I am eventually informed that I had since arrived at a stage where it made ever increasingly meaningful sense for people to met violence on me, which I could never understand, why anybody would want me to count up what I am losing to their stupidities as to encourage such a behaviour but I do know that according to history, they were the people losing in the first place, since I am the broke Arch Prince that got their home wrecker stupidities stuck with me to such an extent that they were too old to pursue gold digger careers, of which what they have recently gained was a product of nefarious nonsense that famous pricks and government office gits got up to, the same who are now unable to explain their actions and were passing insults at me because they were financially comfortable. I do also know that when it seems to be such a great problem, to get out of bed and face my day without interference caused by a bunch of idiots who behaviour in my direction would have made me a house wife getting into a fight with an irresponsible husband, talking nonsense about freedom, in the context that they were using a day job to cause me the financial difficulties associated with these gimmicks, as long as their families were not yet receiving a feedback for the sort of nonsense I had to put up with each time they told everybody they were off to work, then the idea that comes to mind is an extreme stupidity associated with people taking advantage of my moral upkeeping of myself to pass insults at me and get accustomed to the insults that were now doing damage to my Bookshop and finances, will not give up those insults because they made bad personal decisions and the methods by which I keep them off my personal life over it added up to what they claim is a threat to their freedom, stupid comes to mind and they were always the first to invent the ideas about violence making sense when one is caught up with people this stupid, hence issued the threats first. Some people have pointed to the way I did mention I will veer away from talk on a certain date but I am not talking to them here, I am responding to the authorities assessing these threats and asking questions about what the law enforcement had to deal with, more insults from the famous idiots naturally, since I am clearly one of their biggest fans. Where the Politicians were concerned, we know that it is suggested I am now in a difficult position, which I am not; they have always known this to be a bunch of unbearably stupid people who were considered famous by birth sign reading quasi criminals and that when the Americans want the authorities to control me, it was really a Scorpio American presidents making sense of those gimmicks where Scorpios spear head activities that suggests people can always get rich by stealing from and attacking a Libra, when I am not ripping up their neighbourhoods for fat cat gimmicks in order to get rich as well, they have although knowing this, enjoyed having fun with this nonsense at my expense, save the times that they were complaining about it. The whole business of abusive public transport pricks and ageist idiots was all Virgo and investigating Law enforcement backed by a society that ensured a wall of narcissism was not taken down whilst they engaged in an unusual involvement with other people’s careers up to the point of being seduced into committing their own crimes was Scorpio – I do not see these fools and their famous idiots clear up matters they invented like so whenever the authorities had raised the question, it needs to keep its mouth shut if none was currently interfering with the job that facilitated the insults. That said, it is usable market when it would turn out that there were people willing to work with me and sell products to them, like I did warn them the need to run off those short insolent videos they claimed was the correct look that a PR should take and the stupid comments that stifled my bookshop with their need to get imagination into my panties and touch my private parts, will come to an end very badly.

They do claim they were wiping the floor with me literally and it is utter nonsense as all they now have is a bunch of self seeking government office idiots who rip up careers to make their own money seeking power from the population with pseudo careers; we know that they cannot tell who did what anymore and have started to justify their attacks on me as a trick that helped them run the government by finding out what their stupidities needed to do, as I could be relied upon not to push back or to become too afraid to push back – they cannot even make laws that agree with public stability anymore, have not got a foggiest clue who started what out there on the streets. Of course the claim I am in a position such as I could do whatever I wanted is utter nonsense, it has been a 14 year career mess caused by government office idiots who pick up my career to lace their own, over ideas it was such a good career with respect to leadership that it should fall first into the hands of the authorities before it does the masses, concerning which we know they never pay for what they use and the anxiety they have caused me should be the way the public viewed the Books, any chance they got, showing how much they would like to be part of the stupidities their modernist idiots expressed in my direction from a safe distance and the way it made me feel sore all day; normally, I should know more about my career than they did and this is I assume the context that we were led by such a bunch of fucking idiots, dancing around with communist security services pricks and opportunistic dark ethnicity violence asset robbery narcissist PR expensively dressed Liberalist scum that I only got a break from when they were dead, with idea about ways they can show they were in charge of my life, when I got into Uniform to fight for their stupid families, that it meant I was in a disposition from which I could do absolutely anything that I liked.

I am not suggesting I had no need for Celebrities, only the Celebrities I had a history with considering the others were a product of people ripping up careers and finances, corrupting the security services whilst at the same time resisting my wealth politics equity which mostly had nothing to do with most of them in the first instance. The civil disobedience here has become way too costly, it should really be this simple; that ageist gits who rip up my career, academic pursuits, career publicity and finances for gimmicks, now had families that pursued me and other people engaged in the entertainment industry to ensure that my wealth politics did not cause their fortunes to end up other peoples possessions, upon being entitled to get involved with anything they saw and entitled to pass insults at me.

I am told it is becoming a matter of serious concern, the way people ganged up on libras but it is an old story, no idea why the government office gits enjoyed turning up to lay waste to my finances and take up my time claiming I am the one doing the wrong thing, so that the matter progresses from a manageable disposition in which they were always seeking out activities which affected others the way that the fundamental building blocks of crime affected people but such activities which were not documented in the law Books and then the government office gits will get off running through ideas and ideas, consultation after consultation to make laws that made no sense whatsoever, both sides keeping their day jobs as the main tool that facilitated this nonsense. I am aware hence the reasons I am doing some things that are out of my nature to do, such as getting into a fight on these matters and working with the authorities that want me to push back, that this gimmick was how they apparently got rid of the Libras and set about a series of activities that resulted in a particular form of National and International leadership which drove the entire world into a war, twice, as per the history that causes me to take caution with respect to whether or not I wanted to respond to these matters before they grew into bigger problems and they are quite a serious history indeed. On the ground however, the gits have progressed from attacking me because my mind was concentrated on my career and work, to picking up my career publicity to run their own affairs and now arrived at a point where I have issued necessary warnings to express an intent to comply with their gimmicks and handle them in a way which will show that I am brave enough to deserve my career – the celebrities have progressed from clinging to my finances to run off doxy and immoral society gimmicks on me, waste everything I possessed over stupidities about what happened to them, onto a rebuilding of every social nonsense that allowed people to see me in a way that facilitated violence from a distance that they can put to my body parts and come up with fantasies about putting things into my orifices, every time that I got rid of it because I found it distracting, now they were in league with rogue landlords in order to target me and make me do what they want over claims their famous stupidities were incredibly important people – I am now convinced that I want them to spend their professional time on me which they will never recover in hell and be mad enough to provoke me into spending resources on weapons like they can take me on even if they decided to work together for a change in their stupid lives, experiment to see if they can do the fighting better than I can, read their own birth signs and live in it. the capability questions was one of their strong positions naturally, I was thinking in terms of the fact that their society gits and quasi criminals hated me because of my diet so far and they were about to do so because of my hygiene, when I cannot after the damage they have done, meet up with my clients if I needed business work on account they interfered with everything, so I must now give up on resisting their abuses and spend all my energy on wrecking their businesses in recompense for it, progressing from engaging with minimum wage jobs to ensure a footing at the work market, specifically over markets that I would normally have abandoned because it was too abusive for me, which their famous gimmicks tended to rule, onto showing the Celebrities were not engaging in social activities that would allow them to keep the fame jobs, concerning which I was doing a better job, since I intend to ensure that they kept their comments to their career, got to fool around with it instead of mine and handle it for all the fighting that their famous stupidities wanted to engage in, instead of mine of which so far it is the King that wanted a more practical approach so that it was possible to pursue the interests of the male population, for something that was already simple enough in the context of putting their famous stupidities to fools errands as well, up to the point where it was a race against time to see who would commit suicide first, which they had a history of winning after spending the fame fortunes on organised crime products and overdosing on it. They do suggest it would get dangerous for me as well and no such thing will occur, a slightest whiff of it and I will attack the stupid well off neighbourhoods or wherever it is they were running off the nonsense that ensured they got imagination into my pants all day to make excuses about social responsibilities, lip flap insults over property which only right they hand to handle was the idea they were my fathers since their stupidities were concerned I am a fan of their insults, those gimmicks make no sense whatsoever and they are not taking the warnings about where they put their fatherly hands seriously for the time being, its only purpose really, is to distract me from my 18 – 65 affairs. I mean we have heard them boast about the idea I am now under a lot of stress, whenever they tried to execute some revenge for the stress, the stress that is a product of the gimmicks having started from the claim I am a coward and they have been fighting my enemies for me up to National level and were entitled to finger my bum and grab my finances, which I built publicity for having been overjoyed to find there was people who were willing to get out of bed and do such things on my behalf, the net response to their nonsense especially with respect to the Celebrities who led an international outcry over the first time I provided them a response, will be the finale on this matter. The single cause of all the stress around here was the criminality loving local council that thinks crime should be controlled by means of somebody property being spent on criminals to make wrong doers comfortable but were the same working with the famous to constitute an impediment to career progress here whilst picking up my anxieties about committing social security fraud, to work me for homelessness, which situation I have decided to make space in my affairs for, as it is the last thing I will tolerate concerning the insults and abuses of famous people being expressed around here as a method of showing they would like me to live under their bootheel. All these matters are entirely normal, speaking of concerns the authorities had about the tense state of affairs, it is the country I lived in and in which I was engaged in public service, as there would not have been a reason for people to chose me for it, if I did not possess the personal fortitude to wade these matters; I need them to spend their time away from me and on what they normally do, I need to be allowed to do what I normally do.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland