The prevalent issue that does not seen to accept pacification was naturally one of Politicians with strange ideas about doing things to me but it is nothing unusual as our history has not yet extended into one where I got to take proactive actions on the fact that they only tended to control the public by setting out peoples success as that which is disrespectful of the male population. What I have done so far however involved a process where I got the same male population to learn how their job works, which has yet developed into a global stage crisis, hence it is clearly what I am here for, I was born into the world to suffer the consequences of any alternative activities they have decided to spend tax payer funded government time on, I am here to wait somewhere for Politicians to do things to me, I suppose then for as long as it had not ended terribly. The other part of their gimmick is that I am completely incapable of looking after myself but we know as much as their famous idiots can see, that picking up public work to assist me while the public work is what I did for a living, added up to a process of looking for trouble, especially if they consistently insisted on it, not least the fact that they are usually the first to raise a point or two about my finances having caved in abusively. We know that their abuses had extended towards a sense that the public should be able to access my personal space at all times, their society idiots were the fools providing it, they were able to see me without my clothes on, share my personal space, share my diet and sleeping habits with prostitutes they sleep with and build communities that will finger my bum, before their cowardly stupidities decided then that they were larger in size than I am. This nonsense is not my main concern however at this stage; the main concern is that the Celebrities have continued to pose the biggest danger to my personal, financial and social wellbeing – after picking up my wealth equity public image to make their own money, claim criminals were nice and respectful people who deserved to be rewarded over it, built it up to a profile for me which suggested I was a character people picked on to befriend the wealthy, left the effects for their dress well self-exhibitionism narcissist gold diggers, they had since gotten around to fans all over Europe, whom they think will not take kindly to people who familiarise with the stars: the effect is this nonsense I had to face from the moment I stepped outside of my door, supported financially by stupid Americans who make business arrangements that people find out was a structure built to cause people harm but getting out after showing them talents and career was impossible, about which they hated my guts because of my wrath so far, involving a process where somebody else had picked up my career, hence it needs to become that activity that I did not just shut down and put a dead stop to, but got about stopping very badly.

I am informed that the Media had succeeded in wrecking my career and I was powerless to do a thing about it from this but they have not wrecked it, just damaged the Bookshop and finances while keeping their salaries to boast about being so important, I will suffer violence because I had not yet learned what respect was, when it blabs like so thus, its criminals from the gimmicks it develops at an alliance forged with idiots I rented a space with and the criminals that the ageist fools were allied to as well, will hear it blab and it will get out of bed everyday to start the day announcing that I am a bum and a low life, when it is not dead yet. I mean I could ensure that I did not drive it to a point where their stupidities was my only concern in order to end it but we know that the issues on the side which suggest I am at war with the press will come to play. So when I am younger I used to consider the financial threats especially the bits that come from their Celebrities as something that could force me to create a war, now I am older and more experienced, so think that smashing the Capitalism competition gimmicks would be my best option.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland