The claim
is that I lived on Universal Credit, dropped out of University, and am still
involved with Government but the process was done because I was involved with
Government in the first place, it is an exercise on their social madness to say
the least. Now it has recently become evidence of how clever they really are,
concerning which we are rather pleased they completed their studies in the
first place. It is difficult to tell the reasons they their industrial
popularity needed to be run off on normalcy by which other people’s careers
were successful, we only know that when the idiots needed some normalcy
people’s careers suffered for it. we know I should have started selling my
Books more successfully about three years ago but have not because of what
Celebrities believe to be an amusing practical joke by which I can be used but
the problem is that Celebrities are not in charge – mostly 80% of them made
their fame by plugging their madness into my social life, whereby a group of
criminal gits got off giving them money for it, they then became the face of
success and everybody wanted to copy it, hanging about performing gimmicks that
suggested others were meant to cover their backsides while they made money – I
really wish some would take their Civil service jobs more seriously on a
professional front if they can see what has happened when I got a security
guard job and the factory job and the warehouse job and the sales job. They
could deploy their energy to tell off the Celebrities if they want me to be
more successful at the Bookshop, not deploy it to put more pressure on me while
my finances are tight. Eventually we find that whilst I am talking about what
is meant to be the case on a professional front, they are talking about whether
their insults had successfully made me homosexual which had taken up my time
and the parameter was not their bank balance, it was mine – so whenever it
issues the threats, I am rather very certain 100% that it is the big mouth
wagging. They do claim I loved to suffer like a grouch which I don’t – this is
about running a successful Bookshop on the basis that I got Media and
Celebrities ditching an 8 year history of me doing nothing about the business
of people showering me with abuses and insults and they are saying this is
never going to happen because their stupidities were very important; we see
this when the Men never stopped making statements about their producers and
managers picking up my books and public image to help them secure their bonuses
because I am not relevant and will run it off like that every day killing off
my earnings to issue threats which kills off my health as well, while the women
will get a handful of poor people to run their imagination up my bum blabbing
about being more important and so my salvation relied on the business of me
seeing these poorer people as characters that really should not exist, if I
wanted to stop my body smelling on me and so on – all feeding into the fact we
have just spent 15 years of my time to reach this stage where they got to pick
up and enforce pressure that comes from the Monarchy for the Commission that I
hold, which pressure they had taken upon themselves to execute, by means of
years of insults and abuses that are designed to wreck my career and finances
and get me fighting people on the streets for them because they have always
wanted me that way, about which their excitement never stopped pinching,
poking, pushing and shoving at me, now it seems their dreams of forcing me to
do this fighting for them is about to become reality. All of these produce the
idea that I do not take these matter as seriously as I should and as it is merited;
but if I did, we would be talking about a link between Media and Celebrity
insults connecting the way criminals made social media profiles to inform the
public they were chasing a need to lay claims of ownership to my social life
and public image but if I ask the famous idiots to stop handling me, keep from
my Books and stop making silly comments at my expense, there will be a mini war
because their stupidities suggested I was being disrespectful, hence having
been this had been happening for the best part of half a decade, I need to push
the matter through to the part where we had to decide what became of everything
that had happened again despite the flurry of warnings that came prior. The
other question asked if the reasons I tended to let this issue run off for such
a long time and yes I do because it’s a public stability matter i.e. the number
of people that will likely go off to fight their wars because they could no
longer tolerate this and the mess it would make of public stability, so if I
got about stopping people, the idea created would be that my function as a
Government operative was to punish the Public, so I have to work on it and it’s
a matter of working on red lines, getting to an arrangement on how it got
enforced – so most of the love is now being burned away to expose a group of
people who think they were public figures if they plugged their gimmicks into
another person’s social life, a gang of society gits spent money on it to make
them better off and they ran off publicity on this being the way to be
successful, such that they now expect others to cover their backsides while
they made money and had become so desperate they were forcing people to by
wrecking finances and careers and I think that their inability to stop
performing activities that wreck my Bookshop sales and their war with normalcy
while they pillaged my career to get a slice when needed is about to produce an
outright clash.
I am told that there is the matter of me being a coward which needs to be put
to bed because I never do – the truth of it of course is that when these fools
perform acts that provide others with security, the events traumatise those who
were meant to benefit from the security. I worked out how to do mine without
causing the trauma before I was 19 and I am now an Arch Prince which is a
position held by cowards the last time we checked. The problem here is the need
that Celebrities and their fans had to tell me what to do, push, prod, goad and
abuse into fighting people for them and they have taken up 15 years of my time
trashing my career to reach this stage where there is real possibility that I
might do their fighting for them, a legendary and incredibly stupid sense of
entitlement naturally but it really has nothing whatsoever to do with me; the
effects are that the business of stopping them trashing my Bookshop will no
longer work on the basis of those abuses that run very fast when it comes to
getting moral people to suffer for the consequences of their personal decisions
by leaning on their victims really hard, into something of a repetition of what
they had already received warnings about doing, chiefly of which is this
business of stupid celebrity fans with a lifestyle that is above my head
perpetually, telling me what to do to such an extent I am now labelled as Mr
smell. They do claim that I had no understanding of what leadership entailed
and so am I aware that when I am not counted among the gits that hang about
street corners blabbing of other people doing their thing, it goes well for
everybody, otherwise generally, they had no respect for the way that I lived
and we are not talking about the other types in the city centre who cannot stop
clinging to the grooming products while they were the best at pinching peoples
work and property to make money in a world where nearly everybody had a Ferrari
and the core stage for their own personal security and way of life depended on
putting out a handful of low lives to run me down on the criminal front,
talking nonsense about a cowardice on my part that did not deserve my career.
So there are the Celebrity and Media types who cannot let it be for any 24 hour
period as such and I would want to think of them in response to the lack of
respect for my person and the way that I lived, whereby they had their personal
lives, social lives and popularity, while I only had my personal life and
social life because I am a Hermit, getting in on the act endlessly, to think of
them as a bunch of low lives who ask people for facts on the affairs of other
people’s days to make a living but also think they were public figure and none
is actually paying them to be such an inconsiderate group of gits when it comes
to the way that their way of living affected other people but I cannot even
though my salvation may have relied on it, so I would fancy they gave me my
space and showed up here to read what I had written or we are set to progress
to a matter of where they had received warnings about abusive behaviour and
which abusive behaviour or processes of wrecking my Bookshop they have
We see
this matter is better understood when they say there are bleak times ahead with
respect to my administrative work, of which the way Royal in laws make a mess
of Police work to an extent that meant MPs did not have enough security for
their work if they were not served body guard duties, only to get around with
Celebrities who are now the beneficiaries of the way they trash other people’s
lives to recover from the consequences of these personal decisions, had nothing
to do with me – it is possible for people to tell them apart from the rest of
us as such. Then there is the other way that they lived linked up to the smell
issues thing where my tummy lends me pain all day and somebody had to poke it
to make sense of what they were entitled to in this place all the time, the
tummy ends up in the head and lends pain in both head and tummy and they claim
there is violence that awaits me because I smell which I think they cannot back
up as well for my part but the bigger question was one of the exact reasons
they lived like that in the first place anyway but I think I wish to sell Books
on it for my part as well, see how much it suits them. They claim it suggested
that I am braver than they are at the Monarchy but it’s a matter of people
being irritated there: by the way that they have now added me to themselves to
ensure I am not a small person that knew what to do when I faced danger who was
said to be braver than they were and now they can trash my career and social
life and push me into gangs and crime as needed to get paid for being popular
on my social life, which meant that if the Country faced a crisis and the
Monarchy needed people to sort it, they would have trashed it already. Then
there is the problem of low lives that love to tackle me all the time being
associated with their lifestyle, but it had ensured my finances and personal
life had stagnated instead – that the residual state of mind for me ought to be
that poor people were irrelevant due to the idea my salvation now relied on it
and freedom from smell issues relied on it, while the Celebrities were the
Public figures; this is the main pressure point of which they are now doing
their public figure bits I guess and all lack of respect for my career and
wellbeing now needed to end, they needed to stop handling me or telling me what
to do.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland