I am told at this point that the people making a mess of my career had attained a social disposition where they claimed I am homosexual and they were the people who had achieved the right to provide me with permission to live and exist – it is utter nonsense as the truth is rather that I too have been pushing their stupidities into a series of engagements with made sense in their mainstream civil activities, such as the idea I had organised my career to make them take more risks with personal safety whenever they had to protect me, on being bigger than I am etc, whilst clinging to my income and leaving me with nothing naturally since it is not about providing for themselves but a political gimmick. Our current situation is that if they are still at it beyond the said deadline, I will ensure the real facts on the matter made sense in their mainstream living with consequences attached as they will remember me for over a long period of time, top of the list the kind of trends they were good at creating, in which they picked up on CCTV people installed in properties to share my privacy with hoodlums and work with communities that had fantasies about putting things in my orifices, to get their famous fools paying them to cling to my public image, talking nonsense about bigger stronger, more powerful men out there who did not have what I have, whom they could serve as  famous cunts – I will seek my own trend as well and they will not be able to forget it when I do, all they had to do in order ensure I did, was to continue these activities beyond the deadline I had provided them.

On the matter of complaints the authorities had to listen to, the problem is that they were bullies but had arrived at a point where they had to live with me; prevalent condition was that need to get involved with my personal space for feel good purposes which had become so abusive they were actively running careers on the basis that people wanted to put things into my orifices, which get rebuilt by a bunch of insulting famous pricks every time I got rid of it, garnished with narcissism excuses that suggest it was my fault that they did, ultimately this was the abusive state of affairs before the press vandalised my career goading me over associated social issues they wanted me to handle so they could sell the solutions for money and it is the last of their stupidities I will tolerate, hence what was originally a process of making sure there was finite air to breathe whilst I took a big chunk out of it, has now progressed into an outright administrative activity associated with the way that a career in which they could never stopped talking in order to make a living, coped with it, since it was impossible to make sense of the way that getting rid of abusive interests where people think of putting things into my orifices because they handled my personality to feel good, was rebuilt by idiots who had jobs that caused them to hang about in very public places trying to educate the masses about the affairs of the day. I do not think it is a crisis, just it seems, something that needed to be explained to the authorities, that I am a victim of bullying by a bunch of idiots who had not judged the situation well enough to avoid an outcome in which they were completely out of their depths, now complaining that people were dying whilst the warnings about their famous idiots extracting money from my public image, their need to goad me over public control matters and their need to pick up my career publicity and my Books for their own gimmicks had not taken a turn for the better.

They were asked to let it go, right up to the top authority in land, over those abusive activities where I am a writer for instance and if I came to a good idea and before I could cover the distance between my bed and the Office, some criminal idiot had driven my mind to concentrate on something like, ranging from the claim the law allowed the weak to pick on the strong and get away with it, to ideas that the stalling of my Bookshop because handling me felt good, to hang around feeling good whilst I had no way to pay the bills, was all my fault, would leave me frustrated for a very long period of time, never mind the need to maintain sustained fantasies about exacting violence on me over claims I looked the part which arrived at a point where I am affected sufficiently enough for their stupidities to secure satisfaction from a safe distance – so the pressure on my tummy and the applicable anxiety issues are massive due to my career but they were good at activities, such as ensuring I never smelled nice, would spend the career to tidy up whole neighbourhoods and if the smell was explained by the fact I am a writer, the writer part will be taken up by somebody else, to ensure the prospect I suffered the violence was greatly improved. So, there is no planet in which this ends badly for me as they claimed, it will simply develop into the most expensive violence that their stupidities had ever engaged in. They were asked to let go by authorities who were the same people that negotiated with large multinational companies to grow the economy as much as they were responsible for sanitation in the country and supervising the building of working sewer systems, they did not, so now it is my hands, and they expect the authorities to intervene because it is stressful, whilst my finances were still a mess and have decided on their version of what reality was, to continue clinging to my finances, shooting off that big mouth about being men enough to. It is the sort of thing that they are good at, risk of writing causes me to be disposed to extreme anxiety issues that increases the number of instances where my tummy would give in on me, so they eliminate the writer image and started a plan to attack me because I smelled, with a big mouth, it is never going to end badly anywhere around here, in which case we also know the work that security services did to protect the public from terrorism, included these activities where a bunch of idiots expected others to leave the career and family, to get into a fight and prove something; the clowns and their famous gits are now caught in a situation where they were always tackling me because they bashed my Bookshop, did not have a history of doing the job applicable to the problem and were working a Press based narcissism which other people were doing better than they were; for my part, they have not provided any scientific evidence that an Arch Prince tolerating the fact they were filthy spiritually and had a need to get involved with my personal space to feel good, whilst spending a lot of time on gimmicks involving societies that operated in secret to order peoples steps in public, dream of violating others and told lies all the time and the way I felt like vomiting constantly and the smell that came from it, was a fart or that it was possible for the body to fart minute by minute, back to back for 3 to 6 hours and above – if I brushed under the carpet the fact they were neo liberalist narcissists we would still have to deal with the fact I was reported as a trouble maker to the authorities by a bunch of bullies who were out of their depth because they also had to live with me, if they were suggesting that at the end of the day farting in other peoples faces was a bad habit, makes my point that it will end badly.

The cultural side was even more interesting, the idea that I am not really British and that I have been appropriating African culture, reality which is more a matter of idiots that will not let me be or settle down, ending up in a situation where their main concern became the look of the diet I was comfortable with, lest my tummy rejected everything I ate whilst I had to keep a schedule, the whites were the idiots good at clinging to my career to travel overseas and bring friends that will make trouble on my behalf, so they could cling to my income as well, the question is raised as to what I really thought of them, if it is not the same old story of me and my clients whilst they were everything happening in between, extracting money from my career publicity and fighting my enemies whilst seducing the authorities with social issues and gimmicks, as far as the neoliberalist narcissism is concerned which it was playing with me again, the abusive gimmicks that give rise to an ability to put an imagination to my penis and anus whenever they wanted, I need it to have gone away and ceased to handle my Bookshop, client matters and career publicity by the set deadline. On the international scene, it is said that the world was changing and what I was doing provided a good platform for leadership, same tales about who started the original provocation, whereby unless there was something we needed to know, because people lived in a community that supported their nefarious social activities in the direction of other peoples affairs, leaving them outside of a condition where the social pressures of matching the abusive activities to other daily concerns were so low, they became convinced that they were doing the correct thing, meant that people were happy to attack the USA that was many times the size of their Country, the Russia part would be that Russia was actually working with Nazi Germany up to the point where they then felt they had suffered well enough to defeat it on all our behalf and it has been meddling Russia and the whole world since and any person who thought the country could be different had to be silenced as it were, for my part personally, what I am doing was not a crime, yet people hung about at Government buildings pretending that whilst they were at the helm, I am supposed to know what they were doing, better than they did, stifling my finances, alongside the stupid children who wanted to relate with my business premises as nothing else but trolls that came there for a different reason other than the Books that were displayed, whilst stifling my finances and complaining about my responses; I now have only about 40% of the resources I originally started out with, as original provocations go, 30% stolen by idiots with unusual interest in my business and 30% spent to recover what they stole and mitigate their stupidities, garnished with their cursed male society leadership in government Offices and cursed civil rights idiots who want to attack me over ways I should respect my parents and treat the opposite sex in order to make their case easier on themselves, who came up with a rhetoric about ways people ought to make me fulfil my duties or steal it from me, that actually came from nowhere, if I eliminated the part where the King of England was busy being a man. As for the idea that it is too late to recover my finances, there is no such thing either; the problem has always been the business of some idiots clinging to my public image and income as a method of involving themselves with a Bookshop without engaging with the Books, another group practiced organised society violence in my direction which creates too many problems for clients to mitigate at the Bookshop and the rest were idiots working with a history of a time that I did nothing about their gimmicks, my age with respect to what they claim should be what the younger pricks they brought into the world should be able to do as I am now past it, obviously not paying the bills always had a big mouth and never ever listens unless it really had to. I believe for my part that the platform is now tidy enough to say that I am running a Bookshop here and those who messed with it were looking for trouble, especially when it occurred via a narcissism advertisement that pillaged everything around here to objectify me for the happiness that helped to sell products, which due to the fact it relied on something else other than their own stupid minds, was limitless.

There is finally the point raised about the fact that what I am suffering from is technical failures for which I am clearly also paying the price but I do not know to which extent, I mean for the first three tasks at University, I scored highest once, second highest with another person and a high score the third, as more people were catching on, so the cause of me dropping out of University, really was other people making use of my personality for popular culture, such that I became completely oblivious of the fact that my essays were substandard because I had no time to mingle well enough to find out what was required. We are still in the same situation, so much of the abusive trends, abuse of my privacy for trends and distraction whilst complaining about existing consequences for previous history, which governmental authorities ought to assist their stupidities with – the idiots with a society that gets imagination into my pants as a matter of detaching me from my income structures was created by celebrities, the idiots with a need to run me down and get imagination into my pants on the streets was created by society and these were the trends their stupidities could not live with, followed by every attempt made to move them on leaving me flustered over insults and civil disobedience that is garnished with stupid statements about my age, the times that clients had turned up at the Bookshop to wait and then buy nothing after service provided, the number of years that loyal clients have waited and a need to live in a history whereby I had done nothing about their stupidities whilst bragging about what they got away with as a paid version of problems they complained about at my expense in the past, does not pay the bills, just has a big mouth and never stopped issuing the threats, making up the narcissism excuses as it goes along. Overall it is not necessarily a crisis, just a matter of when I had to set out the details of what is happening on these matters – the prevalent state of affairs is that each time they put me to fools errand and I did them as well, an idiot from government buildings will come up with ideas I am the one doing the wrong thing because they think that backed by their poofs, their corruption was so well matured that they would get away with the money no matter how I responded, the secondary state of affairs is the claim that mine is not beyond reproach and their response to me will be, alongside their American idiots but I am an Arch Prince, do not need their careers and still cannot understand why it was that we were doing this if they were aware that should I get my hands on their career, I would only destroy it to ensure it stopped bothering me, hence the outcome that I keep most of their abusive interest in me because where their civil activities were concerned, it did actually make sense when an Arch Prince suggested that it did make sense, besides which doing so also ensured that they did not just show up here making money by ensuring I lost money at the market. As for the idea that I was being pushed around over a need to get involved with people who were cleverer than I am; I think first of all that I am about to end up in a situation where I switched matrimonial empathy towards my wife from society privacy abuses to their incredibly important stupidities, otherwise, it was easy for any person no matter how stupid, to see that the kind of problems they picked up from making such statements was due to an uninvited involvement with a publicity that is set out for marital partnership in which we know the personal lives of the parents will come into play as well, indicating that the boast concerning which I was supposed to complete my academic pursuits for prestige reasons in order to get around with them, had long sailed. I have no idea why every media prick after the gimmicks in which people made me a character that is attacked to befriend the wealthy, continues to show up here looking as if I was oblivious to the idea their interest in me was friendly – we know that the process where I backed up some journalists who were educating the public about daily governmental and civil affairs had been wrecked in favour of anything quasi criminals might put to them as a means to an end associated with abusing me to take advantage of a media presence, we know that not even the mobility issues and support for single parenting had been spared, we know that the poofs that show up at Government affairs and the destruction of work security services did to protect the public from localised and overseas terrorism was a product of the destruction of a Court system in which industrial trouble makers could not catch up with me on the process of providing information on public and career matters before they did, due to the press alliance, we also know that what was destroyed in order to damage this was a state of affairs which ensured I could get out of bed and pursue my own daily concerns and the public was rest assured that public authorities were engaging with matters that they should – here we see an example of the ways that it is set to end very badly being that they will not satisfy a hearts desire on the basis of information they had learned on how to simulate and acquire access and effects of access to me without my involvement all together.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland