The story never goes away naturally, that the risk of discrimination around my concerns were great but there is really no such risk, save the factors which existed in terms of whether I was incapable of preventing any goon whatsoever from showing up to claim they were offended by the same people and in the same conditions as me. They do claim my life revolves around food but we know that they have more than I do every 24 Hours – the more serious fact is that earlier on I used to put the gimmicks of these idiots and the access they had to CCTV, down to a process where they liked to watch, now the abuses are such that criminals and ex -convicts are encouraged to take an interest in my concerns by bus drivers and they cannot keep their finger imagination off my anus over my money problems – so the way it plays up to the insults of their silly children and their need to hold industrial offices suggests the global stage complain about me is not sufficient. It’s like the good parts of my work never get attention, which is more a matter of the way that I was to help develop intellectual property administration for products that will allow buying clients move away from Public matters, concerning which if the wealth and social inequality issues became a prime interest, they could easily engage – for us to end up with Celebrities ripping up my finances to live in a time when I did nothing about it and tell me the amount of money they had since made indicated there was nothing I could do and more recently the idea none knew what I was likely to do about their abuses and the fact I might kill somebody had to be checked. I remember this matter always being controlled from this Hermitage whenever it turned out that an interest in gangs and criminals that will attack me on their behalf had grown so bad that we were listening to debates about a growing war on women in Parliament. So I am told that I never really get to the root cause of these matters but the root cause is the simple fact that I had denied these abusive celebrities access to my concerns and had to learn a lesson not to deny them what they wanted – the lesson involved a process where they got criminals and ex-convicts to collect my career for them, such that moving the popularity that came with the involvement of these gits generally developed into something the media could use as a tool that helped them abuse me into serving them i.e. I must have done something valuable enough to be stolen as a career that I had lost to others nevertheless – the fact that it had produced such outcomes as I was not able to account for my time between 2017 and 2020 is my last straw on the issue. It has always been a matter of stupid men wrecking my University studies and then the fact their children could never stop joining in on claims they owned me, led to a response they claim took them by surprise – the fat cats were a completely different story and there were corrupt fat cats that I needed to be wary of, whereby fat cats would normally have worked to decide that Mr A who owned 60% of shares did not deserve as much remission as Mr B who owned 5% of shares because it was the property of the latter that boosted the Company profits by a certain big margin, usually very clever and very good at what they did, whilst the corrupt fat cats were more interested in the way that others with bright ideas and fortunes of their own, really wanted to make money from the way the company they were affiliated with had affected the world. Hence these gits fit into an area where their reputation is one that had done it again, as applicable to me of which we are talking about poor book sales numbers and I will not tolerate it any longer.

There is the story they tell from here, that I never mind my business and set about blaming others for my difficulties, it is usually so unbearably annoying because it comes during the times when it had all gone quiet because there were irrefutable facts to show the claims, I am a bum is utter nonsense, when it turns out it is a case between me, the society gits, and the Media. It started out stupidly enough as punishment that was due to me on grounds that they wanted to peddle my public image to get paid for being popular and I had failed to co-operate and has since grown into something of a process where I built up all the required equity for brokers, so those who wanted to get involved and those who wanted to take advantage could get involved as well but I always saved it from those who wanted to take advantage, especially on the front where those who wanted to get involved spent money on products that they had created or placed on the Market – all hell hath broken lose to ensure that this process hung on a knives edge and that I was fighting for my life and still they had the effrontery to suggest I never mind my business about which I blamed others for the failings. I simply want it to stay as a case between me and a handful of gits on media and society who have done these things with my career but are still hanging around me looking to get somebody paying them for it, so it must be work that real men should be doing I suppose. They do suggest I am not innocent in the matter and I am not, the management of my Hermitage and its Empire in this way suggests that it is not in my interest that they were financially better off, the same way they trash my career and academic pursuits to get paid for being popular with my social life but I work so hard to prevent the Poverty hitting them and we have never seen them work hard to prevent celebrity and media gits making a mess of my Books, hence I had no idea what their interest in me really was. The prognosis of this behaviour is the same as ever – picking up the part National service that public servants have performed to streamline their jobs and got about making a mess by running it all the way to the Uniform and weapons situation, from here the victims didn’t deserve the career because they were too cowardly to, its stupidities was the military commander of the neighbourhood who was followed by a handful of twats that really loved to work that stupid community that gets imagination up peoples bums they had built and each time it comes through with this nonsense, it sucks the strength out of me to do it, blowing off the big mouth a tendency to suggest I am unable to do the same.

So we find the suggestion that I would have if I could but we know it is very disrespectful of the Police to make a case out of the times it gets dirty with the criminals in such ways but then again which they are caught between a rock and a hard case here, a matter of me and some hospitality I am meant to provide so they might feel as if they were connected with the Country blabbing about being important and the interest of the Police that show up all the time. It really does need to stop showering me with the insults, needs to go away and I am not talking about the part where I did something to ensure the Country was comfortable for them as well, they made a mess of it and had to rectify the mess they had made, which produced a gimmick that went all the way to Buckingham Palace.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland