Now I am said to have a life full of excuses because there are fears behind the excuses. I understand why people would say so in any case, however it’s not fear as they have made out; what I am living with is a process where I have some Books I have written to sell and it is the same people that may gain most from the Books that then show up to invent other alternative auspice for getting involved with my concerns and the quantity of these auspices are growing by the day, putting my stress levels up there and leaving me fighting heart disease, all the while which we find that I have a job to get on with while my body is telling me I need to choose the least stressful route because a collection of idiots who made money by being incredibly stupid think that the way things work is when my Books would help them trade at the stock markets but they got my equities off me on the basis of the fact I was scared of them and their money – so it does go beyond the fact that this sort of behaviour is not generally put out there by normal people and yes I am saying it impossible to be afraid of a collection of scum who clearly have a lot of money because they got rich by being so stupid; piece of advice being that since they are in business and know how things work, it should not be news to them that people do things to provide services when the crowd or the public wants something off them in a specific way for a reason, thus when it is free they need take it and ask less questions, when it is being sold need buy it and shut down the practical jokes talking nonsense about excuses I make because there is fear behind it.

There is no real connection between my bum hurting because they drive cars on the roads putting their fingers up it in their imagination on account their stupidities were incredibly important or my stress levels going through the roof while I work in a factory that is three train stops away from the HQ that employs a Public transportation operative, so this is certainly not what I am afraid of; what I am afraid of is that it is becoming clear that the need these scum have to wreck people career means it will only likely stop when their own is wrecked as well and if I have plans to run a life on the basis of harming them, I need to look upon it with a sense of fear, especially considering their stupidities have been pushing the ante as far up as possible to keep going the process of getting rich by being so stupid at my expense talking nonsense at me about fear all the time. It is an example of those instances where it is said that my thought process and plans are difficult to ascertain but what is really happening is that I am about to attack those stupid stock market nonsense having been that both the Politicians and Popular Culture bits hate my guts as it stands but they have not moved on until I make an example of them too; there is no overthinking to be done, I am inundated with alternative ways people wish to get involved with me crowding out what people think about my Books and leaving me cash strapped, while the assets are being deployed by those who have no relationship with me, leaving me ill in the process, so apparently the Books I had written which could help them with some stock market trading when they needed help from me is the cause of this and I am only just asking a fair minded person to make sense of this nonsense that will not move on because idiots are rich by being stupid, talking nonsense at me about fear.

What I do think they mean by me having a fear of them is that they fundamentally expect a system to exist where there is one rule for everybody else and another for them but I wouldn’t know anyway how tackling me matters in that respect when the Politicians and popular culture that could have given it to them fear, loath and hate me in equal measure – no idea what the connection between their careers and my Book sales business was exactly but I do know they have had 8 to 10 years of my time to move on. So, I am about to find them problems that they are going to solve because they have no choice but to do so and the process will then make me financially well off while the method will ensure that by the time I am done they have got themselves another figure of hate.

Some people hate said that I for my part never pay attention to what depends on me but then again it’s not as if I would not enjoy the adulation of the slaves, I simply need people to understand the only business they do have with me is a process of actually reading the Books i.e. the fact some Girl thinks she is a slave to me has consistently meant that big insulting brother has one more time done something with media and popularity culture to undercut me at the points of my career where I have done my best job getting rich quick. Their Politicians have now progressed from whiling away tax payer time on economic matters to blab about confiscating my Literary empire to make the free world rich, about which they now have a lot of hate and frustration being channelled towards me because I have decided to delay that for the rest of my life bearing in mind I am younger than they are, therefore means they will never get it; they have progressed from it to a stage where they claim I make statements that add up to an impetus which is a threat to free and democratic leaders – it will make sense one day if I tried hard enough, since I am the one who got a Royal Commission and then dropped out of University while trying to study for it on their account, since then which they had completed the academic work and won elections to get into government buildings and bullying State Staff because they had won elections and I have not once complained about the insults as a whole, they are the ones who are terribly insolent happy to complain about the effects of their incompetence as something I had inflicted on them but it is an old story like we have seen the wars eternal in Africa and the genocides that have accompanied them for instance; that the only time a process of discrimination hurts a Majority population is at the very beginning of it and this is usually the best time for the Minorities to make the most of discrimination and violence as well. So as I have pointed out before, in case they need to know; my schedule is to issue these warnings about finding a source of income, getting myself somebody to settle down with and seeing that their stupidities will not affect the way my Children get into the world right up to the end of November 2018, after that I will be getting a life of my own and then shall I sit back and see what they will be complaining about then.

Now I do get asked this question of what I hate about Liberals but I do not hate anything about them; we are all afraid and worried about obscurity, they are rather the only group of people that dip their hands in and work it really hard then blame others for the residue that has ended up on them for it as well, having been they have had it all planned to the latter all along. It is usually a tale they love to much that black people are never Conservative and then it will run off to the stage where you ask how it is that when it has decided either not to consume Husband and Children like an item or has already done so, threatening me because it needs money and getting gangs or criminal all over me because Politics exists, tends to mean its civil rights looked like that and then it begins to get a bit more serious. I mean there are five racists in the Community, we know we have damaged people who have behaved in that way but they will then show up and ensure the illness affects everybody right down to the ones that were about 12 months away from the end of the teens, only to set about making a case of themselves for the violence which emerges from it all. A case that suggests their prejudices were right and that they were fighting for my civil rights. They do it to a point where the way society deals with these matters is completely destroyed; you have these people who are society trouble makers, they have children and grandchildren but are still happy to chase my bum while I am heading off to work in order to make fun out of a business of me smelling like my loo all day long and so we know when I handle his superior silliness as well we will be off to War as he does these things because he owns the Country but it never works anymore and we now know the free and Liberal people are in league with these sorts of goons who help them put their pictures on my public image blowing kisses at criminals or help them rip up my academic work and finances to hunt down my personality and make fame fortune from it. The reasons I hate the behaviour of Liberals are numerous I have to say but the one that really takes the top spot is the one about the women who threaten weak men that have walked into a Church claiming it is inequality and money issues they are fighting; since we are away likely results are that they assume the only forms of abuse is sexual abuse and that means they can get on their roof tops and berate me all the days of their lives without trouble, except it starts to get serious when their men are going to beat me up for anything I have done to make them go away and then the outcome will be that since I am never around because I am at work and when I am around I am around with family, they have to wait for the times I am alone and away from work as well, likelihood being the same Men will claim their insanity has wrecked the life and then I will end up being the victim that makes time to intervene. We see the same with the Men; it will destroy everything you have done to run a Career and a family because it wishes to ensure that despite its stupid behaviour its tummy does not get churned and he does not smell like his loo after working it on others for all of his fame and celebrity career but whilst you are thinking that he is talking about dignity issues, what he is really saying is that his life is alright only when you are made to kiss his arse – hence once I find out I want to kiss the arse of some poor people somewhere and if they make a noise about it we will be deciding what happens on the basis they were cracked up out of my league.

I am now told that I have made enemies in high places at the Monarchy and this is what people at Celebrity and popularity culture world wish to ensure they got the best of what they want to enjoy their eternal narcissism by, hence my problem; the reality of which is largely a matter of the same things we see happen at Industry all the time i.e. the Media whispers whatever it wants into the ears of people who then find they can never stop insulting and abusing me over claims I have interfered with their Career and thereafter more often than not, they were in league with the Media all along. In the same way, if HM did not want me doing what I am doing it would have been stopped a long time before, what has happened is that I am expected to respond to the business of having spent time and resources to get a certain job done, I must roll it back and look after a career a completely different way after I had displayed it for 6 years and in that time have gotten it done the whole time as well, simply because others just had some Royal ideas. The controversy is largely a matter of HRH Prince Harry doing his Tour In October 2018, so One has been talking about US and UK backyard which is not his domain as his domain was to represent HM in Australia and then New Zealand thereafter; so the Popular culture trouble makers have really picked up on this – the Men bully and the women expect you to be exhausted defending yourself from the husbands and thereafter they secure conveniences from your public image and perform endless distant violence that lets them get rich quick and generally means that you have no security whatsoever but it will always continue to work as the great old money madness people case where there is no connection whatsoever between their involvement with their victims and the careers that exist on either side including their own but they have made up reasons for their activities while the Politicians and Media had gone along with the lies for a while, so now that they are expecting to make money from the process, the idea is that the damage has been done anyway; the likelihood is of course that they tend to forget that they hate my guts every time that they have some pack mentality business going on for them, where the children chase my bum and I need to think about why it is happening and they get around insulting me until they cleared their heads on how to get rich at stock markets, to expect no consequences not withstanding that this is usually an alternative to ripping up everything I have by inserting another way which myself including what I do and know can be used by the Public, at the same time of which they set themselves out as the people who control it. I am not therefore by any means planning to prevent people getting on Radio waves to berate me all day because they are  trading a Stock Market and or getting up Music Charts, since I am rather determined that what is to happen is that I have Books to sell and will soon be grinding my need to get rich into their bedrooms as well, to see if it will stop that way hopefully. The point behind the reasons I am always being targeted since they appear to raise it endlessly, goes beyond such insults as a group of idiots that get involved with me in order to get closer to HM whom they think is a woman like them and the only thing that exists in their league; I can only therefore say that there are better forms of feminism out there than  abuses and insults that will get me pushing them down a corner and then they will have to push the Men as well and then I will decide what it is to happen to their academic work and career after that too – especially in light of this new insolence they invent where they do something with my personal space and use their disobedience to ensure I smell like my loo so that the Daddies might be able to ask younger people to beat me up, which their stupidities can never stop expressing in Public places: the point being that the reasons I am always targeted is that they hate me and they hate me because I facilitate and make easier the jobs for Armed Forces Personnel – so normal Armed Forces personnel like to gravitate towards place that make their jobs easier because it gives them the opportunity to build up the career, the Junkies however are completely obsessed with such things and this is why the goons who cannot stay away from me and keep their hands off my property hate my guts. For my part it’s a simple process of doing what I know and giving the best I have or doing what I am told instead; so when they show up with their insults and nepotism and are blabbing about what I will lose through it, it’s simply impossible for me to respond – hence the reasons it happens is still the good old ageists who hate my guts as far back as it goes due to the fact also that I dropped out of University on account they will not stop barging into my life to play with me and build crowds that expect me to be dominated spiritually first before I can get a job and we see the same being said of me having some sort of sexualised contact with the Monarch which is something I built up because they are always private security Industry gimmicks creating this sense they have duty to protect HM but are keeping some of the security for themselves and so imagining what usually happens if they are asked to hand it to others, I had to make up such a story and get to work, it is however another example of how their involvement with me leaves them complaining and in pain i.e. on doing so I have inadvertently ended up doing something which facilitates and makes easier the jobs of Armed Forces Personnel and my sexualised tale about The Queen means that getting around that part of Public life generally means that somebody is going to have to fight some National enemy as well and so presently the need they have to show up there all the time and try a thing or two means that we are having to announce to the Russians that we have got somethings that can deal with them here too. At which stage I am said to have omitted the Politicians in the matter, which I have not; the Politicians are the oldest tale in it all together – when I started out I was thinking of building me a big house to share with homeless children because attending Church while living with your parents on account of the kind of leadership they provide, tends to mean immediate homelessness and then for some worse to come if that was not enough to break the will and the spirit all together, so it seems I am going to achieve this by Public process anyway and do not have to build a big House. It’s a simple case of being so twisted and evil that they think up problems and then wish to finish the solutions that one had started, claiming it is what Politics is, while the general Public place insults and need to provide leadership on that is the reason there is enough Political instability to hurt peoples bottoms and behold we have them blaming me for it so they might trade stock markets and climb up popular culture charts over my income margins and mock me for it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland