I am not in the throe of losing everything I had worked for as thought either, I need to ensure that a Trust consultancy and Book writing was what I did for a career which was paying me enough to facilitate my Royal life and the business itself, they have their abusive shop keeping, rogue landlords and corrupt private security allied to famous idiots to play with and it needs to stop getting in my way, ripping up my finances and bullying me into seeking conformity with their stupid ideas about which one was the best people that society had produced – the idea there was nothing I can do being a coward will be something that was decided by German influence idiots and entitled Italian pricks who helped well off neighbourhood British twats build a narcissism Media, hardly based on fact or reality.  I am not stuck in any hole, they are simply the people who got ahead and are now the only people with money to buy the products that others were selling, likewise the troll characters supporting people who worked products that helped them protect their rights, the same way they got to the market to support the stupidities exhibited by the twats who were now the only people with money to support businesses at the market place. I mean at this stage they were making silly statements to suggest that there had been some sort of cease fire between me and them which is utter nonsense, since reality is more a matter of continued famous peoples insults and goading over public control matters, not just helping them to get into a position where their famous stupidities made them the people who were more worthy of my career than I am, whilst getting their popularity idiots to call the career for them, having progressed from the stressful nature of this nonsense indicating its criminal factors to investigating law enforcement on behalf of criminal society and arriving at the other side where they claimed that there was none left to protect me from them; so we now have a situation where the locals who want to rip up my livelihood to share their incomes were piggybacking on those insults to show up here fingering my bum which crashes my finances, mobility and trashes client interest in my Bookshop, on account that they got ahead in life, we know naturally the dynamism of it is that they abused people to get ahead and were now half human beings who could not cover their backside – so it can easily be the quiet before the storm and not the so called cease fire, they got ahead and I am living on social security due to a daily hail of insults and abuses as they cling to my career publicity because they were not keeping their money in peace. On another related issue, they claim I have created a sense that women were in pain which is utter nonsense too as this business of locals that want to rip up peoples businesses to share Celebrity incomes at some point poses a threat to women – we know that most of the attacks are a product of where responsibility for a situation fell or should fall, so it was always common sense to say that getting somebody to spend weeks in Hospital will lead to job loss and homelessness and if this was a product of where responsibility should fall, it made the world a dark place indeed, I mean they know that it would make sense to go to the home of women they had attacked and pay the rent for the duration of the treatment period but there are no actual reported instances of anybody who had attacked a woman doing so, yet they still go through with it every year. I am also being told that I am not better off either and it is all because of women which it is but these were the stupid ones who like their male counterpart show up here to leave me on social security fooling around with my personal and social life all day – I had no idea where they got the gimmicks, such as building a community that had such intense fantasies about my body that they were constantly in my pants, getting worse every time I stepped outside, then show up to stand near my door making phone calls to business partners and employers, which leads to distant violence when there had been no success, like something that needs to lose its life due to extreme violence, so we see their women copy this nonsense too but were quicker to arrive at the stage where they complained about a public problem such as being oppressed by somebody who had a lot of money, at the same time coming up with ideas about abusing me to share the incomes of such a person, which had now created a condition where they were still abused and I was being abused like they were as well i.e. two versions of exactly the same problem to rely on the person that can solve it, where there was previously one i.e. what I mean when I mention it can easily be the quiet before the storm and not some stupid practical jokes cease fire they claimed, if they were giving me a break, I would fancy their bigger than I am stupidities kept it that way permanently. So at this point considering the reason is that those who got ahead will not keep their money from trashing my finances and were not planning to keep it in peace – I need the Celebrities to hand back the money they have extracted from my Estate since 2017, writing this in 2025, we understand they are planning to keep the money considering it is abusive of them and abusive of them every day, they are also planning to keep the property equity associated with it and their nature was such that they will not stay away from the Bookshop, so in terms of women making my life hell, I will need the Celebrities to hand back the money and the equities, don’t care how they did it, need them to so I may be free of looking like I get out of bed and head to market to hope that I will get paid for something I did not accomplish – failure to do so will progress this matter into something of a fun practical joke I can engage myself with over the outcomes being the two versions of the same problem where there was previously one, to rely on those who can solve it abusively and doing so will easily become the least thing that they had to worry about. 

We are here solely because I carried out private security industry work and the idiots who will not cease doing petty crime and showed up to play with the job whilst I handled it, wish to ensure  lived under a cloud of wrath because of the way my actions have affected their activities, we are in this position because Celebrities and their well off neighbourhood middle class pricks were playing a diabolical part in the matter, getting on my nerves everyday, to lip flap about courage and bravery.

They do boast about taking me for a ride – their ride looks like rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers working alongside well off neighbourhood gits with a narcissism media where there were happiness to go with every instances where they spent my reputation and career publicity on themselves, because no matter what I did and who I am, they would never stop trying to make money twisting my person, social life and writing career into such a position over claims it is how to take advantage of Royalty, finished with the fact I thought they were not really supposed to be such a bunch of completely useless pricks, therefore had to buy new homes and cars and clothes to show they were better than I am, in which case the outcome has been that I am trying to run a Bookshop, it is very noisy on their account, the fact they will not keep the getting ahead of other people money that they acquire by being so abusive that they had become half human beings that cannot cover their backside and have made a mess of my career to suggest that was the purpose of my Books, looking for more and it needs to stop lip flapping its stupidities in my direction. The part that has not yet constituted a ride for them will be the one where they had built themselves a mans world in which they will forcibly decide what others did with security services and were interested in me even though they know I was raised a groomed not to get involved, I mean as per when it grows into a result where I wanted some of their own and it had to be settled. The statement that I am a low life and it was not clear why people paid a lot of attention to me was never an emotive one – we are here by the way because they were making a mess of my career and finances, their response when asked to provide reasons being that there was nothing I can do about them, so now that they were complaining about me, it was my turn to show I did not care and they may take information for me that they were probably better off complaining to the Military. We are putting the idea that there was nothing I could do about it into context as per hooray I completed a Book but the problem is that Celebrities wanted to be the people who wrote my Book and the Media wanted to steal it for them: we were dealing at this stage with the sex work politics that had overwhelmed my affairs due to their media narcissism and so it turns out that people do sex work for a living and if you made their work more dangerous they would show up on your doorstep and it would be messy, so the same people who will not give it a rest with respect to the sex work politics insults are now the same who are getting rid of the sex work Politics because of me, next stop is the stealing my career for Celebrities bits and we are always half way down the path where they will show up to complain that I had failed to facilitate something they needed to do to protect themselves from famous idiots, painfully. Here it is said that if the way I did it was learned others could handle the matter as well but it is a simple case of being fed to the wolves and on knowing where the wolves were located because of it, make the next wolve feeding cycle as linked to their schedule, their turn to get fed to the wolves – it claims that it was doing the same to me with respect to communists, as part of the lies that help them make the most of abusive society on my doorstep that pretends I am schizophrenic and their stupidities were motorists taking advantage of me, which was never a problem unless the famous idiots were goading me over public control matters; the case with the communists being that since communists were not likely to go along with their stupidities and they wanted to be the people who wrote my Books, the communists were willing to engage legitimately at the Bookshop, which was so provocative that they burned my assets to get into a fight with Communists and claimed they were doing me a favour but were provoked by the fact I could not have enough of it. Eventually suggesting that I hated Americans which is utter nonsense as the Hollywood they were obsessed with is actually full of very evil people who think the law does not apply to them in either terms of the letter and the spirit of it, I mean I am aware I did let my guard down at some stage but I was riding high at the time and they never attacked, they attacked when the King of England gave them the go ahead all together, there was the point that I should be worried about them, I am only clearing up the fact that I do not hate Americans and the fact Hollywood was full off evil people in the spiritual and physical form did not necessarily mean that I had to be afraid of it. Like they think I had no idea what I am doing but were not trying to stop the sex work Politics for the public benefit themselves and will be doing the same over famous career piracy and media narcissism, they claim I seem to be oblivious of the fact that nothing is free but the take and take and take idiots were the people who exhibited the tendencies applicable – such as there were five employers in the neighbourhood and only one was interested in their gimmicks last year, compared to three this year due to the sheer nature of the problem and the need for people to be in control of business premises, the way it is channelled at me being a product of the number of times my CV ended up on the desk of these employers, hence they got to pay for the time and the freedom as per if my CV did not end up on the desk of the employers, I would not have become a target and other employers would have been interested, so I am stuck with employers that do not have work for me because my CV showed up on their desks. They do boast about winning but are now spending money employing people who just get out of bed and hit the streets with no actual career plans, hence we are half way through on either side, bearing in mind their media narcissism, unless they were spending money and giving jobs to a bunch of trolls who always end up living in the slums no matter how hard the government tried. They claim there were matters playing this in my favour and there were, society is not as much of a mess as it was in during the economic downturns of the 1980s and 1990s, besides which everything they did to create those conditions where blowing over on social media which was a gimmick they started but it all seemed to have backfired at this stage, the outcome being that they had witnessed in public and not in private as was in the past, social effects that they were no longer able to deny existed i.e. the system had crashed from the economic crisis and the only way to recover was to ask people to work more for less, which meant that they knew what they were giving up for the future and could come up with a plan to act on it if needed. We know that is being attacked tooth and nail right around the world and the stupid male society trading narcissism platforms were leading from the front naturally when it is not complaining about fighting wars and building bum finger upstart gimmicks that took at interest in me every day.

They claim eventually that the facts shown by what has occurred with respect to my concerns was irrefutable proof that I am a weak man and I could never understand the sense and motivation involved in showing up here to rip up my Bookshop until it was used to cover their backside and make them feel important, make statements about the ways that my personal and social life really should belong to those who were more willing to get into a fight on their behalf and run off the stupidities associated with the sense they wanted to be the people to write my Books. I do however understand the part where I had access to state provided security and since I can hold my own, Celebrities were more deserving of it and felt that I had to ensure insults and abuse of my finances until they got it, as stupidly as possible whilst complaining on a narcissism media that its insanity really had to build – I believe most people can understand the logic in saying that after a 2 decade career mess, they will never have it and those who kept offering it to them running me down were well aware that their muscles were getting on my nerves too; not yet a matter of this leading to a rather serious confrontation, whereby I can escalate the matter properly yet – so the first people to find out I am far from a character they can step on without consequences would be the idiots who played a major role in helping them get me dropping out of University, going to the market to give their famous idiots and criminals financial power over me, clinging to my career publicity to engage with products that made no sense, then show up at my business premises to stifle the finances introducing themselves to me as trolls everyday, in a bid to make a life telling me what to do, I am wondering then exactly what the Celebrities want if they were complaining when I am subjected to daily abuses that ensured I could not run the Bookshop successfully, to find out how to access state provided security, so I am assuming they were likely to be the next to find out they were wrong about being able to step on me without consequences. They bring up the point that I did not have access to state provided security which is wrong but what they have failed to see is that it works in terms of me screwing up and having to be bailed out and if I were, how many of such opportunities were available to me but obviously if I am not given to screwing up then I faced this insanity everyday from people who were complaining that I am able to hold my own as well. On the point that their gimmicks with the criminals and Celebrities had become a real public problem, it has, especially for the ethnic minority idiots but the criminals and celebrities they have been supporting were clearly the two versions of the same problem being created at the behest of a career they envied, which will rely on those that can fix the problem, especially with respect to people they claimed were oppressing them with money at the City centre, so it is likely now to end up with two versions of the problem because of me: I have mentioned this matter before, where business owners were complaining about the way I did nothing with respect to idiots who messed about with my concerns to complete academic pursuits and show up at their businesses to extract 6 figure salaries, so now that the problem had grown into a real crisis and they were learning that only in a fantasy world could they step on me without consequences, we understand these idiots who extract money from other peoples businesses to have only one outlook that concerned the idea that the public should be doing one thing after another to make the comfortable, so those who stifle my Bookshop after going to the market to provide them with such power needed to answer the questions applicable to the matter or continue to stifle my Bookshop and see what will come of it. The stupidest aspect of their gimmicks being that the need to be out of my league was so intense that it gets involved with my affairs and since most women did to play my life back to me, which made it difficult to ascertain if they felt they were out of my league all together, they decided they would be keeping my concerns whenever they had gained access to it and built communities to finger my bum; I suppose it does mean that my outlook with respect to my personal life needed to be violent but it is the way that I am living on social security for the time being setting the stage for them to complain about me in public places assuming victim status every day. There was the question people raised about how it was possible to know that somebody was out of my league, the simple matter of defeating an entire army to find that one has not defeated the army that concerns a woman I had set eyes on even though she was the reason for the war, will never have shown in their view that she was not within my league and there was nothing I could do about it or do about her situation – in their case they were such a bunch of narcissists that they expect me to change the way I have lived in my 40s as to go along with gimmicks they performed to suggest that their stupidities made them the best people around and they reckoned that if they trashed my finances, they could make it happen, hence the reasons we were doing this and the chance that it will end very badly too. It was impossible to tell what their problem is, if willing to convert an existing problem into twice the problem that will rely on those who can sort out the problem and the twats who offered them the muscles to do with other peoples concerns as they pleased needed other peoples career publicity and personal lives to deal with the painful effects of their violent lifestyle, I simply know that living on social security for them like I went to University to pay the fees for them is not worth it – it needs to keep lip flapping the weak man and female narcissism, privacy abuses and private part violations gimmicks to get on my nerves if it wants the authorities to wade in on its behalf, the ethnic minority bits being the specific group of gits with public problems that I am likely to invest in all together.

They do claim it was all due to the fact the King did not like me very much but it has nothing to do with the King – this is about my personal life, question of either I settled down in a marital arrangement and everybody took a break on the basis that aspect of royal affairs had been settled or the King prevents me from marrying a woman to extract the personal life matters for the creation of public crisis purposes; this is how we kill the amusement. It is not to say that I am facing a massive problem either, just the way that people who claim the authorities and security services were the problem, having failed to pay their way properly, decided to select victims and scapegoats and got a facelift from famous idiots who wanted more. The details are found in claims that I think that what I am doing is right, the stupid verbose female narcissism insults that only their parents could have given them an entitlement to exhibit at my expense endlessly, whereas right or wrong does not really come into the fact that this is not where they lived and I am inclined to take the view that my wife is not married to the men or gay where the women were concerned, with intent to be violent towards their interest in my personal life as it is the only way that their astrology reading gimmicks at the Monarchy could secure my attention using distractions exhibited at me since I left school. It goes without saying that it now made sense to pay an anal amount of attention to the way they address or talked in my direction which their narcissism suggests that they had already prepared and set me out as the offender on Media for – where right and wrong is concerned, we know they had a history of exchanging career mobility for immoral society gimmicks, clinging to other peoples career publicity to make money by well off neighbourhoods and flattering criminals to decide exclusivity of their social groups on the basis of which person suffered hurting bottom because of it but it had also picked up my career publicity and will not hand it back, so I am picking up the mess its famous stupidity makes whilst seeking support from higher authorities, where it invites a bunch of pseudo society narcissism trading platform idiots into it and spends it more than I am everyday to make sense of the idea its famous stupidity got ahead of me in life, then deploy the money they made to fund criminals that wanted to read astrology and sell organised crime products, especially drugs, topping it with some German influence male society narcissism where doing harm to me brought happiness and people basked in it to an extent where they thought it made sense to sell some and have therefore been abusing me to make advertisement and finished with new civil rights that involved making such a mess as these and deciding that lesser people were to tidy it up, especially those who owned the property publicity about which they have handled to make money having become lesser people with a big mouth that is – the question being whether this was right on their part in terms of what is right and what is wrong.

They claim I had a bright future but had fallen very far down which is utter nonsense, as this is largely a matter of their gimmicks where they fought communists on my behalf and got on Media running of narcissism over my income systems. I mean always involved in a gimmick to decide what other people thought and did, at the same time had not explained the correct thing to do in an insanity where it extracts money from other peoples career publicity to share with criminals that want to read astrology and sell drugs; loses sight of what its stupidities really were and claims appearing on Media made it very important – these criminals that want to read astrology and sell drugs failed to plan the finances properly and needed a facelift, so as soon as Celebrities thought that others had failed to worship them, there was a sense in providing such people with the necessary assistance. I so understand it is meaningless for me to respond to it, I suppose also that the meaninglessness is the reasons I respond as it needs to fool around, running comments to feel good, with its own career, since it stifled my finances every time they did mine. The part the Politicians play was another one as per going along with what they were told to think of members of the public making trouble, if such decisions were being made by characters who had failed to plan their finances properly and wanted some sort of social and financial facelift: it is annoying living on the social security but then so do the Politicians have to pay for it too. We are now in a condition whereby every method that people handled the so called wealth and social inequality issues had been eliminated, save the option for those who were not wealthy, to steal from those who were, at the same time, they were a perfect example of the fact that the wealthy were by stealing from everybody else, except they were unable to steal well enough to be wealthy, to they stole just enough to build and maintain a Media narcissism. There is nothing in this matter – they are a bunch of sexually abusive narcissists and in the same way I got a lot of amusement from the way that women mocked them over the fact that getting imagination into peoples panties was something that only happened to due date mothers; I would like it to keep its gimmicks off my case as there was nothing their famous well off neighbourhood stupidities could do about me, hence it was all a massive fooling around at my expense, that I have really had enough of at this point. It does claim I thought wealthy people were wealthy by stealing but it is never the case at first, the stealing is simply meant to make other peoples lives unnecessarily complicated and their own unnecessarily comfortable, like we see the Media being full of people who play around with criminal society to an extent where their career publicity was inundated, so they picked up mine to make money and as soon as they bought a home and a car, it kicks off – at this point I wanted to play as well, considering they knew anything about the career publicity they were fooling around with, last we checked. It can either accept that a candle has now been held up to its criminal sense of entitlement or see that there was nothing their famous stupidities could do about me and stay out of my way.

The authorities have raised the point that I am always looking as if I had done the wrong thing but none can exactly point out what wrong thing I have done – the reason for this is that I am putting all my energy towards deterrence and these idiots were not the type that got deterred, so the early days were the days when the Politicians thought the abusive complaint that upon putting up measures to ensure I did not have to deal with their practical jokes showing up on my account Books at the end of every trading day, they had claimed that I thought that if I had set up a livelihood, it provided me the auspice and right to control people, was the insult I could live with but now we were all living in hell all together. This means that the reasons it fools around with my income, career publicity and client interests was to do with the fact they had the energy to do it and also could on the basis that they were keeping their own jobs, so progress for my 2 decade career mess tolerating their stupidities, is that their employers now know all about it, next stop will be the part where I got to show the idea that I will get into trouble with their stupidities was a well off neighbourhood fantasy, by ensuring their parents got a feedback as well and beyond this I will become an entitled twat myself who liked to express his influence in other peoples jobs and offices, save my Bookshop works for me on schedule. I could never understand what the problem was, since they claimed that they had been fighting communists on my behalf and I am a low life who actually knew what a career was, therefore a threat to younger people who were recently beginning their careers, a threat which had to stop, they got ahead in life alongside their famous idiots but the abuses continue to show up on public media and the streets eclipsing my career publicity and trashing my finances – I mean I believe them when they claim they have been fighting communists on my behalf, they really have, so I am lost as per what the problem was.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland