We can make sense of these matters when we encounter characters who were possessive in their relationships but did not think that consent was required for them to handle me, my property or my personage – about which it would absolutely make sense to put up a statement which showed some of us did not feel that keen to express a psychotic tendency by shredding the stupid relationship and hanging myself over it with juju beads. We have seen another example in terms of the fact I am struggling with my finances because people who were in charge hurt themselves with sexual narcissism, that they actually did not wish to practice in each other – so some show up here from the US to say I looked like a school shooter which leaves me thinking they were making a confession. In the end it is a simple matter of the fact women are always expressing some form of promiscuity because they were afraid of something looking one way outwardly and looking another in the bedroom, so those who did not fancy the promiscuity generally tended to be more discrete in their approach to handling women. I mean like I have been told that a lack of response on my part for these matters indicated I was probably homosexual, which is only going to build up to a homosexual vacuum in social activities, that a homosexual person should fill, whilst I did not want to be one and they could not make me; where they claim it was the nature and form that sexual assault among men took and if I got a whiff of it I would ensure they got a lesson they will never forget too.

So we know that this nonsense is not mainstream living but we are working it more than we did the mainstream living, the question being the reasons we lived like that whilst I had my Bookshop attacked everyday by a bunch of people who did not, knowing that my Bookshop was an example of publicly expressed feelings towards the fact this nonsense was not mainstream living and behaved like a tumour. So it is the part where it fails to make sense of how much trouble I am set to make for their stupidities concerning the need to see me struggle and applicable gimmicks that they got accustomed to, when they continues while complaining about the problems, although I had long given it an exit to make its stupid public place and Media comments about its own life and career instead of mine. Usually it is the blabbing until I decided I was going to build them a profile and build a profile for the business practices of their society gits as well and the profile would ensure that I moulded them into something that was easy for me to tolerate – they say that this has happened because I am allowed to get out of hand but what they are really talking about are instances where people showed up in their lives to pick up their concerns for money making until they got into trouble the Police, I am talking about classic reasons they hang about a society hating a Libra, the part where it has no rights here and ought to get off its stupidities and look back at it, to say that it was aware of the real world, where it went too far with gimmicks about being a bum that was more important than another bum that was me and building communities to finger my bum for it; what happens most of the time when we respond is a process where people want us to make statements about the profile we have built them and then we end up with a public image, which restores the part of our lives that was missing, where you could get dressed up and meet other people like real human beings.

I do get told none knows why I had a dilemma on the matter when it is normal behaviour for a Libra but I don’t – it is a matter of other things that needed doing to support at Administrative Polity after the Politics had wrecked my University studies. We are having this conversation because it is nearly finished while the idiots have not produced a single issue they complained about which they did not create for themselves, including the destruction of my Bookshop while being aware it was a useful campaign to make a statement about these gimmicks being completely unconnected with mainstream living. It had been doing that for years; rip up peoples lived to build what is effectively a classified tax system for the private sector, collect peoples money at the market, give some of them jobs to retain influence and power; it eventually exploded, especially in terms of its need to follow me around to work it everywhere I went, all the way to Greenwich University where I ended up with no qualification and a student loan debt. Now it needs to stop interfering with Royal public image and the Bookshop, especially during working hours (complementing other gimmicks that involved claims what I did to keep the culture and society goons off my social, life, personal life, finances and career, were claims I had won a great fight that even twats as brave as they were could not, once done making a mess it now needs my personal life right up to the bed chamber to run restaurants because it had remembered its well off neighbourhood and city centre money madness stupidities had to eat some food, once finished running my life with the left overs of the social lives of criminals and hoodlums to get there) – we know that it picks up the aesthetics of my work, creation and administrative activities, ensures lists were missing on my social media, each time thereafter an Official from Washington shows up blabbing all sorts of nonsense that it would like to see Government Officials talk about.

They do claim I refused to accept I am facing a storm ahead and it is utter nonsense too – the only storm there is was that in 25 years, it has not stopped insolently viewing me as Mr pathetic who got into business with people bigger than he is and ended up hanging about on the street corner when he lost everything he had – it has grown into so much abuse, it follows me around to make a mess of University studies and have recently picked up my Bookshop services to create a version of me that will fulfil this dream. It is so stupid, it was stupid enough to start – starts with a gimmick where it handles me to get paid for being popular when we have never bene formally introduced, led up to gimmicks where it picks a fight with Police officers on my account and now finished with the idea I interfered with law enforcement because I cleared it out and they worked their history of insults here during instances where the Law was being enforced, outcome being that I too had groomed and buttered their own for a really cool Police justice and it had gone up to the part where it got to complain about the police justice and the way that I was party to it. I have no idea why I had to live like that anyway – something always to do with responding to the actions of idiot who wants to do things here that he does not have the right to do, the females with a very abusive habit of telling me what to do, had since developed a narcissism where they can play with me to any extent they wanted and could make it as narcissistic as they liked. It speaks of state provided security causing provocation and it is not clear what their stupidities can do about me, or the state provided security anyway, hence the storm I had refused to acknowledge. I do get told that the issue looked too big for me but it is not – I mean take a snapshot of an instance where a journalist got involved with me over claims I had a career that could support her in her career as well, then it turns out the journalist had a relative in the Military, the scenario is that somebody wanted to get involved with that relative and do things with the Military or military work, would it mean that the journalist was unable to tell which one was being incredibly disrespectful or take action where necessary. I do like to have them around as a bunch of goons enjoyed making a mess of my career and finances with practical jokes that showed they were confused on the matter, these days I did not have to pick them up all the time anymore as the Heir to the Throne did decide that I ought to end up with a profile where they can rely on me for attention each time they performed their gimmicks. I do not think that the matter is a crisis, it has since developed into private security industry gimmicks where it is assumed I could not tell the difference having grown up in a CCTV inundated society, of people behind those cameras telling me to get out of the way as they are not interested in me and the point where their stupid gimmicks began. It does not believe that I will stop it badly because it is unable to make sense of the way I will go about stopping it badly, always silly enough to start and too stupid to stop; so we are facing a prospect where it will stop running off the fringes of society so people can see its stupidities with no clothes on, then show up here to decide I was good looking enough to be homosexual. There is nothing wrong with the fringes of society – it is a place people end up when they failed or refused to make a decision about the work Police were doing as a matter of their careers, these idiots simply end up there and make me out to be the homosexual that looked good for it, so they also therefore picked up what educated illiterates did in the sense that an educated illiterate always thinks you are already on the fringes once you started pushing them around, they have made it into insults that solve all their problems, when they open their mouths I cannot step outside of my door and criminals become unnecessarily friendly while they build communities that will finger my bum and prevent me being so selfish with my public image when they want to get paid for being popular with it rather than get a job. It is going to stop, or I am going to build them a profile that will make them something I too can manage and tolerate. The other fair lady twats believe it was a matter concerning my physical appearance and I needed to fix that part of my life they loved to make money from, after they dredged and trashed it naturally and I am never going to kill it apparently. It could never address me properly and never reads my Books for its interest in my concerns and this is about to develop into some real problems, the storm ahead.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland