A lot of the times it is suggested that my work is a mess, but it is not – the first part of the gimmicks I must tolerate here is that a handful of popularity gits set about building a crowd that will believe anything that said about what I am doing and once they had begun to work Government Office holder’s paranoia on it, had achieved the greatest thing in the world on Media. The other part is their need to secure funds and pay people for being popular on my social and public life, which created a disposition that facilitated financial well being for those who wanted to do me harm. The last is an alliance with Celebrities and a series of money-based career intimidation gimmicks that is meant to make me my own worst enemy with respect to my career and if that had failed, I became a tortured soul, while chasing and grabbing the Public image they had to get paid for being popular on and it’s the insults that they develop from this especially with respect to what they believed was respect they deserved and industry activity that accounts for the most times they had to complain about me too – I end up paying such a high price for it.

From here, all conundrums stem from their power, greed and abuses, such that it eventually comes down to Men putting their imagination up my bum on the streets to make statements that they were not homosexual and I looked like I desired homosexual sex, after they knew their wives spent all day humming abuses towards my residence, abuses that explain the prognosis of my personality – this is how we ended up with this eventuality where more from them will spell a catastrophic end, considering what their stupidities and its involvement with me had already done to my career and now what people think of me and my public image i.e. the untidiness that encumbers the finances as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland