I am now said to have shown by recent events, that I faced challenges like everybody else, with respect to what I did best. It is utter nonsense as we know the stupid challenges are usually a matter of cliché that they had invented, hence it is supposed to be the challenges I faced with worked for their insanity and any plans they had to make the best of any suffering I had experienced. We see this all the time, especially when they were getting around with their Celebrities i.e., that I worked like a bastard and thought I deserved the income I earned while I had not shown that I was one, by which the need to make a mess of my career and follow me around to exert career and finance decisions were developed with a big mouth, looking for as much trouble as it can find. Nothing I do puts me under any stress, just their gimmicks and the big one about which they speak involved the daddy characters seeking out some peace of mind from my personal space and to do that they had to have me tied down by getting every criminal, ex-convict and quasi criminal interested in it while they made away with any gimmicks exhibited at my expense, outcome being that I lived on government support and everything including my personal life has now stagnated. The one that causes the most stress being the understanding that these fools had given up on life and are now living as if they were retired, for which reasons, if I lived to the age of 60, I would have experienced luxury, this is therefore the reasons it needed to be clear that complaining about me will never help them save with the stupid Politicians that it had a history of doing, not handling me will. This is the work that needed doing which is not like the one about their celebrity and media fools who for some reason had to build up this nonsense and try to make money and business connections that will make them rich and facilitate the superiority of their children – so it stops the way it wants on this business of taking its stupid career where it gets into people’s lives to introduce itself as a VIP to a whole new stage, especially if I acted on the basis of the way it insultingly declares a mini war on me every time that I took action to move it on, claiming that the more I sorted out these matters was the worst it was likely to get because the crowds were loyal to the famous insanity.

I have been told that I had claimed those who suggested I would do anything to avoid a fight are wrong hence am a liar, but I am not because they claimed it was absolute that I would do anything to avoid a fight. The way it works is that if the fighting interfered with my ability to do anything to avoid a fight, I will be required to become a very destructive individual. The German influence gits have always continued to pretend their civil rights involved opinionated interference to enhance the profitability of their stupidities at my expense and do love to claim they get away with these which is utter nonsense as we know I have warned them about their stupid dreams that I am a war with women becoming a reality over their need to save their careers and handle mine for female verbosity, like all options had been closed save the fact I needed to beat up women at the market place to make progress with an existence I apparently shared with their stupidities. They do push the margins on the idea that none had been able to take widespread action on the popularity culture, its industry of vices and narcissism by which these obsessive and perverted interests in me are devised and of course are screwing around with a character that will likely become successful at trashing it. I don’t like the German interest gits at all apparently and the reasons are very simple i.e. first it sets about wrecking my career with a civil rights that allows it access to areas of my social life and career where I had done my best work, then follows on through its talk of the Town insults with a business of building me a community that gets imagination up my anus all day to ensure I smelled, after it built another community that will attack me violently while it got about somewhere a gold digger scumbag who must have it easy no matter the cost as if I owe its stupidities money in its modern world, making sense of what the Public should think of its newly developed popularity in terms of how much they should get and whether or not their idiocy had become famous – they are a bunch of gamblers considering how this nonsense meant the victims didn’t deserve a career until they were seen getting into a fight in public, a handful of gamblers who need to lose.

I am told that my life is a big disappointment and the way that I lie about it to trap important people is a social quagmire, which is utter nonsense – I planned it to ensure the woman was to do the financial issues because my parents were divorced and knowing what my life was like, I would not me tied to a wife by means of any covenants whatsoever if I had the financial matters fixed before we could share the burden equally. They had since decided, as stupidly as possible, that it meant I made plans to establish a relationship with women that were older than I am and it was their duty to prevent it, the point at which they showed up exhibiting their boyfriends and girlfriends with great ideas about a character they had sacrificed to enhance their own safety and social lives, was not in their view, a warning sign that their stupidities had sought out more trouble than they can handle, what appears to have pushed this information through is the current situation that had emerged because of their perverted interest in my Books. They do claim it’s about a person losing something important at the Monarchy and we know it is since the idiots could never use their freedom of speech and freedom of expression without making statements about being superior to me, up to the stage where they built up a market presence on the grounds of Buckingham Palace which no normal person does without expecting consequences sooner or later and then sent out their criminal minions to chase me around and make contact with me, churning my tummy until I dropped out of University, eventually this new need to build a crowd that will attack me because I smelled came from the fact I was now sharing Flats with their criminals minions as well, which had led to people telling them to lay off the smell issues from the highest point of authority in land, meaning we had reached rock bottom on the matter – it is complaining about losing something important which I think it sets up a situation to alongside its German influence twats because they believe they can take me on, it is complaining but the part where I dropped out of University came first. They do claim that what I said do not facilitate my progress either way but that would be the part where their stupidities have never really explained the importance of ripping up peoples careers and social lives, just so they might suck up to and share a crowd with Celebrities but the crisis I face now is that the ethics of my career is now in the hands of their stupid celebrities and we had already seen what can happen when they wouldn’t stop handling me because it was something special but they wouldn’t stop hurting me, so I had to ensure they had stopped handling me as well, now we are talking about a social arrangement that is guaranteed to make them money at all times; it does need to keep off my Bookshop and make comments about its own social life or we will be working on my financial wellbeing very fast, alongside their stupid Celebrities. I do get told it’s much more serious than the simple way I have put it but the serious bit is largely to do with concerns we fool around with the smell issues, which is largely a process where the idiots had become women, so they hang about somewhere feeling themselves which feeds into the background of social life like women do – the question is still how the fucking idiots ended up in that situation, such that we are talking about the fact Politicians cannot get a day’s peace of them complaining about me, while the fact I dropped out of University over their need to send out their criminal minions to share my space and sort out relationships with Celebrities, came first. They claim they had plans to have me replaced with a big mouth - which plans would have involved finding a Hermit from their Popularity world and then train one to fill the role of an Arch Prince like we see their stupidities succeed at everything they set out to do, more so, when they do get out of their popularity lives, cease to punish me with modernity and blow off a big mouth at me as if they are paying bills in this place to boost their incomes at the Markets, they will likely find a Hermit that wants to replace me for them.  I mean they do show they understood the role that little women played in National social life as such, because they had their own idiots who regularly liaise with criminals to work media careers, so that the crime will get all over the personal lives of Government operatives and become sexual and we know that idiots like these regularly face issues concerning war crimes, when they kill the little women during the wars that they invent – hence this is not in any way about educating them contrary to appearances.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland