidity that I needed to stop
very painfully for my part as well. It is about the power I wielded and the
business of paying the price for it the whole time; we know at this point that they
loved to suggest that they controlled my whole life and feelings which is utter
nonsense – they are always getting around with business communities for
nefarious reasons and understand that a business would be bankrupt if there was
interference between the career publicity and the clients, so I would like the
one channelled at me to end and their stupidities to return my assets and the
associated finances – we know also that the point they were making is that I
had lost so much money to them that there was nothing I could do about them, since
it was a world in which working with large businesses meant that a role was
played with respect to products being delivered, a process of innovation being
devised as to help the clients save money, save time and pursue their careers
in a more convenient environment, to which effect each time I did work that
clients benefitted from, my Bookshop stopped because by means of insults they
worked with their famous idiots to extract money from the career publicity,
this point of having lost so much of it to them that there was nothing I could
do now threatens everything and is distracting enough for it to get
increasingly serious. They do not control my life in anyway; the media and
celebrities are dealing with state provided security having decided that since
this was a matter of destruction on account I had denied them privileges of
security from my work, to which they considered they were famous and therefore
had some sort of birthright, this nonsense will only end when they got into a
fight with communists, criminals and hoodlums and I was the biggest beneficiary
– that said, there were the other smaller details that came up every day,
whereby I do not make the personal decisions for them as to warrant some would
be King prick who hangs about at the Monarchy working men’s society narcissism
on me in favour of famous idiots, in order to spend my personal and social life
on me and secure help from them to ensure I could not make him suffer as much
as he deserved for it. The outcome of all these were naturally that their
activities targeting me since 2012 had produced an outcome where I cannot
pursue my work and therefore hang about the market looking as if I was entitled
to get paid for something I had not accomplished, what they did with it being
to show that the popularity sociopath and the celebrity were one and the same
thing in the sense that both loved to set out crime as a career option and push
others into doing something that breaks the law as a method by which people
could show that they deserved to keep their careers and not have unusual
celebrity interest being expressed over the career publicity, which is again
usually counterproductive and built up on the basis that they were bigger than
their victims. So what I now need to do is run through my market and clear up
anything that is causing people to respond to the sex industry because of their
famous peoples insults which by the way I am becoming stickless for at this
point, get it tidied up and sit back to write Books for the shop, in terms of
the idea that making my career operable was a matter of urgency. The German influence
one always had to build them a media narcissism by which I had since decided
that their abuses having been a consequence of other peoples willingness to get
a career as a method of paying their way in the world, I would slow down and
they would get the career instead or there would be hell to pay, with the
narcissism media they can now punish me by claiming that they had stolen my
career – the German influence idiot always had to build one of those when it
did not create world war three. The Italians would be the part where it has
fought communists on my behalf and now every fool was entitled to get involved
with my career and handle my assets, which explained why there was Mafia in
their Country but it goes further as we see that they trash everything here with
the help of rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers,
to create gimmicks they can set out as overseas interests whereby marine life
for example could be fished until people were fishing the future literally, in
order to prevent inflation whilst the Health Care system in the US was in dire straits
because they had moved their gimmicks away from destroying areas of Natural
conservation around the world, into those. They make the point that my problems
will never end because their supporting twats at the Monarchy were relentless,
and it is utter nonsense as their famous peoples insults were the singular
reason it did not make sense that I am gained to work with their scumbags but will
not tolerate their men’s lifestyle gimmicks.
They have complained that whilst their abuses will not end,
they will not stop goading me over public control and my public life will not
be as quiet as is required to benefit everybody, the way I handled my affairs
were manic and yes they were; without delving into the business of the public work
that is being done here to leave them chasing scraps of superiority with
American leading and the usual suspect muslims not far behind, it had become so
important that they knew, no matter how depressing it was for them to know,
that they knew – the effects of their gimmicks when people got off public
office ton engage with the private sector for investiture reasons, to say that
they got off administrative office and as part of the work that was done at the
Office, met with businesses, to engage in red tape cutting ceremonies, where
the bigger ones always wanted to get around to understanding public policy, so
that they might be best placed to go from delivering products to clients to
inventing innovations that saved clients time, money and provided an
environment where careers can be pursued more conveniently, how the smaller
businesses always innovated by taking advantage of markets that the bigger
businesses were too big to fill etc, need to know no matter how depressing for
them in a situation where feelings were running at their very peak, just as I
am aware that even in saying this their imagination will finger my bum and make
use of my work abusively as part of a process where their famous stupidities
had the last word, of which I am a fan. At this point it is safe to say we are
proceeding with a sense that there are so many things I have allowed to fester
for long enough to ensure I punished the ageism and its insults satisfactorily –
like a history of inaction on my part when it fools around with my career
publicity so often that the idea people who made crime a career option ought to
share it too on account it will help me understand my place with respect to
their feelings, being provided some sort of Media presence, the fact they
invented the bottom hurting gimmicks, ruin public policy and applicable to
other people, trade career mobility for immoral society gimmicks and show up to
publicly flatter criminals until their bottom hurts before they started sampling
other peoples personal and social lives, to decide which one was worth fighting
over with entitled insolence – suffices to say at this point that we are
proceeding with a sense that they were free to come up with those insults
everyday as much as I was free to come up with ideas on how I may shut down
their famous careers every day as well.
On the point that people found me irritating and
I have never addressed the problem – I am now aware that it was a problem; as
far as I know I would have five working days in a week, I would be seriously
flustered during two of those, their interest in my personality was so abusive
that I smelled bad when I plod on as I should, they built a narcissism media
where they can spend time showing they hoped it would all get worse, I would
lose interest in food and panic when I realise it is time to get to work and I
still am unable to eat, then I lose the remaining three days of the week as
well for them to have their fun. Then it gets worse, they had handled my social
life to improve their stupid careers to the point where I was single beyond the
stage that I should be, I had written a Book that was placed by publishers in a
place where patents could be effectively policed and the insults followed me
there to ensure others could make money with my career, unable to get through
made up idea that it had which was just as effective on the narcissism media
and set about making money with it, the abuses continued like that, somewhere
in the middle it followed me to University to finger my bum, claiming I had the
resources by which it could move on with its stupid life and I ended up dropping
out – so at this point they were talking more about my bone distribution
structure where I was not stocky and I was not tall, was somewhere in the
middle and not exposed to the bum fingering gimmicks like most people were and
they made use of it to such an extent they had to build a community that was
dedicated to fingering my bum and complained that I should have gotten
physically attacked for the smell at this stage whilst their stupidities were
dealing with an adult that was not going to change much. As I mentioned it is
now at the point where they need to make use of and make a mess of a Libras existence,
to the effect where they need come up with those famous peoples insults
everyday whilst I too came up with a plan to shut down their famous careers for
the day every day. Insolent Scorpio claims it was told that it had a natural right
to take advantage of Libras, so spent its youth being tough and knows people
admired its energy for work, so in the course of doing these all I had worked
for had gone to shit and its abusive Scorpio gimmicks was now working with
politicians and famous idiots, which I think it is going to need, and will need
all of it – poof Leo decides that they were the best match and it was their
duty to ensure that they shared my secrets with the world and got rich doing
so, build communities that did everything by exploring my private parts and is
currently vying for scraps of superiority on the world stage but has not yet
learned to get out of my affairs and take its media insults with it - and we have not yet done the part where the need to breach my patents and share my income and livelihood leads them to get killed fighting communists on my behalf so everybody may earn a right to access my career and finances; at this point it was clear that I am not concerned about it, so the stupidities had resorted to building communities that finger my bum and distant violence, looking for more of what it is complaining about, whilst what it needs to do is get some more of its friends killed some by communists to improve the state of credibility for it.