We are now told that what is happening with my affairs was a condition in which a bunch of abusive involvement corruption idiots had learned my secrets – it is utter nonsense as the problem is that they always had to put themselves in charge of other people’s affairs, arriving at what is a case of those who were really in charge having the finances damaged as a method of blackmail that caused such persons to bail them out of being left behind and or ending up with problems they could not handle, whilst the fact their own finances were unaffected placed them in a position where those insults could get completely out of hand. The insults in question being the idea I should be abused by others as a method of pleasing wealthy people and any persons that wanted to spend money on them – references drawn up as inferences the public could draw when they turn up at my career and business premises, with respect to my age as a context of the condition in which my career existed which stifled my Bookshop – a need to live in a time when I had provided them no response for these destructive activities and the alliance with the quasi criminals that had nothing to lose and found it profitable to get involved with my personal space if I am relied upon to do something about their problems whilst being abused by their stupidities on Media – goading me over the public control matters and turning neighbourhoods into places that sought ownership of my career whilst I was not brave enough to deserve it, press narcissism powered lesbians who loved to play the part awesome bitches and deciding that I can only pay my way in the world by getting into a fight with random people, to enhance the sense their stupidities were important people, the message having not gown around that they were famous pricks and the last time it was checked, they were never complaining about what seemed to have been a sense that I am one of their big fans, if these abuses led me to play the effect of the insults back at them, so their bottom hurt and they paid their taxes to live in regret for the abdominal discomforts whilst we got to make sense of the points where the fun bits got to end. I did offer them fair warning as well, we are now at the stage where I must consider these points with respect to the way that regardless of how they have trashed the finances and showed up to convert my work relationships into a bum fingering upstart gimmick, which counters the sense that the jobs at the work market were perfectly sound, as a method of raising funds for my Bookshop, if I cleared it all out, my health will be in ruins, I must think of these specific activities that did the most damage here as items that require a response where if I cannot stop them by talking I should stop them by force. I could never understand why it is that these immoral society mandated, cracked up out of my league public policy disturbing bullies loved to put themselves in charge of other people’s affairs, the idea they have learned my secrets comes on the back of this, never mind their incredibly abusive parents that cannot keep the imagination out of peoples privacy and there is no explanation as to the motivating reasons they did it to my career every day as such, I am simply fed up of the way that some insults were favourite insults because they achieved such a purpose the best.

Prevalent state of affairs is that their careers were clearly bad because they were a threat to my safety and well being constantly filling in every gap in which I took a breath with claims that state provided security provoked them, whilst the need to tell lies, round me up like I am an animal and waste all my property on their personal decisions continued on public media – their neighbourhoods were bad as it would seem the only purpose was to secure their finances by handling my personal finance structures by publicly supported practical jokes and get imagination into my panties for health bringing amusement whenever they were not complaining that is and their career publicity was clearly bad as it was the mean public system for any public security services corruption that lip flapped all sorts of nonsense about communism and democracy whilst clinging to my finances and personal life for pleasurable gimmicks. The purpose of any private livelihoods and enterprises was to get me stuck with personal problems they could not handle and repeatedly shower me with enough insults to stifle my career, extract money from my career publicity and tell me the money they now possessed showed they were more important than I am on account I could handle those problems comfortably, which causes a career to go around in circles here repeatedly with no progress being made on the financial front, as a provocatively as only their well off neighbourhood stupidities and corrupt private security can, their interest in my career generally serving only the purpose of making all of the above workable in real market terms by goading me over public control matters that are created by working their immoral society mandate to send out low lives that had nothing to lose, to perform all sorts of nonsense behind my back which is then used as a mean to goad me over public control matters and maintain a PR that was a product of press facilitated lesbians and German influence supported advertisement narcissism – as I mentioned, it would seem that an inability to get their stupidities off my case and retrieve any lost finances by talking, will give way to a process of getting it done by forceful methods. In retrospect it would seem that the insults passed two ways when I played its effects back at them but the sexwork politics that affected them was more intense, considering they invented it.

I am now told that some secret security service gits wanted to see me suffer which I understand completely but the cause of the problem really is still that they saw security service operatives do their best job upon liaising themselves with my public work and we progressed well on the matter of public security arrangements through to the international scene, so they had to find a way that my career was used for purposes that were not intended in order to cause me suffering that made amusement for them over their own idea on how security service work should operate. At which stage it is said that they expect me to be afraid of them and I am never afraid of them, which does not make any sense, since the original reasons I got involved with security services matters was that the way I handled my public work and public interest affairs was compatible with prevalent security problems of the day and they felt that with the sort of incredibly stupid and unusual interest that wrong doers took in my personal and social life, they needed to pick it up lest it fell into the wrong hands, so I guess this means that I ought to be afraid of a bunch of gits who then picked up their own security services recruitment on this basis, considering the background that a bunch of idiots were born under birthdates that were more dangerous than mine, were busy investigating the Police on behalf of immoral and criminal society, to end up somewhere being seduced by criminals into committing their own crimes, which then led to police brutality and are living with the idea that their new security service jobs was that which I should be afraid of because all of reality itself actually looked like that, having already completed the process of its sociopath popularity gits clinging to my financial structures to make stupid statements about ways I was in league with racists and the fact that their gimmicks having led to Police brutality right across the US and the USA having also especially being established as fact in their stupid minds, was all my fault; the fall out being that it now needs to fight some communists off it, since these idiots were a bunch of narcissists, the women never stopped threatening my well being and survival backed up a twat that I am supposed to be afraid of and the men never stopped expressing a narcissism in my direction which meant that they expected access to my finances, so they may damage it for personal fortitude, each time women disrespected them, having been that I do not pick fights with women, the idiots who threaten my well being and survival, backed by people I am supposed to be afraid of and the original problem with women being that women never liked them on account that when it came to other people’s family matters and personal finances, nothing ever got done on it and those who happened to have succeeded never the less were subjected to parental narcissism on Media, their stupidities now had twice the problem to deal with, alongside a new watch me and find it impossible to keep their stupid hands to themselves excuse for a security services job that they claim I am supposed to be afraid of. This always had a history of being a premise by which the communists finances social gimmicks back here in the west and they would claim that this was not deliberate on the part of the communists which I never said it was the fault of the communists that these idiots always felt disenchanted with democratic leadership whenever I brought up the point, I said that they needed to get it under control, take care of it tidy it up, not attack an Arch Prince and get off hiding behind nuclear weapons at the pentagon alongside famous pricks that goad me over public control matters, to extract an income from my public image and send out low lives that had nothing to lose to run me down all day, whilst their stupidities presumed their new security services job should cause me a sense of a fear as they progressed onto working local governments on the premise that they would love to see how much their victims suffered. For my part the point is raised that this nonsense takes up all my time but it really does not and I believe I have given their stupidities fair warning over the unusual interest in my Bookshop, clients and personal finances; it has always been a matter of what I am doing as a writer, how much I liked doing it, whilst their abusive gimmicks were a process of putting myself at the helm of other peoples problems as if I am insane – nobody knows why the idiots loved to put themselves in charge the way that they did, so in order for those in charge to actually ensure they were not left behind, financial well being and health had to be sacrificed, talking nonsense at me alongside its famous pricks which does not heed the warning we are now at a point where it is set to stop very badly, lip flapping ideas about ways I should be afraid of its security services job, alongside well off neighbourhood pricks who had gained an immunity over my complaints and will not male society leadership stupidities that suggest they were entitled to get on my nerves, keep their fucking imagination out of my pants if it was clear that their lip flapping was really not good enough.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland