There was the question raised as to whether there was an explicable reason behind my activities but there really isn’t any, it is simply a matter of a group of people that I am unlikely to get along with in any circumstances, not because I had decided it but because they were a bunch of incorrigible civil disobedience narcissists – evidently after years of an interest in me, especially on the part of their famous idiots, we are now in a position where I am wondering how it is possible to progress from not being able to get along with them, to hanging around the social activities we see kick off near lower tier court systems tolerating a narcissism that is channelled towards my career and finances and turns up on Media to claim it was all my fault every day. They even claim it was a matter of the way I lived disgracefully of before which everything I owned was provided by some Universal power who simply made me a custodian for everybody to share i.e. there is no reason behind my actions, I simply need to follow it up at a point where it is a clear threat to financial wellbeing, set out the ingredients as per there being no substance to Celebrity threats save a crowd that claimed it was not responsible for my problems and I would not dare go up against them provided support for the Celebrity gimmicks to be the source of all stress shower me with opportunism insults, get imagination up my pants and ensure the famous idiots were able to adopt a public disposition where they were classroom bullies who got my lunch box every day or perhaps the Celebrities clinging to my career publicity over a need to be convinced that their famous stupidities made them superior and above all an overwhelming sense that they were entitled to access everything that they got themselves tangled up with on the basis they were likely to be bigger in size than their victims. I am beginning to pursue this in an objective manner, so I think that a reckoning is set to occur in a far future, especially as it really enjoyed getting on my nerves by claiming that it was the fault of communists.

We are told that they really loved to see me being humiliated but it is all good from my point of view as well, as long as somebody does not require Politicians to wade in on their behalf because I refused to give up the humiliating reputation they had built for me, as equally as I am determined to ensure that they paid for it until I could live with it comfortably. These were such a bunch of entitled idiots that the real problem at this point is that my response to the mess they made of my career, makes them so uncomfortable that they wanted to take possession of my personal life and it is the reasons I do not respond to these sorts of feelings about me as such, I want to see them try, alternatively they could get lost and stop handling me considering it will never ever happen for them. The reasons we are in this situation is the way they show up to convert my concerns into something else: if I had business with security services, with the help of a crowd that propels their gimmicks into a form of black mail that involved handling my career finance structures, they converted it into a gimmick where people were entitled to finger my bum and fondle my penis which fantasies I have always felt them channel in my direction long before security services expressed an interest in my activities – if I engaged with public service in a Country where women were having babies, it needs me to be single into my 40s as a method of finding the kinds of men their stupidities wanted and the kinds of babies they wanted thereafter, as though I make the personal decision for them, I play a part in the way they trade mobility for immoral society gimmicks and hang about flattering criminals, since I am black, the blacks hated my guts because I destroyed everything that made this nonsense possible as I have always hated it so, could never understand why they wanted it, throughout my teens, now it is the whites and I will be passed back onto the blacks if their own does not end badly as well – the gimmicks continues in this form taking so many instances until they were certain that if they claimed I am a low life, it would make sense, then they deployed NHS sirens to pass around the statement that although I could fight my own battles so that their stupidities may rely on me and their opinionated ageist idiots shove problems up my bum especially when I am trying to get some sleep, the Police disturbed entire neighbourhoods on my account and then not only failed to do anything about the criminals that lived in it but had also forged an alliance with the corrupt Local authority idiots who never listened when told that an alliance with their narcissism to work on people who lived on social security was counterproductive, my Bookshop stagnated because of it on account that the bum fingering and penis fondling upstart gimmicks that they had started was something people feared they might get infected with, if they engaged with the Bookshop, before deciding that I needed to stop what I am doing and their stupidities loved to see me being humiliated and expect that nothing serious would come of it, if they had already found half the trouble they sought so far and wanted Politicians to wade in on their behalf. On the matter of something I needed to stop, I could never understand exactly where it concerned them, that I responded to the worst form of abusive opinionated ageism I have ever seen, being thrown at me, by deciding it meant the stupidities wanted to find out about my career and carry the information like PR I did not have to fund, we know they complained about the stress considering how much they liked to bother me, to the Politicians and not some idiots who wanted to see me being humiliated whilst complaining; the only sensible explanation for the involvement therefore would be that my actions had created the circumstances by which opinionated ageism was a dying breed and they were hoping to grow up into the same things, about which it was not clear why they were topping up their narcissism and needless insults with a sense that I needed to stop what I am doing and they were entitled to have me stop it as well anyway. History of this is that I am not practicing the same things, so they have been the people who passed exams in school and kept jobs i.e. the question of where it concerns them if they were not the people dropping out of university due to opinionated ageism taking an interest in their personal space. The core of the problem is that the insults and abuses were so intense every day, that it built up to results where people where shoving personal problems up my bum and picking up my career publicity for self-improvement; their bum hurts all the time as well because I am responding to the insults – I believe that the need to continually make a mess of my Bookshop is set to build up to an outcome where I picked it up, called in the one about a need to encourage employers to convert the work place into an abusive contraption that helped them get rich fast, their famous idiots clinging to my career publicity, over a determination to make them live in the real world and face real consequences for their personal decisions like everybody else.

Their ethnic minority friends were victims of everything obviously, I am still being attacked by the insults and abuses and the destruction of my career publicity as per their status as victim of everything was not yet cemented apparently; all together we faced this problem because they were bigger than I am and this matter of losing job after job, business after business and career after career because of their size, is growing into a problem I needed to solve, bearing in mind that their stupidities loved to see me being humiliated. They do claim the main problem to be that I dropped out of University and yes it is but this is not what is causing the problem all together, bearing in mind that it was always possible to get back to University and complete what I started, the real issue is that I did private security industry work and they have been bottoming out my finances to goad me over public control, I mean they are not taking an interest in their own lives to do it naturally and it is such a simple thing for people to stop doing. The matter is not a crisis as such, there are specific issues on this; the insults are numerous but there are specific insults that are creating career problems, celebrities picking up my career publicity and the media lies that make excuses for the narcissism because the media presence was far away enough for the narcissism to be effective, so instead of drafting a list to handle this, I instead put my effort towards making a Bookshop good enough for the public to engage and since it is their Bookshop literally, it has not worked, none knows what we would have ended up with if the idiots had not passed the exams at school all together, I mean their interest in me is so intense, I can see the difference between the real me and how stupid I have become; if I had a plan and came up with the ways the plan might apply to something, grade it A, B and C, it is taking the same individual who crafted the plan, up to half an hour to get his head around the plan that he crafted all together, such that the residual threat was that if I met with an employer and needed to show I had gotten the sociological matters that showed up when I started my career under control, well enough to do the job on Offer, frustration from realising he does not have more than 10 minutes, will give way to anger, tiredness and depression, they are far from the geniuses that they claim they are. Here it is said that my career is not in as much trouble as I claim it is, that I am the person driving myself into this situation, I am aware that it is not, but the clients are unable to engage due to the fear that the problems these idiots had inflicted upon my career publicity and social life would infect them and that they would be paying for it – I mean it will not stop goading me over the public control matters because I was seen doing private security industry work at some stage, of which we understand there to be nothing wrong with the Industry itself all together, whilst the other gits who always ended up living in slums no matter how hard the Government tried, showed up stifling the public presence of my Bookshop all together, because they think they are trolls whose problems I possessed resources to be led around in circles solving endlessly – seems to send the message that life gives people lemons all the time, that I am being exploited and taken advantage of with a big mouth whilst it wants ownership of National Media and National politics publicity to complain about my responses. I mean they are the reasons I had not done a lot about the celebrities and the well off neighbourhood idiots building a narcissism media with German influence fools, to make the most of their need to punish the way my activities affected their criminal lifestyles, since these were the institutions that they went to market to provide with power, spending money on, spends my career publicity and reputation on the public over civil rights gimmicks to sell products and make money, the claim I cannot actually show that they were a bunch of idiots– it can always humiliate what it likes until that becomes an issue, we do not have a problem unless it continues to make a mess of my Bookshop, we are now at the stage where I am unlikely to care that their stupidities did not read Books and therefore were a waste of time, and instead embark on a project to get it out of them. It is a whole talk of the town narcissism that would only have been possible if I had walked into the local authorities that was now involved to sign a marital registry with somebody who hated my guts. I had tried the deterrence option where their employers would find the feedback about their activities inescapable, now I must say it had not worked and look to ensuring that since they were keeping their own jobs and knew what it took, it was time for their parents to get the feedback. They claim I had failed to patch things up with the Celebrities because it was an ego thing for me which is utter nonsense – there have been series of gimmicks where people delve into my affairs and do something incredibly harmful to enforce the idea that they were superior, the final one was the process of calling me names and putting labels on, then opening up my career to pseudo profession society that wanted to build a narcissism platform for the male population to trade with, then get off attacking me because their own careers were affected to, eventually going on to show that it amused them – I had to get it together and make a clear decision about what I wanted, now I need to ensure they stopped spending my reputation and career publicity to make the public comfortable over civil rights gimmicks in order to get rich, this is not how people complaining endlessly therefore needing to be stopped either, it is the way I have always worked my career and the best methods I have practiced, to manage the opinionated ageism that shows up around it so often, it needs to stop handling me and mind its own business.

I am told the hatred people channelled at me was very real and it was concerning that after being warned many times, I still did not take it as seriously as I should but there is no workable hatred that these idiots can channel in my direction – we are here because an Arch Prince clearly does not want to have anything doing with a bunch of some of the stupidest individuals he was unable to vouch for, who appear in entertainment products and show up on the red carpet to sell those products but they had decided that the fact he held a public image without getting caught up in the mess associated with their need to exploit people, was provocative and there is nothing I can do about the decisions that they made; the stupid hatred is a waste of professional time and costs money, it is never clear about what it really hates and will end up in a situation where I got to make myself the person who stopped it badly. On a more detailed point of view, since the problem was to with those whose finances were looking up, impoverishing other people who were working hard to secure personal finances with gimmicks and media narcissism, then instead of hiding behind a sense of privilege, they might as well just go on and start stealing, as issuing threats at me will not improve their condition i.e. they did get ahead after all, nobody knows what the problem is at this point. Eventually we hear that we Librans always end up like this but we do as there is always a sense that we were wide persons and the need therefore to progress from small insults to bigger ones and end up with exploitation that led up to an outcome where my career publicity was being interpreted as indication that I was so weak my existence provoked people, whilst the Celebrities helped their abusive parents and well off neighbourhoods to build communities that got imagination into my panties and got some low lives who had nothing to lose, to help tie my hands every time I had some criminality to face up to, sharing my personal space in the neighbourhoods to keep the bum fingering gimmicks going, the only group of people likely to facilitate and industrialise such nonsense were the society; we are usually okay if somebody does not come up with the stupid idea that the fact we did not get along with society was a problem, needs to give it a rest if complaining that some issues associated with my social life were being neglected and that its stupidities had suffered as a consequence – I mean there are no documentarily accurate evidence but we saw the same process play out to create the second world war, in applicable case which they took it as far as to express an interest in the social lives of elected Officials, picking up elected Offices themselves in the process and one ends up in a situation where it was possible to make sense of what they were saying which was impossible to during the first 35 years of life as a human being on the planet, therefore what has actually happened is progress whereby I had grown older and stupid, which gives way to bombs and guns. Needs to stop bothering me when I cannot get along with society and needs to stop making a case about me getting into a fight, the latter building into the activities of other corrupt Librans who know that these gimmicks where harmful to people but engaged in it anyway, since we were all adults, we assumed they knew what they were doing at their age, therefore need give it a rest concerning corrupt Librans and the corrupt Librans need give it a rest concerning the need join in on the bothering of elected representatives, if they have gotten a piece of the pie themselves. Here they say there was a mystery associated with the way that everything we Librans did about Government was always the best and for the best but it is not a mystery, hence it being the wrong thing to do pushing us into a fight and making a case for the fact we do not get along with society gits – in our heads we are counting the number of people who have had children, how those children have evolved into adulthood, how the government consults them to decide what laws should be made, how those laws sit in government offices and the outcome was the way they ran their lives and somewhere in the midst of all that were structures that emerged for innovation and the existence of wealth, whilst the Geminis, tend to look like they always did their best work when they worked for the civil service, sorting out problems for the public with respect to the interests of the government, we can see the effect when everybody at social security Office looked like a Gemini but are really not for instance and of course like we have seen it play out once more, Geminis were more prone to turning towards chauvinism that we Librans and the Aquarians were, such that I manage the abusive opinionated ageism that shows up near my career by stuffing them with the information, although they originally do not try to secure publicity from Celebrities in order to manage the stress, the Celebrities will get involved, when affected, show up to bully me and confiscate my personal and social life to make things better i.e. since everybody wants access to Air signs, we cannot tell exactly why they are always making everything so difficult for us and why they are always boasting about the ill feelings we expressed on it, the point being the reasons Geminis pick up the lying to their faces and even more lying when they protested about it, recent one being Mr Trump whom they claimed was racist but have no evidence to show the extent to which Mr Trump was racist. Hence we see how the gimmicks do lead to outcomes where they claimed they were on the left but did not want to be there all the time, were on the right but did not want to be there all the time, since when such nonsense ended up in the hands of the Politicians, I would be made to end up on the left hand side and would be comfortable with it as long as their stupidities were not inventing all sorts of worst kinds of abusive activities by which they showed an interest in my personal life, whilst they got to keep the insane society no matter what. They do claim I am in a hole that I cannot dig myself out of and it is utter nonsense, like they claimed that I suggested I was acting to control the abusive activities of corrupt security service staff but had done no such thing: the way to dig myself out of this hole was to recognise the connection between their stupidities trashing peoples finances to get ahead and once done spending time impoverishing people with celebrity money practical jokes, usually producing two outcomes, one in which people engaged with the sex industry in order to tackle them in terms of their need to leave their own privacy and cause others huge unimaginable suffering, the other being the people who engaged with sex industry because they fought back and got into trouble with the Law – the link being that the narcissism male society and its public transport idiots that now needs ownership of National Media and National politics publicity to handle the stress associated with my response to the fact they were bigger than I am and therefore permitted people to do whatever people wanted with my body, which insults grew to the point where the criminality gits enjoyed channelling fantasies of sexual assault in my direction with a big mouth, had taken up the muscle aspect of their need to say that they were financially comfortable therefore could not breathe the free air without exploiting people, which has already created my a 2 decade career mess whilst they bothered politicians with the idea that they were victims, at the same time that the Celebrities joined in on the gimmicks about the way I stepped out of my door causing their stupidities to get caught up with the sex industry, expressing hatred of the way that their public image involved negotiating the effects of the sex industry whilst mine did not and deciding that my career ought to cover their backside, to the extent that my clients needed the rest room for engaging with my Books or may turn towards sexual activity all together, the mention of shit over every aspect of the career publicity had eclipsed it – to dig myself out therefore, it needs to stop goading me over public control matters, trashing my health, telling me what to do when famous and the Men need to shut down the bum fingering upstart society if they want the Politicians to take their complaints about me seriously, alternatively, watch me assume that their parents were the main supporting system for their criminal and insane sense of entitlement, therefore will be getting a feedback from me, when the way I secured my retirement involvement pursuing them all the way to the holiday destinations, to prevent their need to put the feet up and pass insults at me that a bird will carry around the world, stifling my Bookshop. On the matter of doing nothing about security service corruption, we all know that nobody is burning their assets to fight communists, and sharing US defence budget by claiming that they were working with communists against US interests – I mean originally the problem was as simple as their gimmicks dominating women and the women picking on nice guys which continued for as long as Politicians continue to see them investigate law enforcement on behalf of criminal society, commit their own crimes and tell lies to continue the narcissism but also continued to blame the Police for doing Police work, so they assumed they will always be fine regardless of whether somebody else suffered the consequences of their actions, they suffered it or they dragged people down with them – now it has become a matter of announcing their status as a bunch of tools with respect to the fact that the Government in Europe is handling public matters satisfactorily these days, so their immoral society stupidities had been decanted; dominating women, the women dominating the nice guys and the corrupt security service staff making the most of it alongside the famous gits. It likes to say that I am weak and need others to intervene on my behalf when it is not yet a case of a need to keep it down with respect to public work, due to the existence of very younger children in the Country, meeting up with their unusual interest in the social lives of elected official, to meet up with the real me if I were determined to ensure I was either feared or respected by them on my terms. It is like they speak of Geminis having a history of being abusive of authority which is not the case as Geminis do regularly feel as if since people wanted access to air signs but liked to ensure life was difficult for air signs over their own personal decisions, they tended to pick up a position as advocates which soon developed into a sense that people ought to pay for what they use and ends with chauvinism. It is a very simple matter, as no idiot with a need to exploit people will ever build a community that abuses me and show up on my personal space to make calls to contractors and employers, then attack me when they had failed to secure some success, from a safe distance facilitated by an abusive interest in my personality, unless a famous idiot was goading me over public control matters – when they stop, I can go back to the last known point where my activities at the employment market was not being interfered with and catch up on my career from there i.e. seemed like my career was flushed down the loo because I did private security industry work and they were a bunch of entitled narcissistic idiots who were bigger than I am and lived in well off neighbourhoods, wanting to find out why others do not need an ego to go with a career the hard way – I mean if somebody at Industry did something like these, they would be forced to take a voluntary retirement, nobody ever makes famous idiots take a voluntary retirement from fame, needs to keep playing with me, taking up my time for narcissism; where the public is concerned, people already had a two tier public activity, as per they had jobs and families and if something unusual was happening, it was happening in a set place but there was the stupid idea that if I got to witness some of the things security services did, I would hate them as well, whereas being a public figure meant that since I am holding the hand up for them, I should not allow my state of mind to end up in such a place, an example being the question of how a person ends up in the so called set place in which unusual things were happening to such an extent that the Police had to respond with force and or violence.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland