Here they say that my lifestyle really should have
been the reserve of the elderly, the sick and the injured – I could never tell
but it seemed they were referring to what I did in a bed chamber due to an
interest in my person that was so unusual that people had established a
convenient alliance with criminal communities that assisted them to unpick my
career and regularly used it to come to group decisions about what fantasies
they wanted to hold in mind on how my naked body could be handled or used – it is
not really a crisis, just the point raised about who really should have
deserved my lifestyle which produced a result where in which I responded to say
that somebody was going to die off it and they were going to tell me a story
because it occurred. All together I did warn them that beyond second month of 2024,
I will cease to pursue their abusive nonsense like the fantasy of abusive
gimmicks that people could keep away from my Bookshop, and not a series of
predatory nonsense performed by idiots who think they are at the top of the
food chain, every turn, every policy every leadership process abusively converted
into a gimmick that helped them handle macro-economic affairs in my career to
make even more money than they already had, talking nonsense about support from
German influences after the Americans had refused to do it – so here we are, no
longer a question of my birth date and hatred of my birth sign which is only
likely to get me saying that all the other birth signs were keeping bits of my
privacy alongside their own as part of a narcissism that also wrecked my
Bookshop, to help them feel good about effects of their personal decisions, Scorpio
and Virgos specifically wanted to keep bits of my public image for the same
reasons and when I retrieved both, we will be back where we were 16 years ago
to date 2024 and those who expressed hatred in my direction had to deal with
the economic abuses associated with it. The history of this nonsense where they
were a bunch of entitled self-indulgent idiots who always took advantage of
everything to make more money and bully people, money which sat in their bank
account but was used to make people desperate and unable to concentrate on
daily affairs, in order to maintain the desperation, getting on my nerves with
the insults at abuses that helped them saddle me with the stupid ways they
responded to public problems as a consequence of their acute lack of leadership
talent whilst none knew exactly what they wanted to do with my social position
when they acquired it, save fight for my civil rights and get us waiting for
the times they will tell tall tales and make excuses about the reasons people were
getting murdered. It has now gone way beyond this and into the realm of a
response on my part, triggered by a continuation of these activities, in such a
way that they were making comments about my career, clinging to my social life
to feel good but also had no respect for my career at the same time – so when I
said I worked intellectual property administration to which effect I am an author,
the abuses got worse whilst intellectual property administration would have
done what it said on the tin literally, I am now completely fed up and they
never believe it will go badly wrong until it actually did. It is an example of
the ways that this was all a massive stupid responsibility that was only likely
to cascade, when the point was raised about public problems, therefore I had to
state it was all a product of patriarchy and matriarchy gimmicks, the hunt for
the processes that helped to avoid obscurity and the stealing and collecting of
all of it, to ensure they were a law unto themselves, showing up here with a
gimmick that would not go away, ripping up in my finances in terms of the idea
I am too incompetent to protect the Bookshop, no need to reiterate that it is
set to stop very badly and painfully considering they were not heeding the
warnings. They do claim that as it stood currently, I was still the one winning
but I was, we know they had established media outlets that will put up the idea
that between them and their stupid friends, they owned the country, and were
off running those gimmicks that suggest they are at the top of the food chain
around matters involving people who were helping to achieve national security in
difficult conditions, it was another thing they achieved with jobs that were
paying them to do something else entirely and I am left with a sense of
incompetence over the proficiency of my own bookshop. The Celebrities claimed my
hatred of them was irrational, what we knew to be true however is that their
version of this gimmicks I endured because they were at the top of the food
chain concerned perverting my policies, so that when I helped the public build
products they can sell to gits that spent money fighting them, it was made a
mess of to such an extent they could say that they used it to achieve equality
with the wealthy, trashed my finances and left me to sex workers and home
wreckers which gimmicks they publicly stirred by means of endlessly abusive
insults on their part everyday – there is also the conversion of my crime control
publicity into a gimmick where I am the cause of public problems whilst
criminals only needed money and were also willing to take risks and make some,
to which effect I am now being threatened because I knew what to do about the
criminals they had to live with but did nothing. In the end even all I have
said will have changed nothing, the abuses would continue to suggest there was
little I could do about them, and this is the main motivating reasons behind
the need to solve this problem by picking up the jobs and privacy of narcissists
who express an interest in my public image and public image as leverage – the warnings
have not been heeded, the abuses and insults continued, alongside a need to get
politicians listening to their feelings which built up some social and
political pressure for them to work well-off abusive exclusive and
neighbourhoods with.
Overall, I do not think it a crisis, just a need to
consider that they have always pursued the cause of their behaviour which was
personal finance and wealth, by means of building up abusive ideas on how other
peoples bodies should be used, which when I pursued, also allowed my mind to
wonder off the direction of a sensibility that paedophilia was being
perpetrated and some of them were making the most of it – that being said, I
should be allowed to concentrate on what I am doing with my Office and my
clients and when I set out a crime control process because this was not forth
coming, only to be stopped by some government office pricks who have not yet figured
out what to do with them, it was never clear why I was stopped nor has it been
clear why I am being tackled when they were the people who had failed to decide
or make sense of what they had decided to with it. Residual fact is that when
the 18 to 65 affairs are not being interfered with, none ends up in a situation
of being influenced by gits who used the fact money was sitting in their
personal bank account to distract others from a viable career and lead them off
to playing a part in a social arrangement that only cared about crime
indulgence and their selfishness and was not sustainable for the general
economy – in my case however we are past that as they have been handling me for
2 decades, so it now needs to make its comments about its career and fool
around where its stupidities were being appreciated or I will be forced like
the idea being the government office gits who stopped me and how show up to
punish me for the fact the problems persisted, to set about solving the problems
associated with the big picture, the society insults associated with their
celebrity culture, the abusive shop keepers, the rogue landlords and corrupt
private security and their media insults which was not actually what they were
paid to do for the media job that got to their heads. It is never a matter of hate
and prejudice as claimed either – like when sociological matters surrounding my
career met with that of some female journalists to which effect I took some responsibility,
and they responded by getting the journalists to decide between the job and me,
which left me stuck, have turned up here to revenge career progression because
those journalists had since become managers and producers, it was predatory
behaviour associated with the fact that they were as good looking as other
people were but the crucial difference is that others never suffered a brush
with the Law, what grinds away at others being the fact their career proficiency
was developed around handling areas of other people’s careers that they envied
and got addicted to, hence the unusual ideas on how other people’s bodies
should be handled, was a product of the fact there was no actual work they can
say that they did for the career, further exacerbating the so called obscurity
problems they were complaining about, hence more so a fool’s errand to pursue
it as a matter of public policy. Apart from the society fools with a need to
order my steps making a mess of my career, the main force behind a bunch of
narcissists always picking up my public work publicity and making a mess of it,
especially when American indicating I needed to access their jobs and privacy
as well if I wanted them to spend their own time and resources to fool around
like so, the politicians being a special case in the sense that anything that
involved getting off Parliament and the security that is provided to help them
do their jobs, in order to tackle me, had nothing to do with the State, time
and again whilst it boasts about forcing me to do something I would otherwise
not have, which it has never once achieved, I had to think about having the
skill to tackle gits who possessed a propensity to store up weapons in the
neighbourhood for the purpose of fighting the system, whether or not they were
the people getting paid if I did it – so this sense, the part that their need
to look like they were at the top of the food chain at my expense had been
matched with the fact that the trouble makers had learned how their jobs
worked, so I am not for a moment suggesting these gits did not every single one
of them get a piece of me but I have ended up in a situation where the primary
problem is that I am too incompetent to protect my Bookshop, whilst they keep
their jobs to show up here calling me names and putting the labels on. They do
love to boast about the threat I should be aware of, I suppose there were
methods a politician could handle to keep me from posing a threat it I were doing
something that ensured a bunch of people dragged them out of Parliament and
tied their bands behind their backs, hurdled them on the Lawn and kept guns
over their heads, hence it loved to get off the security provided to help the
job it was doing and show up here running me down over abusive ways my
personality can be used, up to the point of creating a public crisis – we know
those who understood their social position was a threat to governmental affairs
were staying away and those whose positions were a threat but were a law unto
themselves and had already suffered a brush with the real law were the ones
they were asking for everyday, there was no reason for me to suffer financial
complications for a problem that did not exist everyday and I will not fancy
the threats for much longer either (they do claim I was hated at the Monarchy
whilst we know it was a matter of some stupid people who decided I was
something they needed to sacrifice to climb a social ladder getting up to all sorts,
in the sense that typically when I am not keeping up with personal decisions
that royal pricks like these made and taking steps to ensure I did not face the
consequences for them, the idiots will stop at nothing and there would be an
entire society built up to facilitate it, which currently its stupidities had
eclipsed mainstream civil activities and it was hunting solutions to obscurity
at my expense, talking nonsense alongside its American fame and financial market
fraud idiots), they are the people who had not done much with the 2 decade
career mess I have been saddled with and are the same who are not prepared to
move on until some mystical thing they were doing with my writing career had
been achieved, like I mentioned, I will not fancy the threats for much longer
at this point.
Here they suggest I had become completely
uncontrollable which I am not, it is a problem that does not exist and if it
had existed should not have existed, that the King thinks I and not his history
during his training as Prince of Wales which caused his problems and instances
where it got on the wrong side of his mother, a problem they mitigated by a
process of hanging about at Monarchic affairs, seeking out ways to become real
men whilst they slapped my bum, now we had arrived at the stage where the
idiots who added the gimmick of stifling my finances were issuing threat too.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britian and
Northern Ireland