It is said that what I am concerned with was a matter
of criminal activity but it has always been, this was never the problem - which
has rather become the fact that the abusive disrespect had since arrived at a
point where it was my career that made the tool by which I am groomed as a
plaything for idiots that always needed a narcissism that helped them decide
who was to get into a fight with people on their behalf, to assist them with
choice of decadence and any required security in it. The gits at Government
buildings who loved to shove people in, had apparently arrived at a stage where
they needed to spuriously express their displeasure at the results whilst after
I was done with them, the society gits and famous idiots were still hanging
about my affairs.
I am told the reasons people attacked me is that I am
so terribly poor but then again being poor had also currently failed to achieve
purpose so far, the purpose that I want nothing to do with them and they needed
to cease hijacking structures I set out to invite somebody who was as pure of
public service as I am, to take up the Office duties with, where we had to
concern ourselves with what occurred at the Industrial parks where products
were temporarily kept before being moved to the highstreets where people can
buy them to run a living, in the same circumstances that another group of
people needed to attend school. We have seen that the stupidities had arrived
at a point of an alliance with criminal communities and the local authorities,
to work me for homelessness, so I may have to explore other options on the
It is the same as they claim that I deliberately
failed to listen to what others were saying because I am being selfish whereas
I completed a literary work that was meant to consummate an Intellectual
property administration service, to watch a series of abusive nonsense show up
on public media to mire it in so much narcissism that my client are sick to the
stomach for engaging with it and I am left cash strapped whilst the actual
career work was stilled being expected at the market. It needs to have moved on
by the said deadline or it will all come to an end and will come to an end very
badly indeed. Here it is suggested that it was possible my outlook on the
matter was hate based which it is not – the events are easily broken into three
main sections; first being punished because they were busy fooling around, then
being punished because I was fooling around since I decided they were such a
problem that on being educated about the nature of culture and reasons it was
important to live in a world that was comfortable for all, it was not the end
of the world to let them acquire the so called money that they desperate sought,
now I am being punished because I decided what I wanted and they decided the
authorities ought to respond to their needs more on grounds that they were more
financially comfortable than I am, such that when I took up the responsibility
to make clear that if they were not spending their financially comfortable time
trashing other peoples 18 to 65 affairs, this would not be happening at all
whilst the vain politicians had already gone down the path where I am always
doing the wrong thing as others clung to my positions and had since lost all
ability to make legislation which agrees with public stability – so it is not
hate on my part at all, just had enough of them.
There is then the point raised that this was all a
matter of failure but obviously if it is eliminating the fact that I held a
Royal Office and those who did not were talking to me about failure, since I am
obviously the only person on the entire planet whose finances look worse than
the work he does, first of it is all probably failure and some people might be
correct in saying so – however, the nature of the failure was a matter of my
personal relationships and we can see that all their gimmicks were based on
wrecking homes and sexual insults; having since given up on the idea that they
had married the wife I was supposed to have married at the Monarchy, to settle
for current results where I have once again ended up with property people can
marry when they marry into the Royal family, having gotten accustomed to their
popularity insults, whilst they are basically only just starting out on the
fact that their interests had merged with that of the UK Royal family, with the
high probability in the works that the Princess had deliberately married a
divorcee because she does not want them to engage with Royal and Government
business. They do claim I am lowest of the low in their view naturally and it
is the same sort of insults that have converted social engagements that I set
out to meet with others into gimmicks that pleased their famous twats: so far I
have ended up with a half German Russian women who took an interest in me but had
recently showed signs of backing out of what she considered to be an unworkable
relationship due to ethnic minority dark violence obscuring who I really am to
create the idea all black men looked as stupid as they did – in essence I am likely
typically going to end up with a German – Russian wife who was pure in public
service enough to work a relationship with a Royal Hermit for public service
Office and their Europe wide doxy society lives taking pictures of beautiful
women on my social life to highjack my public image for money, with no care for
the reasons people did it, would end up with even easier lives. The failure is
such that the other group of people that were likely to be accused of
complaining about the problem but unwilling to do the real deal with respect to
getting involved with me for a relationship purposes where divided into first a
group that was in on famous idiots converting my Bookwork into a gimmick where
what the public wanted was equality with my through access to my personality,
in a condition where I wanted what they had whilst they could obtain what I had
at will, the other group were set out was twats with ideas on feminism,
building up to such results as the social conditions surrounding my personal
relationships suggested that a wife should be able to mitigate all these
matters in order for us to keep a home together, to an effect where women could
do what men did.
It is obviously so stupid and amusing, one should be
careful not to laugh ones life away.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britian and
Northern Ireland