We are now told that I am being attacked and abused by the famous because they had become rather convinced that they would fare better than I did in a discriminating environment – I could never tell anyway, I know that they were a bunch of incredibly stupid people whose characters and personality was so perverse that it fundamentally suggested others ought to lose something important as a matter of where they were and where they wanted to go or how they were moving their bodies, in any given circumstances – sometimes I imagine they made it up but evidence had since shown that this was actually their nature which is incredibly unusual. The others were before they liked to become extremists, a people whose disposition was so tight that their women could not move save they had agreed to get into a fight and they were the cause of it. The similarities between me and them despite the fact we are not even of the same social class, is that I had incorporated their gimmicks into the way I operate due to the consideration that stress associated with it was too much to be handled separately. It needs to stop badly because it is all about ideas with respect to my person, about which I may be handled very abusively because they assumed that according to my appearance and demeanour, there would be no consequences associated with doing so, it is always fooling around and I need to do enough to ensure it understood the importance of fooling around where it had been informed expressly that its gimmick were appreciated.

They do claim my failings had to be made sense of and there are none as such, save failings which are entirely personal – the problem is still that I have now lived through 8 years of career publicity mess due to contact made by the famous with my affairs and my public work, such that can only be improved if my parents walked me into the job centre and into the work place, so that everybody could make sense of the idea that if I had a career publicity, I also had a family that backed it up, allowing me to concentrate on what I am doing and of course the time spent studying or working to add up with respect to my career – also makes sense of reasons their parents ought to receive a feedback at some stage with respect to the narcissism I had to tolerate around here. The excuses their stupidities have put up for this being that I had no function at the Monarchy whereby it is not clear if they expected me to discuss with the Media any action that I may have performed as a matter of executive governmental authority; so clearly all it needed to know is that it does read my birth sign but fails to read it properly, that I am a Royal Libra, never can remember a time people did not get involved with me because they learned something from me to get out of victimhood which I always tended to possess resources for, therefore their gimmicks were making a lot of mess around here, the mess was getting worse and their stupidities were not fixing the problems, where it would seem their prime famous person concerns whenever they felt they could not cease passing insults at me when their family had not gotten a feedback for the nonsense I had to put up with endlessly, is that my existence was explained and justified to the public; that if there is no 100% victim according to the Law, the question had to be settled as per the exact point that a victim was really a victim and reasons for the Government to think of them as victims, the consultation processes that will be passed onto the Parliament and the Laws that will be made and enforced by the security services. It does not mean I am explaining my existence as such, simply point put that if I am doing anything with executive authority, their only business was to know that the public control issues that were actually human beings were making the most of their famous persons insults whilst their stupidities thought that sharing money with them and making others people who were bullied so that the money might be shared, was the way to solve the problem, therefore I was likely to discuss my position with them even if it was approved that I could – needs to cease ripping up my finances, stay away from the Bookshop and keep its comments to its own career at this point or I will embark on a series of activities that will stop it as per if the neighbourhood was the cause of my problems or the society was or the Celebrities were, I will be at war with all these things; the theory that the way is plays out most of the time is that crooks meet nice guys, get rich fast pretending I am a character they can step on without consequences and if I nice guy is successful never the less, it ends in a law Court because murder had occurred, only existed in their fantasies, always stupid enough to start, the complaining about me had since become a National phenomenon and I am now the one offering its stupidities the exit to keep its comments to its career and stay away from my Bookshop. This history of my time on this planet is marked by so many instances of people complaining to the authorities after they had showed up here to perform these kinds of rubbish.

There is only a single problem here and it involved famous idiots extracting money from my career publicity and never looking back after on the matter of running me down as part of a method that they made even more money – we have since arrived at a stage where their security pricks and stupid fans were laying hands on me from a safe distance because I told them off – the whole time, the cause of their problems was the need to make a mess of other peoples affairs, so it would claim that its fame job was the culture of the land itself and huge crowds of people would follow it, until it turned out that there will be 6 PhD holders meeting up on a job to which they were selected and assigned, for the purpose of providing means to regulatory activity that affected people who worked in the field that they were qualified and so it would turn out that they were talking about culture in the process – same as people engaging in agricultural activity, only then does it turn out that the famous idiots did not have careers that were literally the culture of the land and then their bottom would hurt and they would find out the purpose of my career was to kiss it better with a big mouth. I now need to get to a point where I met up with them over it but first have to get to the stage where I am angry enough to embark on the activities associated with such a meeting; history being first that they started this when the need to lip flap nonsense about some powerful characters that were the reasons they had to progress the sense that attacking me or making me enemy of the USA would make them rich, were fundamentally unhappy about the existence of my Books, providing them a license to breach my patents and hang about on the red carpets, using the literary work to explain their personal problems to the stupid fans, which personal problems were a product of personal decisions that they were too stupid to avoid – now we were working results in which their security idiots, well off neighbourhood gits and stupid fans had laid hands on me from a safe distance because they thought the best use for my career publicity was to kiss better their sore bottoms, whilst they extract money from my public image, to share with criminals and hoodlums that were born under birth signs that were more dangerous than mine. They do claim I would have responded to the challenges the same way they had which is utter nonsense as the way they are was the issue putting up the point that I am partly responsible for all these, which responsibility I only accept on the basis that I set out an Office on the need to push them into a difficult situation which created popular culture, as they were already working me on the basis that they were hoodlums who had not lost the bully character from school and I was such a coward I did not deserve my career, which had since grown into a matter of some git in the USA bankrolling every stupid activity that they wanted to perform with my career publicity as part of the fact they came from families of entitled crooks who screwed everybody they met, so for the fact that they invited themselves into the structure because Celebrities got involved and they considered themselves Celebrities, I do take responsibility, although it is heavily discounted by the fact that the way I set out the Office was the main reason they complained about me endlessly since the result was that their trouble maker families were losing fortunes for their involvement, so far the premise is that I am dealing with so much of the daily insults because they were a bunch of famous idiots who think I am one of their biggest fans even though there is evidence to the contrary.

On the matter of how badly wrong it could go for me, that will never actually get to happen, there is only the one problem of an idiot from the USA bankrolling every practical joke that scum who will not get a real job wanted to perform on my career publicity. The rest is simply looking for trouble where somebody will decide they cannot be allowed to have the society, the celebrity culture, the paparazzi or the birth sign reading pseudo profession male society trading narcissism seminars - I must now accept that I needed to work hard to prevent the murders and extreme violence cases but it would appear that the street violence was essential (they wreck the careers of people they assessed to have possessed violent tendencies, wrecked mine to ensure I spent more time with such persons and their poofs pick up my career publicity for gimmicks, blame it on it and suggest I deserved it because I possessed the meas to solve the problems they had created, in order to build a crowd that will help them get rich, once they were, I faced more than the crisis of a need to complain about my responses as an idiot from the USA enjoyed bankrolling their stupidities to suggest it was an action performed as part of a process that curtailed extremism and tyranny). It was about the power I possessed they say and power is by its nature stupid but it is naturally, like a two decade career mess because handling me felt good and they were entitled narcissists, two decade career mess solely by means of being distracted so intense that it occurred, the way we see them share their famous incomes with the frugal, needs continue the famous peoples insults, especially the part where there were idiots working me for destitution, obscurity and social despondence in the service of stupid women who had come across money handling my public life without permission, considering it allowed them to build communities that acquired the skill to touch my penis and finger my bum from the habit of passing enough insults at me to work brutality from a safe distance, fooling around so much at my expense that they had to catch their breath, clearly, I am fooling around with them too. I am now told that it is possible all of these might have been an attempt to assist me whilst we know the only useful form of assist was a result where they stayed away from my public image which allowed people make sense of the fact I had a Royal public image and could not see another as that would lead to public matters – the fundamental problem still being that the famous idiots picked up my literary work and set about trashing the work I did to create it in order to ensure I was being made to serve their stupidities and that of their touts, louts and hoodlums on the world stage, which created the bottom chasing problems in the first instance that they have converted into a form of business that involved a bum fingering upstart gimmick that became the means to suggest the best purpose of my property equity arrangements was to progress from working luxury equity for example, to covering their backsides for a living, then get up on the Press to seek privileges of injustice from government office pricks and send out the private security industry idiots, rogue landlords and abusive shop keeping twats to attain revenge for the stress.