I am eventually informed that it was also my fault that this business of getting out of bed everyday to get into a fight which was unnatural for the fact I am a Libra was being entertained, I understand this, just like the other question about what I expected the Celebrities to do about the situation they have created here. It is clearly the reasons that the two birth signs responsible will never be free of me I.e. Scorpio and Virgo – Scorpio was the reason for people to stifle my finances after working HGVs and double decker public transport on me every time I attended University, until I dropped out, then waged a mini war on my finances up to the point where even the government became convinced my very existence was the cause of Police brutality, to create this result where they have planned a working life and their retirement to spend their youth being tough and building communities that finger my bum an upstart to get money off famous idiots who always jumped on a band wagon – all so that Scorpio might spend its time investigating Law enforcement on behalf of abusive society and show up talking nonsense about the way their stupidities got seduced by the way that criminals solved problems, to such an extent they committed their own crimes, which the same law enforcements had to resolve. The Virgos on the other hand were the reasons for the mess that have followed after I tidied up the University drop out bits, they had to trash everything I did to protect myself from ageist idiots who always played a part in my bad financial wellbeing and mental health, making stupid statements about the way they had spent more time in the work force than I had and since they were in good position when I tried to find my first job being seen with a lot of talent and personality, they could always take advantage of me to avoid doing a days work, such that it gets to the stage whereby even when these idiots will run campaigns that their German influence twats had picked up, in which I had taken up a career that was too big for me and should be handed over to others otherwise bad people will attack me and retrieve it to the detriment of all, their Virgo stupidities was the force behind the business of moving people off the gimmick of dreaming to put things into my orifices, being trashed so such that the platform by which they did it became increasingly every more popular up to the stage where the famous idiots got involved and thought they could do and undo, therefore if their famous stupidities were affected it was my fault too. The Scorpio part has been done at this stage, regardless of what now exists at this point as revenge for stress, banging walls and doors at me with a gimmick in which I am living under the bootheel of some cunt famous prick for destitution, so it is the Virgo one that is outstanding with the male population and public transport idiots fighting off the hoodlums and criminals that their German influence idiots and Italian gits that married my wife at the Monarchy had informed them I am too much of a coward to deal with whilst securing assistance from politicians to build up the stupid ideas that the way I stood up for myself should be passed on to those who were willing to fight and I ought to secure another way to stand up for myself, getting in my space everyday – it really calls for the sort of action where I too built a society in which the male population could get no respect and develop it into an experiment to find out if their stupidities can multitask more than I can on the matter of abusing them all the time and taking advantage of them for financial purposes too at the same time and then Virgo will tidy it up and I will get something that remotely looked like normalcy. The core of it is still a matter that beats my imagination all the time i.e. this business of ripping up my public control work to ensure that criminals, hoodlums and localised terrorists gained unfettered access to my affairs whilst I was being said to be such a coward that I did not deserve to have my career and there were people waiting to take control of it with a big mouth, it is never clear exactly why it is the case that what they can do since they were able to do a better job with respect to those issues always stupidly involved the idea of telling me what to do, I suppose the next gimmick that involved a sense there was a behaviour I should cease to engage in will likely produce a result in which I found something really important to them that I can cease to do, in order to make their gimmicks more amusing than it currently is. Scorpio was the Police brutality one, Virgos big mouth has been so far the cause for the rise in fitness industry.

It continues to raise that silly point beyond the idea their famous idiots were more important than I am whilst showing up here to work with Government office gits who claimed that they were more financially comfortable than I am and should therefore attain the right to provoke me and be heard first, continues to raise that point about its stupidities waging war on public policy, don’t touch women unless permitted to is not something that they can do, whilst I had to deal with a Book that will be allowed success if it was being managed by considering their stupid needs and feelings, wages war on public policy endlessly, wages war on civil leadership every day, shows up here talking nonsense about fighting communists on my behalf because its stupidities was unable to do the military leadership all together – the destruction of my finances everyday based on the fact I am a public service operative and it was not in their interest to complete the job of annihilating the communists, talking rubbish at me. I think I am going to pair up the matter, including the fact that the way it really worked in the Communist block was a world in which you could easily travel down a road in which you could see important buildings of state on one side belonging to Russians and on the other to North Korea, the road being travelled on was  Chinese Road, which was the kind of state in which the local authorities in those parts of the world worked, to make sense of their famous idiots ripping up my career to get their hands on cash that the banking system would otherwise have destroyed, running me down everyday lest the idea that it made us all poorer and it was an activity that the Politicians ought to put a stop to, allowed me to concentrate on my own affairs, to settle that stupid problem they had with communists once and for all, so the next time it was raised, they will have begun the process of having business with an enemy on either side.

On the matter of what I expected the Celebrities to do about my affairs, it was a simple as a total absence of comments, gestures and involvement with respect to it; I mean history is that it has been good for them even if they loved to attack my career, just as much as it has been for me and everybody else, when my affairs were allowed to be as quiet as an Arch Prince’s business should be – what we know they have done is make it rowdy for me, stifle my Bookshop, show up here to build me another public life and complain about the way that the fact my affairs were not as quiet as they should be, had affected what they did when they picked up my work to make entertainment, ultimately making such a mess for me, I did warn them that living under their bootheel whenever I went to a work premises to bury my head will be their undoing and this is the beginning of an experiment to see if they were really going to stop it according to their own schedule and get away with it. It really has nothing to do with me that they were famous and ran their affairs the way they did, apparently we faced this problem because of government office gits with strange ideas about the ways they should be heard first when they attacked my career and complained, over ideas they were financially comfortable enough for such privileges, then I get told my problem was financial which it should be since the government office gits were accustomed to making a mess like this and running off their gimmicks about the way that making me financially desperate will cause me to assist, since I left school, it has been the Government office poofs at it, so I am left working in the private sector with a sense that I should be earning money, as though the customers were naïve and did not know what a completed job looked like; likes to lip flap about what I had done to their communities which is simply a set up that involved gathering people to the effect that they were unable to stop running me down when I am behind my door and on the streets, so that the abuses of their famous idiots would allow them to get imagination into my pants all day, I did issue the warning well enough in any case about the way that working me with this at an employment venue will spell trouble for their affairs and its stupid Celebrity culture. The point then being raised that I found Celebrities useful at some point which I did, as per I was entrusted with academia i.e. the issues behind people being concerned that it was the absolute worst to get out of bed everyday and engage with this nonsense – it should at this point be a matter of me, my state provided security and my spouse, engaging in public service activities that fed into duties fulfilled and equities worked for brokers, such that the economic system was confident in putting up products at the industrial parks, to be distributed at the High streets – the kinds of academia I was entrusted with ranged so wide from Kindergarten to Space travel, so working that I considered some things could be handed over to the entertainment industry, so that the business of those who distracted others from the academia would be solved with popularity and socially, since it came with administrative process that ensured they suffered a lot of the consequences that will make them bum chasing up start gits : it has now been completely trashed by the famous idiots who sold it out for organised crime products, ran me down with a 12 year campaign claiming I was the cause of public problems and criminals could be paid off crime, whereas the only way they could half the problem of crime was to give the criminals free money, stifled my bookshop hurting me and my clients in the tummy by wrecking the public work I did to create the Books over ideas that the real purpose of my Books was to kiss their stupid famous backsides better and is now finished off with birth sign reading nonsense that involved giving money to birth signs that were more dangerous than I am, to show up here talking nonsense about a Natural right to dominate and make me a character people bullied to resolve financial problems, garnished with corrupt private security industry gits working with some rogue landlords to steal my diet and share it with them lest the be affected by control measures, issuing the stupid threats each time their famous insanity was affected because it was impossible for them to be Royalty like I was.

Eventually we heard that this was all a product of the way that women were always overjoyed to have Libras around but it was a simple matter of their stupid wealth and social inequality problems whereby the government will have a cake for five persons and divide it between five persons but somebody still ended up with a cake piece that did not have a lot of icing on it, or the industries engaged with the local communities and somebody was left worse off – either I will run this Bookshop on schedule and concentrate on my academic pursuits and career or I will look towards making a career for myself as a fat cat, fuck them over properly and raise some money to assist the women even if I knew that I could not raise enough. It has been 20 years of a bunch of real men fooling around with a persons career and not a single product has been paid for, needs to keep its mouth shut and read a Book (at the point where the link had been established between whole groups of people complaining about me and some unusual interest in my career publicity involving German influence idiots and Italian Mendacity gits whom the public transport twats were fighting off on my behalf, about which I am too much of a coward to deserve my career on account that I had misplaced a device containing 3 decades worth of projects and other items at the Public transport system, which disposition I used as a tool to both rescue my Clients' markets and to run an intellectual property administration business from a platform of their society madness and the vandalism of their Celebrities, somebody should have been deterred from an unusual interest in my career publicity and a famous gits should have ceased jumping on a band wagon at my expense). I have as a Libra done enough for them on the wealth and social inequality matters as I was obviously interested, the rest and the cause of my problems was due to their need to fool around and if I am getting more trouble from them since restricting my interests to those who wanted to get this business up and running by engaging with the Books as well, I am set on a course that will ensure they stopped fooling around on my terms. The idea ultimately that my public work was in a mess is utter nonsense too, it is all a bunch of goons with a need to develop pseudo security services and solicit the authorities to tackle people on their behalf, the King had decided which is not surprising considering he had a history as Prince of Wales of being the Nasty character at the top, that gets them involved with the personal lives of others, to claim that it was the way it was going to be, save the times that he was complaining about it because he was a Leo Birth sign who was well aware how to go about being such a poof, what has now happened is that His Majesty had assumed that supporting them for a time would make them a problem that could be easily dismissed and it has not. I do not think it is a crisis, it needs to find the National level enemy it fights on my behalf and vanish or it was clear it continues to spew those threats at me and we will end up with a situation where what had gotten serious to get them suggesting I supported Police brutality in the USA will repeat itself, this time with a need for me to secure my pension at their expense, so the German influence idiots deciding how brave I had to be and the Italian pricks marrying my wife at the Monarchy may continue robbing it in my face to lip flap the way that their insults were a civil right and it was a skill, this time they will play to the fullest, having found their ideal opportunism. I do not think it is the end of the world I should mention, just a world in which it will show up performing this nonsense at my expense and their plans for a career, financial well being and a retirement was built on abusing me in the worst possible ways, I will take an interest in their privacy, so the abuses were never on my mind because they never got sleep whenever they performed it, to which effect I will be stripped by Politicians claiming they were willing to fight for the authorities and the way I stood up for myself should be handed to them whilst I found another way to stand up for myself, at the same time that famous idiots will open up my social and personal life so the opinionated ageism and its gits would be able to fantasise about my orifices until they could get imagination down there - the problem is that the same idiots, government office and fame are now complaining and claim that I am the person with the skill to solve the problem, never paid for a copy of my Book in this place in the 15 years since I completed the first one and encourages the public not to as well, what we were getting from an outcome where I did it all over again was a condition in which we got to live in a world where we would be real men.