It is even so now suggested that I had made such a right mess of Political and International matters which I have not in anyway; these activities occur every day, they claim Celebrities were sharing my personal space and that they were entitled to do the same as well, after Celebrities had picked them up from small businesses that were not going anywhere so they might look over peoples shoulders, operating at City centre underbelly, to claim they were nice people who only needed to be in possession of more money while I was being discriminative and needed to be taught a lesson – their way of being entitled to my personal space, filled with abuses and violence endlessly, so there is little personal space to share thereof and then the distant violence intensifies and threatens to get physical. First response to this got them to join the military, hence was successful, the second has been mired in a business of big brother characters who wedge themselves between me and the Celebrities to saddle me with the filthy aspects of Celebrity business and in that way get problems associated with their personal decisions solved, so all I have done about it has been passed off as other people’s careers by society gits, popularity goons and big brother characters. What I do never bring about the wars and claiming that I am responsible for the mess does not stop it either, no idea why people keep doing the same. Even in this, the big brother character believe it is the end of their problems while I think they were in possession of something that can comfortably clear out this mess, hence the problem is far from over. We will find the mean cunts who are never responsible, but it will be fun for them blowing off that big mouth at me from here of it being all about where I got to stop as it were.

So, it will be said I still had control of the problem while we were talking about where these clowns thought I ought to stop. It is a matter of the difference between the way that the US and UK military operate, whereby people got involved with war on terror for instance because they were touched by it and therefore once done always had a statement to make about the price they paid and what they deserved, while British Military were likely to be about doing what is possible because none knows whose family and friends might be affected. I could never understand, and it has never been explained, the reasons Politicians led by Americans decided to dispatch Popularity gits to retrieve power from Military operatives that were becoming more successful at their work anyway. I personally do not think it is a bad thing for the popularity goons to be involved with Military work as such, it’s a matter of that character who knew you at school not allowing you a moments peace, backed up a criminal and civil disobedience crowd, even when he knows what you have on your hands was government business but I think that my role in devising a way for them to end up with Military work was the best that could be done in the circumstances and that I had done everything in my power and ability with respect to the problem.

It is never as such the case that public security had not improved from the work that I have done, the problem has been the willingness of Politicians to play along with gimmicks that suggested people were entitled to which career was fitting the size of people that they could beat up. I mean I have a reputation at this stage where those who bandy it at me ended up with those situations where those who can beat it cannot shut up and those who cannot, will never stop hurting themselves, but it is the Politicians jeopardising public security to entertain it every day and go along with all its side gimmicks on the streets. Then they claim I did not understand the issues and what Public security operatives were communicating to the rest of us but then again, you do not expect somebody who need to work in such a high chaos environment to communicate like the rest of us, or to take seriously absolutely everything single thing they said but above all, so is it easy to get sucked into his world when you have a habit of interfering with the way his job worked because it is difficult for you to return to the real world thereafter like it is difficult for him – they never learn and if the Police took a high handed approach there would be civil rights upheavals on the streets, just needs to stop racking my own security and freedom or I will devise a way to oppress them as well. from here we find their silly Politicians get off on their hope mendacity insults blabbing of the way I am able to cope with it and the manner their stupidities meant they had accomplished a business of getting the Monarchy to work for the Public, while I am not able to cope with anything and it was a matter of listening to what people were saying, which result is one of being able to see that the soldiers operated and worked in units, banners, regiments and companies, in a high risk very intense life changing environment, they do not all speak the same things, speak the same way and their families do not all communicate on subject matters in a similar way either.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland