The claim now is that I make a lot of trouble, but people are not aware of it else I would get into trouble for it. I wouldn’t know anyway, they were the ones doing all the fighting, once finished, claimed a victory, and set out a Media scandal that will decide what reality was. What they mean then by the trouble I make is a process where they wreck University studies and now having passed exams to chase ownership of my social life and public image including any careers I had in the future, they were finding it difficult to Police the University Credit that they were paid to supervise. The Politicians spent 9 years of my time trashing and wrecking to get gangs and hoodlums and criminals woven back into my career, finances and academic work but then hung about at Government buildings complaining that they were unable to cover their backsides. The most recent is this business of running off lasciviousness at my expense to ensure criminals and hoodlums were interested in my personal space and the ownership of my social life and public image, while celebrities knew where my Books were and could wreck it to perform verbose routines at me that will get them paid by ageists and other fools who generally desired what I owned, which we know is the main reason that they are supervising the payment of Universal Credit because of me and we also know that the threats do not solve a problem as well as a process where they shut it down. In the real world we do not yet know why the Prince of Wales, Duke of Sussex and the Male population had such an issue with the work that I have done but it appears that I am the only person with a social standing, whose industrial interests that emerge with respect to the Queen’s authority that decided it was not a matter of the bottom chasing issues as much as it was a matter of a persons relevance, is being interfered with to such an extent that I had financial difficulties, we also know that all the blabbing proved nothing since it involved keeping their salaries, showering others with insults whenever it was big and of course getting on Media to secure an exit for the effects of their actions, which does not prove that they would get me into trouble if they found out the nature of the problems I created for them because I was turning these things on them as well. None of them has a viable solution for a process where Celebrities will have decided they did not want to get jobs or do show business but the work I had done on Public ceremony matters had eventually through the hell that had been built for me by the abuses of the Prince of Wales and Duke of Sussex, reached a result where we were clear about the disposition that involved employers, celebrities and everybody else getting a job. It is not clear what problems they had with the work I did but the threats are incredibly distracting and very annoying: I mean they tug tail and run at the slightest sign of trouble and each time somebody else gets it done, what we end up with is this unusual interest that involved practical jokes and the gimmicks they invented to get accustomed to it. The world of Celebrities for instance says that Celebrities were the scumbags of the business world: which they claim is not necessarily the case because I could make my daddies happy by making money and making money would have involved taking seriously the fact their stupidities had built up and develops a test for me every day, on the fact people had no respect for anything that suggested my Books were products and others would pay money for it, to handle my personality and chase the insulting and incredibly stupid dream of being real Men which they claim is a product of my attitude, the lies that never stop, where we have not yet seen where their own tended to end hence the blabbing all over the place for it (we are talking about my social life and access to it which they should not have, celebrities and access to public interest in my Books which they should not have and various other issues that are tied of my corporate identity as the creator of a Book that sits in a space at the markets) – we also know that if I took these matters very seriously, their celebrity gimmicks as a problem would have been solved as well, which is the part that interests their stupidities as insultingly as possible, looking for a response especially when its filthy mouth shoots off the threats. So Celebrities were the scumbags of the business world and this shows itself to be the truth every time because other parts of Industry think of providing products and services by looking at the whole consumer picture, they only had to look at the lifestyle issues, we accept there are Celebrities who do not want to be seen that way, but then again either way of the work I do on the carrot and stick matters with respect to Public ceremony, we will still end up with a three part story of Celebrities and popularity gits, employers and everybody else trying to get a job – those whose salaries get to their heads, need stop making a mess of my Books to get up on Media and run off a scandal that helped them shoot off the dirty mouth at me as well, in a failed attempt to issue a threat. The problem has always been this lack of respect for what I do, such that beside the question of the time they make for it considering they were famous and had tight schedules, there is the problem of access to my work and property whereby I cannot attack them if they were in possession of it and if I retrieve it from them, they had a dream of me being in the same position with respect to their possessions before I recovered from the financial mess, look back once and I would have had 9 years wasted behind me and things set to continue the same way if I had not taken some drastic action. It develops into the story of questions on the behaviour of men towards women about which it is said that Men like me didn’t know what they were talking about and some people suggested men were afraid of strong women, while we get most of your ideas about women from our mothers and especially when married, the presence or company of a strong woman is utter social bliss as such, none puts a man in a difficult or compromising situation when the company is that of strong women, it is a myth that men fear them. The real problem of women being that if a female colleague had a small difficulty and needed assistance, which you are likely to feel obliged to because you understood what work challenges were and if you had to face it after having a child or several children etc, at which stage the feminists will make you wish that life was lived with Lesbians putting stickers to their faces to make themselves more recognisable but then again even so, if supporting a woman lasted 20 years, it certainly ended by the 20th year. The other more publicly displayed issue is that the people who loved to abuse women were not doing something out of the same things we thought was the correct way to relate with the female community, they just preferred to dominate other men and the women while doing it, especially with respect to women that were financially well off – I for my part believe I had gathered a reputation at this stage where it was clear if I had a Goddaughter she would be doing rather well on the mobility front, so they do say I take the women issue too seriously but its not about being impressive about the women, its more a matter of for instance the way that some women are emotionally stable while being able to secure jobs on Media where they were paid very comfortably, of which it is said that they achieved so much and show up to do a job that required public presence successfully because there were men who agreed to be abused and insulted by them whenever they needed to i.e. either way whatever people think happened, I want emotionally stable and successful women because of the nature of my Court system and Public duties. There has always been a singular problem of how Celebrities find time from their busy schedules to trash my Bookshop and pick up gimmicks developed my ageist gits which suggest I could have done a better job and there were younger people ready to fill my shoes, other uses for it included a process of claiming I liked anal sex and ripping up my finances, so the process was handling my Bookshop which is a crime, deploying the service process to build me reputation that decided whom I ought to be which is another crime that speaks for itself as they get off getting paid for being popular on my public image, finally once they were well messed up, their sense of privilege moved onto the business of trying to get me keeping their secrets so they might continue to be famous, a problem that can be solved by a realisation they are not entitled to my career and to respect what I do as a writer.

I am informed it is all linked to Princess Beatrice of York, but we were of the assumption that the Princess was in a happy place when she got married, nothing to suggest somebody left their wife to have babies with a Princess; either way it needs to stop picking up my PR and needs to cease putting out stupid questions about my status. Altogether, the business of picking up my public life to make money had produced its results and I am single at 40 but the part where they abused my patents and picked up my PR until they picked up my earnings, regardless of when their stupidities wish to stop doing so if they were complaining, really was a display of how vile they were and I am not particularly interested.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland