We hear endless stories to suggest then that I am homosexual but do not wish to come out on it due to fear but I have no idea why it is that when I am say I am not homosexual, people still think it is inadequate. There is then every indication that I am going to consider the facts, such as the part that they play when a collection of civil disobedience ageist idiots spend their time building crowds that abuse me behind my back with a select few that confront me with violence every time I step outside of my door to churn my tummy and how their stupidities turn up to absorb all I do to move it on for their own conveniences talking nonsense of the justice I expect while all I will get is corruption. Indication I am going to consider how I write a Book their stupid Celebrities find useful, so they stifled the sales and built me a five year History of insults they can manipulate, claiming the tummy issues they inflict on others affects them at the same magnitude which we all know isn’t true and somebody had to be responsible for it, handling my Books by illegal and criminal processes they now think I owe them a career debt to avoid making sure they got punished for and yet it seems that if they have not gotten a response from me, it was their civil and human right to perform such activities talking nonsense at me the entire time, especially such facts as these when they claim I am homosexual but refuse to come out for it. Then there is the part where they claim that what I am complaining about is a product of what I have done to their culture and society but I don’t see that there is much they can do about it either way; that said, the facts are that they are a handful of stupid and insulting pukka women who are always seen playing stupid games with a business of moving into areas of my life where I have done the best work for my public image, personal life and career, to hang around threatening me with the aid of big men that exist to back them up, which society goons will now deal with on our behalf because of Brexit and get into league with it later to become a pain in our backsides, setting the stage for us to live in a truly hellish and debauched society as a whole and the next time I talk about these matters to end up dealing with statements of what they deserve to do because of the way I have handled their culture and society, the response from me will likely be one of getting myself on a scheduled deadline to see a stop to it as well. We see this sort of nonsense everywhere – the society goons will build a crowd that hangs around me all day passing about life changing insults and abuses but of the stupid communities built for to make it happen, there is a group that are bold enough to get imagination up my bum, so these are the ones the Politicians get into government buildings to force me into regarding as clever people and yes that has been done but the whole sordid affair continues to get worse still on their watch – the outcome of this process where it’s not enough when I say I am not homosexual is likely to be that I thought the whole ideology of homosexuality as that which is a threat to me considering the fact I am unable to handle a whole crowd all by myself and then this will be the beginning of a process where it got to stop the way that their stupidities would have liked it to. The whole thing is everywhere and we find them say that I am always caught up in the lives of homosexuals while it is their insults and abuses that build up a premise around my person that is suggestive of the benefits of anal sex – where it is always about how I should be used and not what I know, which began since 2002 when their obsession with what my personality could be used to do for them in terms of the fame and fortune that cures insanity which comes as a result of their whole lives being spent on the business of lying and stealing all day long; live out an existence that is impervious to the social conditions that cause people to be homosexual and they want me to be homosexual rather than follow the leadership, write a Book Celebrities find useful and they stifled the sales to build a sense of how I should be used through a five year history of insults instead of reading it, make statements about these to ensure that any who does not read the Books do not benefit from the services and American influence gets violent, select a terrible neighbourhood to look after a Hermitage and those who took them to Buckingham Palace to show the Monarchy there are more superior black people out there beyond my silly self-had hit the jackpot, once they hurt themselves with it my whole life got flushed down the loo talking nonsense about what they did for the society, public and country as compared to what I did and can do as a premise to the privileges they can never stop acquiring at my expense as its usually assumed other people’s world revolved around their stupidities, when they see society fools who wrecked my academic work and were made to suffer for incessant involvement with my concerns after, they play a part that ensure my tummy cannot stand it and then turn up to blow off that big mouth like so, that I am gay hence when I say I am not, it’s not sufficient for them, so it is all looking like another campaign to see if I can cure them of it is on the cards but what is overwhelmingly obvious at this stage, is that homosexuality has always been forced on people and no such thing as people being born that way. The story of me looking the part like keeping my pressures in my hips like women do instead of my chest like most men do, while the real issue is a need for them to look like the pocket of society stupidities that allows them rally idiots to follow me around on the streets with abuses, insults, violation and violence is something they cannot stop, which leaves me with a need to start working processes that puts me between them and their employers like that was the main problem as well. Besides which we know that anal sex is something women do but I am always having to deal with insults that put me in a position that suggests I need it, like I would have been having it with them if I were – nothing works around here the way nature intended anymore, blowing off that big mouth with a media presence, criminally handling my Books to make stupid comments every day. The big mouth is all good, the reality is that when I do them again there will be another story as per whether I am on the side of Russia or the West, the first one that started around 2001 did not end well and we are now 2 decades into their stupidities settling a form of relationship with me. In the end I get told that I never mention some of the important reasons behind their activities and I suppose this would rather serve a very good time to point out their gimmicks are linked to a matter of the current defence Chief coming from Celebrity culture background, I mean we cannot say we see him link it up with his job the last time we checked but they have been all over the place to ensure others bore the responsibility and the bottom hurting, at the same time which anything that appears to be a privilege of security that facilitates a means of criminal activities that grab the best work people do for their career such as this, is embraced with open arms, whereby if they did wish to keep it secret, all those insults about people fighting my battles all day long, if they did wish to keep it secret until they dominated everything, I do not see how claims that I am homosexual actually helped. In retrospect, this matter has never really been a problem since I had gotten my Books into Publication, they had abused the work and I had followed up with statements on their behaviour, making it impossible for them to benefit from the services without buying it but then again even while they are aware that I had made a copyright statement on my Books about people setting out a distant learning and benefit premise from it, their need to take selfies on my work and Public image especially for the Americans is still as bad as ever and so it is when I think that there is no need to pay for Publicity while I am getting a free one that the bloody idiots will start to think I have acted in a way which suggested I needed to be stopped with their big mouth. This whole business of smelling still goes back to the corrupt things the FBI, CIA and NSA did with them to allow them access to people’s private existence and what they are saying is that they get their imagination up the part of my life where what I did in the loo was not even shared with my spouse because they have seen me naked, they have seen me in the bathroom and so on. So, I am not homosexual and when I say so, it should be sufficient before we head towards an outcome where it stops as they would have wanted it to being dragged towards an existence that is not mine every time I am seen, full of threats and insults and then issuing calls to violence if my tummy cannot stand it with a big mouth for years unending. They claim the Labour Party has now completely destroyed my life and of course it probably has, as it’s a party of incredibly evil fools; the Conservatives for instance like to fool around with this idea people are poor because they refuse to get into a fight that will protect their patch and when it goes wrong it can be seen to be instances of failings and corruption but the Labour Party is just purely evil and progresses with wickedness the same way we used to progress from School to College and then to University - at this point, those who say there is neither God nor the Devil have been robbed of agency, those who believe in a religion have to deal with years of them hanging around at Government buildings to peddle war with and on it giving way to talk of completely wrecking the lives of victims regularly in a bid to get their stupidities running wild at mainstream living again - of course it has wrecked my life when it has not yet secured a response from me. They do say I talk because there is nothing I can do about it whereas it’s a choice of whether to tackle it in terms of the narcissistic happiness at my expense which facilitates a face that is able to sell things and get rich fast at Market or do I tackle it in terms of them getting all over my Public image to make Celebrity culture while I am trying to run a Bookshop with it or do I tackle it in terms of starting a fight with Politicians which is usually the sweetest of the three.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland