The point is also raised that I am living with an immense sense of inadequacy but I am not living with any such thing, I mean I have important reasons not to feel inadequate or entertain anything that may cause me to on behalf of others i.e. if I did from a Royal position, how much carnage do I think that would create for the Government and the Public etc. That said, to address the issue itself the problem is that I have postponed due to Celebrity bullying and destruction of my finances, the activities I should engage with in order to ensure a bunch of trouble makers did not build up an unusual interest in my career, into something of a habit, I need it to cause them enough suffering as well because these activities continued more intense than ever making a mess of me, cause them enough suffering for them to take a swipe at me, so I may be motivated to discover which bully personality they obviously did not lose since school exactly as it were. I could really do without it, this business of writing a Book over my public control work and it being the reasons Celebrities rip up my finances to manipulate and control me with the assistance of abusive well off neighbourhoods where most of their fans had taken up residence, I could really do with this condition where people damaged my career and kept it damaged which wasted my resources until they got a response from me, thereafter everything I did to recover it was a threat to their safety and wellbeing, which should be resisted, it needs to stop handling me if complaining, no idea how they became more important if there were the people causing public control matters on one end whilst they held well off neighbourhoods on the other and there were others working on the public control matters. In any case, postponing things I could do to ensure troublemakers did not make a habit out of unusual interests in my career, simply means that these troublemakers become their biggest fans and can therefore help to take the wealth away from them in return for the promise to attack me on their behalf for failing to cover their backsides for a living – wealth politics apparently.

I am informed the authorities have ascertained the hatred that was channelled at me was due to the fact I am in a position of power and authority but I do not think so myself, these idiots are never clear about what they hated, they were a bunch of immoral society mandated gits who fool around 24/7 and wanted somebody with money and talent to steal from as much as blame their problems on but where it becomes an issue is that their lifestyle causes them difficulty in stepping outside to pursue their daily affairs, especially as they were conducting deeds that fostered the influences of immoral society, so I am a writer who needs to spend most of my time indoors but when I stepped outside it was incredibly important, despite how dire and on the knives edge, I am not spared the business of being spotted as a low life who had a lot of public image and talent, public image which helped them to step outside and meet anybody without the consequences of personal decisions and lifestyle coming to bear, especially the wealthy and famous, my work was the source of talents by which to make money and soon I had become the most disrespectful thing on the planet, a character that people bullied to befriend and sell items to others, especially the rich. Their problem really began when I took up work at the Private security industry, I could never understand why the guys from head office thought that the safety of the people I protected was worth so little that, I was provoked into doing the things I did at the job which ended up costing them a lot of money and even positions of leadership at the Company, I could never understand why they did not come down from head office to say that my involvement with private security work was unacceptable, instead of leave me to take those actions due to being left in a position where I would no longer be able to work because I got hurt by a crowd, this is the cause of all the hate, the means by which Celebrities got involved; either way which we now know the premise for their gimmicks were split into two sections the, which were the society part that shared lewd images of me with criminals and hoodlums for an open secret that allows them to cling to my Royal Bookshop income margins whilst inventing all sorts of stupid things they can insert into my life and draw attention to aspects of it they envied for their own benefit, the Celebrity part was so say that even my Books showed I had talent for covering their backside to make a living and if I was not going to do it, I needed to lose everything to them because they were willing to and so they had found a workable way to steal a career that they had always envied the whole time and were prepared to get violent about it. I have given them fair warning before we got to the part where ethe ethnic minorities handled the white well off neighbour pricks, I was so incensed that I set a date to spend their time on it and supervise them doing it, up to the point where I attacked both for my part physically, never mind that I will have decided we had the bum fingering insults on one hand and their businesses on the other, so when I bash the businesses the insults lessened, especially for each time I stepped outside of my door – whilst the Celebrities have shown that putting off this action had produced a result in which these quasi criminal idiots were now closer as friends to them than they ever have and I had settled on the work they have failed to do as famous people which I will do as a means to ensure they lost their careers to me, therefore we were set to meet in the middle after a lot of pain and suffering, since I will get away with mine, probably deaths on their part (it has not given me a workable financial break in any 24 hours, 6 years since I carried through a private security job and the Book I completed 6 years prior was noticed as part of the same character and talent). In the end it was all possible with the help of the German influence pricks that had lost positions and money at Companies over private security industry abuses that affected me – it would seem that the society and celebrity bits were all opportunistic since the narcissism abuses, advertisement and publicity they were offered solved all their problems and ensured their gimmicks relied on other people, the general problem being that every stupidity that turned up near my affairs tended to make a lot of sense since, clearly does not wish to find the trouble that their German influence stupidities sought when we hear them express themselves about it.

They were told to let go years back, right up to the top authorities in the land, the idiots had insisted they were not giving me a hard time and following me around to run me down, they claimed I smelled and will face a physical attack for damaging their neighbourhoods one way or another, with a big mouth (it is a matter of the way that the jobs at the work market was perfectly fine each time they trashed my Bookshop in bid to steal the career but I was being beaten down by radio wave lesbians, my work relationships converted into bum fingering upstart nonsense, so if I moved them on, I will end up with a perfectly sound job but without the health by which to do it).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland