I am said to have ended up developing this sense that I am victim and aggressor at the same time – I simply am unable to locate the exact point then at which a writing Career became a matter of clearing up whether I am victim of perpetrator of something abstract, what really happens is that there isn’t actually a character that does something warranting of Punishment the way we see our incredibly stupid and insolent big brother characters show up around my concerns to punish me all the time. We are also aware that the idiots had taken up a position at the security services where they corrupt everything that Armed Forces gain from my work to perform their duties by and also spend a lot of time fighting my battles to defend the corner or their decadent Royals because fighting their own battles was a bit too much for them, which result is apparently set to ensure they were able to look after their women for a change, much the same way as we know the insults over money are good and fair in their view but a response from me will likely mean there was another very stupid global stage complain about me to suggest I was doing something terribly wrong, in a way that will arm the Media with enough controversy for a lifetime at my expense.

They do love to boast about handling me and its utter nonsense – they saw I had written a Book and all their needs will be met by a privileged person that was vulnerable to their stupidities led by some very stupid gits from Liberal America and these are the assorts of activities that are not included in their list of offences committed against them when they complain about the civil rights issues that are mostly a matter of the problems they created for themselves and blamed other people for. As we can see, it’s a matter of doing with what belongs to me, what they would like others to do with their possessions and it has gone on for the last 6 years without a 24 hour being missed, like we also know it will not be difficult to take hold of their daily concerns and build something incredibly stupid out of it as well.

They do claim the reasons they attack me all the time to be that I make a mess of their Careers but we all know it’s the same stupidities I had to tolerate at University where each year would see the final year student grab what I know and then the reasons were that we attended University for job based qualifications and when asked how those who created the knowledge base did if that was the case, all hell break out and its impossible to tell what exactly was the problem with their stupidities. The Americans on the other hand exist in a world where they will be only be comfortable with their own society when my whole life has been completely wrecked, about which you never know who arse and other private parts you are looking at whenever you see the sex videos, typical example of the problems they create for themselves and then blame others by – same as Hollywood gits showing what happens with moral disposition is that it gets set out on a pedestal and then gets devoured when they claimed I spent my time rubbing shoulders with important people while it’s the criminals that are buying films, there were two cinema shootings and a Celebrity suicide closely linked to it as such, now the goons are chasing me around because of money margins, the boasting largely being a matter of the fact I have not yet seen this being garnished with a sense I don’t think their industry is wealthy or important, as stupidly as possible, as the threat that it really is. It has never really been more complicated than their attention being devoted to the one they signed a contract for instead of bothering me.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland