We are now being told that Libras were getting into such a huge amount of trouble as will ensure a Libra was being attacked to satisfy a public appetite to see others suffer on behalf of themselves as a community and the person decisions they had made – no such thing is happening due to the fact that some stupid individuals who never stopped acting in a way that provoked people who possessed something they envied, up to the point where victims took the law into their hands, had failed to see that if they were so keen on the insults, they needed to stick to, desist from incessant changes with respect to my concerns and desist from activities that caused me instability with respect to my personal and social life. We know it is a confidence in Scorpios eternal vengeance when irresponsible Scorpio had failed to plan the finances properly, to set out making money by methods where I must have disagreed with the authorities of powerful people, and they were out to attack me and get paid for doing so, there has been complains yet about the way I turned the bottom chasing insults on them to deter which did not work, so my next move will be to crush the access to public life and shove the poorer Scorpios down the throat of the wealthier ones, then wait for the next scum that will show up here working with famous idiots who tackle me in order to share the wealth and lives and rich and powerful people. Virgo on the other hand was an old story, always had a gossiping and street crime need to bring ageist idiots into my personal life and finances, apparently loves public transportation operatives deeply and is currently getting out of hand because it was being allowed to keep its personal relationships, the rest were always doing stupid things with other peoples lives when making money and the thing that provoked them the most was to do with how they were supposed to handle my public image for money making, whilst I was using it to ensure these other criminal twats had to pursue the existence of their own lives and careers as well and then move into my right hand looking like that with a big mouth. Currently there has been no problems because I am not attacking the well off neighbourhoods over my Books, I am not attacking the bigger than me idiot who enjoyed inventing stupid things they can insert into my public life, to show up at the other end making sense of a villainous beauty and I am not pursuing results where Celebrities behaved like CEOs that were incredibly bad at the job but allowed to stay, therefore got around ripping up lives and careers to cover their backside, talking nonsense about the ways that celebrities could not simply just resign from fame or be expected to do so.

It is all going to end in one of those bad results where people had to try and show those they wanted to complain to, that I am strong and powerful enough to do what I did to them but could not actually prove that I am. It should be a matter of me and the work that state provided security had done for me, which allowed my Office work to fulfil the purpose of preventing these ageist gits from attacking public service operatives who obviously organised a career in a way that could cover their backsides, whilst we know that if they were done with that, their next target would be the tribunals and magistrates down the street corner, whilst everybody lived in a mindset that suggested the large buildings of the supreme Court and Centre Criminal Court was the legal system. What has happened is that the state provided security had provoked famous idiots over flattery concerning the way I organised my career and social life, so they had to rip up all I did to keep gangs and crime away from my career and finances, but have not been able to show anybody why they thought doing so should be justified, only claimed that it was suggested I had won a battle I was too small to win and the fact that they had busy lived in which they ate in restaurants and needed my personal life as a tool that puts their stupid famous idiots state of mind in the correct order for them to attend to venues without embarrassing themselves. This is therefore what needs to be achieved over the process of getting them to acknowledge they are aware this is a business premises and they were looking for trouble, have been doing so for quite long enough now; what is going to happen needs to be far from a process where they can now decide after a two decade career mess and health scares for me, that they were supposed to cover their backsides for a living, whilst I am able to decide I had given them an ultimatum as to the fact this was a business premises and they were looking for trouble. On the backdrop it was said my business with Celebrities was my fault but it is not really – Celebrities who involved themselves with my affairs uninvited, were never likely to do so without destruction that helped to highlight the fact they were home wreckers, besides which most celebrities usually spent their time campaigning against bullying and these idiots are not that type, they are the type created by useless men who were the source of Celebrity responses when the famous had decided that the campaign against bullying had failed and so decided to provide a service people will buy and become fans of by bullying them, creating their own famous women who tackled me all the time – that said, with respect to Celebrities I invited hurting me, I could say they were doing this even adding it to the fact that women hated them because nothing in other peoples families was ever done on time because of them, so they had this problems associated with women all over the place but it will not prevent well off neighbourhood Celebrity from taking advantage of me either way, hence being bothered by intrusive entitled famous git Celebrities always leads up to an inevitable clash.

It is all nothing but sore losers at the Law Courts who decided to band together as a community, first setting after my academic pursuits, about which it is currently no longer amusing that I dropped out on account that there were people making decisions about me in a condition whereby they did not need to show their faces, at the academic system and academic financing system, we are quite certain that facts were well established at this point as to the way that it is not as amusing as they originally suggested that was at this point. The live problem is that they had secured support from German influence gits, who set about a narcissism to say that they were to pick up my career and public life as a tool for feeling good enough to recover from their losses at the legal system and it would have no meaning save what had occurred, in that a bunch of famous idiots goading me over public control matters whilst breaching my patents and clinging to my finances, had provided them with a media presence for it, so they have done it so much that they had recovered their happiness and were now in a state of selling any other good feelings they got from continuing, whilst the reasons it happened everyday was linked to the fact that the idiots who provided them a media presence for it, were making a statement about how large they wanted their takings and share of the revenue to be.

The core of the problem here is apparently the need to be free from the bottom hurting issues, where are largely a product of their need to abuse others until people cannot step outside without thinking about the last abusive activity, that they had achieved a process where victims were no longer able to pursue the daily affairs, a product of a need to run down public service operatives to create scapegoats that can be blamed by their fans for the consequences of their lifestyle, on the pretext that if such person had already organised a personal and social life for public service, they would be more inclined to spend it than fight back, it is a consequence of their war on public policy that ensured they allowed other people pursue the daily affairs without interruption, then corrupt it to trash peoples careers and cling to yet more public standings, in order to get paid for being popular and in the end, I am an Arch Prince and they are not important people, this is not their property and needs to be free of their involvement. I mean that we are where we are solely for the reason that they have since settled up on something that worked for them i.e. the idea that I am a loser who needed to be whipped into shape as their insults had arrived at such a stage is all now counterproductive because the entire time, the idiots were running off narcissism on me that shared my career with Politicians, to make the financial mess which now exists, progressing onto the part where their friends and fans and everything that is part of a system of rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, played a role in which they did not plan the finances properly to save their enemy for bullying others, which German influence gits with bankroll for media narcissism that allowed them insert all sorts of nonsense into my life and show up at the other end making a lot of sense because they were bigger than I am, so the financial difficulties left them with their backs to the wall and a means to keep a clear head only when it comes to the designs that will allow them to blame others for their problems and make it profitable, which then progresses onto a war on public policy and a community that is created to finger bums and touch penises, whilst the same victims were set out abusively as people that should be blamed in order to ensure they could avoid some of the most violent persons in society – this is what they have settled down in and produced this outcome where I have now given them an ultimatum to make it clear they understand I am saying this is a business premises and their famous persons stupidities were looking for trouble. The threats they issued are usually all good, the problem with the Celebrities began when somewhere between Julian Assange and David Frost, the stupidities had developed from a need to liaise with sociopaths who needed to get involved with victims, get under the skin and use degradation to get what they wanted, meddling with the fact Police officers were the only people with authority to walk into the lives of such individuals with papers that would show them their crimes, the cost and the toll that was to be paid, effective pocket security service talk and show up here running me down over claims of something I actually did not say as a matter of my birth sign which provoked their stupidities, claim racist violence and police brutality was all linked to me and something done to protect me, onto a gimmick where they signed up to security services and showed up here running me down all the time, such that in their case they needed to curtail security service incompetence where people who had enough of them threw themselves to the enemy because they knew what the compensation from government will be but the famous and the press had to pick up the pieces about how they died with the families of security service operatives, running the stupid corrupt private security gimmicks on me to finger my bum with sociopath hoodlums all day and cling to my income for narcissism advertisement i.e. facts on the bottom hurting I justices, ripping up the work I do here which helped to prevent their ageist idiots attacking public service operatives and the legal system thereafter, I need that feedback on the deadline, that they understand this is a business premises and they have been looking for trouble long enough now to actually find it.

Their retrospective was clearly the one in which we recently arrived at this stage where they claimed I was incapable of taking care of myself whereas the problem was still one of people inviting themselves into my affairs, whilst their stupidities provided those who did with press narcissism, either way which we do not see them assist me with it in anyway, therefore difficult to ascertain how they arrived at the controversial financial wrecking conclusion that I am incapable of taking care of myself. Loves to issue its neo liberalist and right wing stupid threats at me naturally, the threats which were a result of access to the way that public service operatives organised themselves for a career, because it meant that they could perform all sorts of nefarious nonsense and still settle up a method that allowed them to cover their backside – does not stop issuing its stupid threats at me and I will seek a method to be free of its well off neighbourhood insults in such a way that it will end up getting hospital treatment for it. We are where we are because the insults have developed into the idea I am a pipsqueak everybody is concerned about but really should not be, on account that since 2017, the idiots had come through with an explanation for reasons they smelled something around me all the time, far from the fact that they push their backs to the wall spending their youth being tough whilst their Celebrities extracted money from my public image that would later be shared with them for security services whilst they got to bully me, then build communities that fingered my bum as well; it is not okay for people to cover the distance between their destinations with a sense that they ought to get imagination into my pants, short insolent videos that provide stupid ageists with means to knock eggs together and see which one is brave enough to keep a career, whilst finishing off making a lot of sense at the other end and selling aspects of the careers, social and personal lives of victims over a narcissism happiness is not okay, it is not okay for Celebrities to breach my patents hanging about public places and red carpets with extracts from my Books, which publishers had divulged to them because they were wealthy people, explaining personal problems they were too stupid to explain to the public in their own words, it would therefore seem that when they were not getting a response for these matters, they became an outstanding problem. None of this would have taken place without the government office gits with bright ideas, who came up with the narcissism of their own, that these idiots had done better than me in life, talking nonsense about a game they would love, getting involved with my wealth politics equity uninvited, to attack me in order to share a wealth that they had not paired with fiscal and monetary policy first before they wrecked peoples careers, adding to the way the idiots who owned such wealth already waged war on public policy and wrecked careers to gain the wealth in the first place; something achieved from years of leaving the parliament and security that was built for them to do the job buy, in order to hang around the streets attacking up standing people over a philosophical gimmick. From my point of view, celebrities extracted money from my public image and were now hanging about being rude and abusive, sharing it with quasi criminals who spent the youth being tough, in order to target me, so it would seem that they were finished and needed to move on; a simple matter of the fact that I am keeping a Bookshop and they needed to pay for what they used as this was really all about the money they made, hence the question is no longer that of whether they had money to pay for the Books. I do not care if it is all American power or not, in my view it is about the way that I seem to have been expected to know more about their jobs than they did because they envied my property, therefore set out to provide them what they needed for it, currently healthy enough for all the abusive things that had not yet built up to serious consequences, which it can perform as a detachment from the job whilst relying on the victim not to attack the job, never mind that the family was blissfully unaware as well. The practical jokes and Government Office abuses, were basically a product of saying that I am surrounded by criminals talking behind my back and they were to use it as a method of stirring the public for leadership purposes at Government buildings, hence a matter of other peoples idiot children that got elected and were telling me what to do, whilst the famous twats never got elected at all.