It never will let get of the story that I have ended up in a difficult situation until it really does. I mean its difficult to tell what difficult situation it was when it is really about a bunch of idiots who have run down my career rand finances to facilitate big brothers and big sisters attitude as insultingly as possible, with a disposition as House proud twats talking nonsense about how I owned a Royal Office and had more, if they were not engaging in a business of abusing me and mocking me over the effects on one hand, if not complaining about me on the other which soon all together develops into a process of threatening me on media. It has been a three part story of a time I spent in the sales industry, time I spent in the private security Industry and this disposition of Celebrities getting involved with my Publishers while making statements about my Office. It is always so slippery and I believe we are edging closer to the time that I will catch and pin it down to take sustainable action. Other factors include the way that my position plays into civil service enforcement activities and the way that have built a counter measure of civil service narcissism, while trashing my career to try and make me homeless – such that when I rent spaces with idiots landlords, they expect to bully me into keeping it tidy for an instance where they got to make money with it like they do with Banksy’s Artwork and if I didn’t, they would watch over me and report that I spend most of my day sleeping and playing video games to the DWP where they get tired and give them the right to watch over me, which takes the abuses to a whole new stage with a big mouth, the positive side being that time and again when enforcement officers wanted to do something, it could easily be said that their quasi criminal gimmicks had since dabbled into things beyond their scope and therefore make an excuse to move in on their corruption even though there was no real reason to as far as the rule books were concerned – it is for this reasons they have built up the civil service narcissism, running me down at work, running me down at home so I was perpetually tired and trying to make me homeless, take pictures of me in the bathroom to share with mental institutions, YMCA and the boys from the Foodbanks centres to achieve this; not really an issue if all these matters are also picked up by Celebrities who enjoyed setting me out as a character people bullied to get money from wealthy people – so it has been these three groups of idiots; the Celebrities who come from a world where people smoke marijuana at 11.00 am while stopping children from attending school and cannot keep imagination off peoples private parts, the sales industry fools and private security scum. I do not think the bottom chasing issues is as much of an issue as people believe I do, I mean this would alarm the Politicians but I really don’t; you need to see it as a product of those stupidities where a bunch of scum are seen at the backyards of Industry, any movement would involve helping Celebrities to the careers of some character they treated like little brother and will not play with something else if complaining about me to such an extent it shoots off its big mouth about thumping me, full of hot itself, talking rubbish. So it is a matter of instance where a Politicians would want to meet people from his constituency and had to think about a situation where the community he wanted to meet was a secret one or they operated in secret and each time they wanted something from their local MP there was no physical contact, just an imaginary one and a media gimmick. The problem is that they build it up to such an extent that when I don’t want them moving into my right hand to distract me from work and studies, they move back in with abusive civil disobedience and make up reasons to tackle me for it, each time I moved them out – eventually culminating in a process where they insultingly build those communities that get imagination up my bum but do not wish me to set out that their stupid civil rights looks like that as well. It has already spent 5 years of my time stagnating everything here – nothing wrong with my competence, nothing wrong with my Books, just a gimmick after gimmick after gimmick; such that I needed to take out time and publicity to make a statement about celebrity need to get involved with my relationships and somebody who walked away from my Books to attend another time because it was messy would return in 5 years to find that nothing had changed while the fucking idiots kept their salaries to issue threats at me, which they claim was a sign that their stupidities were incredibly important. We have as such ended up with another conversation about the way I have ended up in a difficult situation because they get fun from it and use it to build an atmosphere on the way they ought to continue to make use of a social life that my academic pursuits should have denied them access to, if the stupid politicians did not turn up to trash the University studies because I resisted their stupidities showing up on it to chase sales. The dilemma people think I have is that I probably owed a debt; the truth of my dilemma is that I would have had a better life if I shut down my wealth equity because they converted something I built on my public image to help younger persons get on into something that proved criminals were nice people who made money to buy show business and the part where I facilitated young people getting involved with people who controlled wealth making systems, converted into something about which they claimed that attacking me help them to secure big business deals better. In the end there are pressure points that make my intellectual property administration business into a job that is worth other peoples money; like society gits ripping up peoples lives and taking advantage of others because they were desperate – Celebrities making the most of people who tear down the careers of others to employ criminals in the neighbourhoods and it appears their interest in my relationships and the fact their cracked up out of my league German influence idiots who are no longer complaining that I explore their stupid physique to count the men in their communities like I was tough, involved playing me with abusively to distract me from all I am doing because somebody had given them power over me with a big mouth; needs to play with its own career and make comments about the one that is actually getting to its stupid head or needs to resist the failure to make sense of the fact that I am going to end it very badly.

It appears that I have set out a thrift business and they have caused me to imagine that I would be free if I turned it into a cash intensive venture but we all know how stupid the idea really is that if I spent money on them, they would move on, more so at this stage and in the revelations of current facts. Eventually we hear that it is about relations with Europe and we know that even when their insanity was about taking the clothes of for sex work on my social life and public image, the Russians were doing a better job and all they really knew was the psychopath and sociopath lifestyle about people fighting their wars, people making the decisions to get others fighting their wars and people whose property can be tossed to the dogs while people fought their wars but it is the need to pick up my Bookshop service processes, spend their own publicity on it to create a version of me their stupidities was more comfortable with, that is set to become their downfall I guess.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland