I am not in any doubt that Celebrities want to do harm to me at this stage but that they have gone on to mention their feelings thus repeatedly whilst I am living on social security waiting for something to change about their need to come into ownership of my Royal public life, so desperate they were, that they picked up bits of my Books, specifically the aspects where people showed up to bother me in a criminal fashion and I decided what they should have been doing would provide me a guide to write Books that made the world a better place, which served a good enough deterrence, to make themselves good people whose wickedness others could not see until they attacked, whilst the idiots who showed up to play with my finances each time I defended myself from their gimmicks, always wanted to get involved with livelihoods and introduce themselves to others as a bunch of trolls. Reality of this matter is that on detaching my career and public life from that of the Celebrities, they become something else entirely, far from the big deal that they claimed they were, so probability of what will become of a process where I faced a threat from them is that I will respond to them like the expensively dressed hoodlum crooks they were and the fact that doing something with my career that they had clung to over a decade does not necessarily make it any less my property in the eyes of the law, simply because I had done it a while back and nobody deserves to live on social security, just waiting for them to change an insolent attitude, especially if they were complaining about victims responses, such that they needed National Media and National politics publicity to avoid the stress associated with it. The theory I did not have a chance is obviously not built on reality – we will simply end up with me on one corner and famous people on the other with the people who curate their backstage issues, alongside the Government in the middle, over a need to trash my career and build a crowd that fingers my bum, talking nonsense over ideas about ways I am to serve them whilst their stupidities were not paying the bills in this place, issuing threats at me and thus so distractingly will not help.

 On the matter of Celebrities picking up my career publicity, to hang about inflicting stress on me whereby they were backed up by a bunch of society idiots and muscles I am supposed to be afraid of, I believe their parents were likely to be the only people to have provided them license for this nonsense and also likely to be the people who will get a feedback when it all goes badly wrong as well. Some people have suggested that I encourage it to an extent but I am happy for Coven and a Court to handle my public life for the purpose of fooling around with wealthy people, as it is one of the methods by which the system is funded, besides which it was impossible for a Court and a Coven to say that they did so, made a mess of my career, trashed my finances and were beyond my so called owners privileges like the Celebrities did, that said, the Celebrities were now attacking me because they were trying to get around with the wealthy people, concerning whom I had built up the wealth politics equity to assist the public because they are always hanging about at the Market place, spending their money to fight everybody and cannot control what their wealth did – the wealthy people themselves do see it my way and understand I have to do it and that it is not in my interest necessarily to get rid of them as such but it is the abusive and betraying crook Celebrities who have ended up with a process of wanting to get around with people concerning whom the business of making enough money to do so was set on a platform of attacking the same people they were trying to get around with, it is not actually a position from which they were better off issuing their famous peoples threats at me.

The question has been raised on several occasions as to whether I considered the possibility I might be running the Bookshop the wrong way, which I have and am not – it is intellectual property administration service, my social media showed clients that were making use of the service and the Books I had written but it is always either those who wanted to engage with the Books were attacked to such an extent that they married the process of huge resistance to access considering great need with a sense that there might be easier options to accessing and reading the Books, which leaves me cash strapped or those who were straight set on buying some Books ended up being saddled with so much nonsense that they became lazy about reading books which had the same effect on my finances or indeed both would be inflicted on the same clients by a bunch of famous idiots who got addicted to my personality and were always telling lies that their stupidities tended to get whatever they wanted, which naturally was the state that ensured their wicked nature could not longer be hidden. They do claim not only that my Books were too expensive but also that mentioning the way that the Intellectual property administration business served brokers, clients and readers interests at the Trust would only make my problems worse and it will do no such thing as we are now in the position to point out how they got to find half the trouble they seek, which is now set to escalate towards a result where they found the other half due to the Celebrity interest in my financial well being not being a good one, picking up my assets and career publicity to do their own thing backed by idiots I am supposed to be afraid of whilst my response had caused enough of a stress crisis for their stupidities to also pick up National politics and National Media publicity to manage the effects, besides which when they bought Books that were written on an Intellectual property administration service, they had to do the intellectual property administration thing, so obviously, those who wanted access to the way I completed the job on the social front and ensured each paragraph dealt with matters related to aesthetics, creativity and functionality, would not find paying £15.00 for a 300 page Book that contained such items as expensive as they claimed it was, it needs to get its fame career out of my way or I will do it with grave consequences attached.

We know they had gone on to confirm that this was some sort of acceptance that was being passed my way by their LGBTQ community of which I am not a part of the last time we checked, starting to look as if should I not murder it, I was entitled to a better option comparatively, especially as it complains about me endlessly but linking up the business of paying its celebrity bills comfortably with building a community that fingered my bum all day long, was still on. The problem itself then goes back years, people so annoying violence was never far off, especially on the matter of getting to decide that I served some purpose that made them comfortable at the markets, where we would take turns to make money – no clarity as to how much power I would have and how many turns I could take on the day, just a civil rights entitlement, at this stage which we are not yet running through the issue of a need to rally a distracting immoral society crowd against those who had more than others but it was already a two decade career finance mess for me, solely on the basis of their stupid personality that was entitled to make others lose something important and the stress associated with the uninvited involvement following the blackmail – this is the kind of motivation by which on paying their bills comfortably in the city, to hang about wanting to own my career for the purpose of avoiding consequences that came with personal decisions, the famous idiots established tasks for German influence gits and built a community to finger my bum all day, whilst their so called bad boys worked with rogue landlords to run me down in my bedroom lest I got into a relationship with their stupidities, wrecking everything around here – always fun thus until I had decided there was a link between their jobs and the mess they made for me, which will set the stage for me to become the person collecting prizes for being a badly raised unreasonable child.

Then again all I had said are symptoms, I must now accept that their financial well being was the main problem that I faced.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland