It never stops every day, claims that my work is messy and a disgrace whilst we know the same people were responsible for helping Celebrities build up an interest in idiots who get imagination up my bum all day and society gits that seek to peddle my faith and social life becoming bolder and bolder about how to handle my social life, right up to a behaviour towards where I lived – they were the ones who were determined to run the Government using a system built by gits who want to put themselves in charge of other peoples lives from social structures that criminals controlled. I mean for my part when it does wind me up enough it would not matter if the other fools that get imagination up my bum and will attack me because I smell were likely to do their worst, I will make it take responsibility for its activities, they however were the Government elected representatives of the Public who were so adamant and determined that they had to run the Government with it. It is a simple two part story – one involving people who are determined to show us their hand if they were made to take responsibility for their destructive activities, running peoples lives from systems that criminals controlled because they were famous and free, the other was a group of gits who just put themselves in charge for no reason and they will ensure all progress made with a career suffered a setback so that you ended up teaching them how to be like you. It is the Politicians helping this to get messy every day, picking up my career and running it into something that they could play with in terms of those systems that criminals controlled and then turned up issuing threats to say that my work was messy at a later part of the day. Then we hear them claim it is a product of the way the executive puts the legislature in order but we can hardly blame the executive for it when there is so much work going into a business of helping the public make the most of the way they have chosen to live, once they were clear about it, whilst we have not been able to make sense of what the Administrative and Governmental operatives they elected by themselves were doing in 16 years. We hear the excuses to be that it is not as black and white as I have made it out to be whilst we know the real problem is that they all thought of themselves as the Prime Minister in Parliament, they were all engaged with multinational companies that came to invest in the UK, even when we know that a small part of the Cabinet does that work, where it applied, a small part of the Opposition front bench as well, at local Government level the fact there were always specialised bodies selected to handle instances where the Government got to behave like a corporate body became more obvious. I am told then that it would be better if more of the way I worked was clear; we know it is a simple matter like this of having to lose even more because of claims my work was messy and there was a lack of discipline on account my career was driven into a condition where it could be a plaything for gits that wanted to run peoples lives from social systems that criminals controlled; the deeper details are that of characters that will pervert National security into something that served Celebrities whilst the Celebrities were the people running the lives of the Public from systems that criminals controlled, then people who keep their interests and assets in the UK, some having gotten involved with British Military to fight the causes we all treasure were expected to do something they had contrived, while they spent their time burning any assets people had in communist territories, after years of messy gimmicks by their American led queer idiots who are always deciding what respect others should get to worship their Celebrities and city centre gits. In the end the business interests that they had, especially that which involved Communists was sexually very active and splashes all over the sex industry getting everywhere, about which I am happy to provide leadership which ensured they stayed there. My question has not changed either way – why Politicians are always complaining if they treasured a sort of fun that involved making my career a plaything for gits who want to run peoples lives with systems that criminals controlled.

What we have gotten answers for however is that there was a part I played in all this i.e. that this was an intellectual property administration establishment and Celebrities hated people looking after own patents than any other groups of criminally active group of people did, they made the most amount of money from ideas which constitute crimes that had not been stipulated by the Law – their careers got to their heads and I still struggling to secure results where they, along with their Media, made more comments about it than they made about mine.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland