They do claim that there is a lot of carnage on my account, which carnage did not make any sense since all we had here is the gimmicks of people who had decided that their civil rights meant the ability to invite themselves into my concerns and make a complete mess of the best work I have done for my career. When I say they needed to stay away from my Books and blow off their big mouth elsewhere, I was only encouraging activities associated with stupidities they can perform at my expense to show that they were real men, complete with the fact that I could keep my anus from the rest of the world but not from their stupid selves. So, we have the facts, and we know they are not doing anything about the explanation that their problems stem from the history of inviting themselves into my work to make a mess of my best career, we know they are off on an ego trip over the facts, we know they had other expressions to suggest they are real men and so on. The confidence booster for this nonsense naturally is that I am a punching bag for Celebrities and none knows why the famous idiots do such things anyway, we know that it wouldn’t be justifiable to walk into my home and visit violence on me, so State Office must have exposed me to a certain amount of criminal activity by which they can build communities that run me down, track me down, trap me and visit violence on me as a lesson that when celebrities grabbed my career, I should never chase them down and recover it; the effect being a question of whether I had done something to deserve it naturally but overall, I believe that if the confidence that this stupid communities can perform this nonsense for them did not exist, we would not be having this conversation at all. It’s an old story about interfering with somebody’s life and career to such an extent Police Officers were making statements – ‘the one in prison is paying for his crimes, I don’t know what the other is doing save the assumption he is trashing my career’ the question then becomes where they stopped as it were, this nonsense about communities that will track me down and stop me when they want ownership of my career and public image is never going to encourage me to take a course of action that involved an activity that I would hope to get away with once done apparently. So, they do suggest that they are at an advanced stage of these stupid plans naturally and it does not really matter what stage of it they are at either, they are a bunch of gamblers who will lose – need to stay away from my Books and keep their big mouth shut, I was not like this three years ago for instance. There are those claims that I am an impediment to their mobility naturally, but we do not see that their families and friends are suffering consequences of their perverted interest in me either, so it is a tummy churning lie their stupidities will find amusing later, needs live with it.

The lifestyle is such that it enjoyed wrecking people’s lives and careers to pick up the social life and public image as a tool which decided what the public thought of their newly developed popularity but then it had to get involved with me, it had to take up an interest that was physical when it saw me at University, the outcome was that I dropped out because it had soon degenerated into a case where it was said that I smelled and they had built up a community that will tackle me for it, still showing up here – says I didn’t know about the new chance of taking me down which had been developed i.e. its office space, office block, office window criminal Muslim git and white friends, working out a way to handle my concerns and save up the part that can be used again and again and again when I tried to prevent the famous idiots trashing my career to secure a work disposition that facilitated the extra money that will buy expensive drinks, along with the stupid cliché that comes from it all day long, the reality on the ground is that telling them to keep from my Books and put out their important social lives when making those stupid comments, meant I had an attitude and it’s about to result in a war, where I can ensure their families got a feedback for this nonsense having tolerated it over a decade and a half. None knows why it is that they deployed my life and work to make show business, as abusive as they have been in the sense that I wrote a Book that was meant to tackle the crime and criminality issues and they construed it to be something I had done to cover their arse while they made money, set about starving my business of finances, build a crowd that got imagination up my bum and stuffed the corner shops with glossy magazines that portrayed them blowing kisses at criminals on my social life, then follow on with threats of homelessness if I didn’t serve them, which has resulted in a 5 year history of criminals and ex-convicts making decisions about the way my social life and public image should work and the idiots threatening me endlessly because they had been affected too – it has been as simple as keeping from my Books and making comments about their social lives, no part of the two which belonged to them, while the chances they had was more a matter of issues I should have put to an inventory but didn’t, allowing them to avoid outcomes where I can drag them to court or better still avoid the Court situation to sort out their problem socially, contrary to claims of how effective their big brothers are likely to be. They were civilians like me, didn’t have access to Public security but loved to behave as though they were top public security operatives, like they were in control of the cake and could decide who got what amount, that big mouth had already decided what my career should be used for, followed by the development of a community that will hunt me down, track me down and visit violence on me which will ensure I stopped recovering careers that had been taken from me. I want to see them tell Politicians about this power they have when they complain of my attitude as it were; we know when top Politicians meet there is information because of the state security involved, when top Church people meet there is little information except for the fact we would have seen people gather, when they meet, bank balances were affected, and it was a lifestyle their civil rights permitted them to force on others.

They do claim I used to be of assistance to them and had become the enemy over time and it is utter nonsense – 12 years of getting people to make the most of the way they deployed my public work to run off popularity that ensured ex-convicts and would be criminals didn’t follow them around while they chased the academic work and career, had produced an outcome where I had written a Book that they saw as a control mechanism for the plans they had to get rich at my expense, therefore starved my Bookshop of finances and showered me with a five year history of insults to make it happen, even though they were already paying off three mortgages in Hollywood comfortably. It goes back to the way I dropped out of University in the sense that each time they saw me, I had a personality they wanted to use, so they followed me around to make a mess of my career. We have now entered a phase were asking them to keep from my Books was an attitude problem and so when the criminals that tackle me ran out of ideas, it was said that I had an attitude problem and the process of tackling me became one that just kept giving. If a medical practitioner did this, they could get away with it because I was hard pressed to walk into the NHS to make them sort out the criminality issues, they had built to earn my income instead of working for their own but those are not the people to do it, the people to do it put a name to their faces to tell everybody what the affairs of the day meant. Then we find them claim it’s about making me look after my image while the issue involved getting the criminality matters and the would be criminals and ex-convicts who think I am the reason for their problems under control, running a Bookshop from which those who gained from the services read the Books that I had written, the image I am meant to take care of involved every stupidities that were being expressed with respect to an assumption I must have developed, that the difficulty of financial success was due to the idea that others were in control, so I have dabbled into the arts where I can be made to face reality on how the fucking idiots had decided I should be used – once it’s all clear after I had taken care of the image for this, I could then cling to the grooming products for the rest of my life, since this was how their stupid selves and the stupidities they exhibited with it had turned out. A big troublesome ego apparently but now they need to take seriously the fact somebody else is paying the price for it. so the big one is that the cliché bandied at me to facilitate a process where my work was used to boost their incomes is that which added up to work I could really do without on my part and boasting on their part about a chance I didn’t have on getting rid of the problem, so when I ask them to stop it, they set about revenge that will work in terms of Media bubble doing it for the purpose of hurting me, which I can see is developing towards an agreeable ending I suppose. Media gambling away people’s lives and fortunes in this way to claim the abusive things ex-convicts and criminals to with them is a responsibility their victims should have but failed to fulfil, is not the only adage we had in this society and the idea I am not in control is not true as well. They do claim I am not in control naturally but it’s not the first time; damage has been done to my career on the basis of media gits reporting news that got them involved with wealthy people, concerning which they trashed my career to establish connections which added up to connections that their children can have with wealthy people for the future, now it’s just the challenge of getting the abusive producers to stop putting riff raff and idiots on my social life and public image, blabbing off life changingly abusive cliché to enjoy life, boost earnings and buy expensive things, it will be enough carnage but none to an extent that will get me to do something I hoped to get away with before the work was done. They have their own Country now, full of paranoia associated with people who work government buildings and me being punished for an attitude, so the need to put up idiots on a Media bubble to extract popularity money from my social life and public image was a challenge, not work that I could really do without.

A person works so hard to prevent this – the business of their ability to decide what other people thought of a person back-to-back all day long, it might not be true, but none has ever seen or heard of a job interview that lasted 2 weeks. I work so hard to get rid of it and they work so hard to make it happen and now that it is a source of tension, the thing that had to be done involved making decisions on the distance between their stupidities and the red button – I want them to tell Politicians about this new power they had or it will also involve action that ensured they continued to show up at Parliament to blow off their big mouth about my attitude like we were mates. They claim it was a matter of issues I claimed to have resolved, what we know on the other hand is that the way it spends time involving itself with my personal space would have suggested that it took a liking to me – the truth on the other hand is rather that it didn’t find me attractive in anyway and probably had somebody it was in a relationship with that will make it feel as if it was a big deal, it then spends most of its time looking at me until it added up to an abusive covetousness and the wonder now is that of where it got to stop. They do claim the distress caused is pleasurable of which there is none; all things their stupidities are supposed to do to find out if I would plead with them for the power of public control, talking nonsense of the finer points of homosexuality that was the result of their need to handle other people and become thoroughly modern within the premise of practicing some form of clandestine intolerance – not keeping from my Books and retaining their filthy comments on their own social life is the pressure point here. They claim I enjoyed my power which is utter nonsense; we are talking about my Bookshop here but generally it is usually a matter of going to a part of Town and to return there years later will involve the punishment that still stands with respect to the way my social life affected other people – to stay away from my Books and keep the comments around their own social life is to avoid a process where I didn’t dig it all up as it were. They do claim it’s a matter of how I ended up with the type of social life that affected people in such ways which implies that I had conversations with them to say the least when I travelled to the parts of Town that I had travelled to for instance – what really happens being that it had never stopped chasing my personal space and my character as a tool to get paid for being popular and ends up getting so closely caught up with it that it got to tangle itself up with a history of ageist gits trying to make the most of being told what to do by an employer.

They do say that talking like this or even working violence on these people wouldn’t stop these activities but it wouldn’t – we know medication and therapy does not correct the minds of mentally ill people and I have been seeking an opportunity to take it up with the civil disobedience producers, advertisers and back gits helping people to expensive drinks on my earnings through a life changing perversion of my market place – even up to the part where I made career sacrifices due to the fear of job loss associated with the process of supporting people who don’t want to get paid less for doing the same jobs as band of brothers, it was all caused by producers who usually decide what other people’s acquaintances and friends will be and now the most recent source of distress is the business of handling the effects of security guard job that I did, to get criminals making contact with me, while grabbing bits of my work that will smooth over the careers of Politicians because they were real Men, and it is not going to stop the way that they felt comfortable with naturally. I don’t think that the matter is a crisis – it is a question of protecting my work to ensure the Books were paying me, if the average producer who gets hold of it had a certain amount of media exposure on the global stage and everything it did with my work could only be countered after they had done it, as far as media was concerned – so it requires a position at the Markets and perhaps the global stage as well which I do have, so this is not actually a problem, the problem is that I am sore all over, I smelled and there was a crowd waiting outside to attack me for it because the scumbags are no longer stealing property if they might steal my time instead and it suggests that their stupidities requires physical contact.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland