They do claim I did not care about poor people welfare, but it is never a matter of whether somebody was poor, and I needed to impress them, it is a matter of reality where none got out of bed on their 18th birthday, to ask parents how bills were paid. The reasons people were poor is the same thing that I had to contend with having put myself through the process – stripping away finances to get hands on meant practical jokes bottomed it out and I lived in Government support, now I want to get back to status and Office, so I am subjected to some of the vilest and relentless abusive blackmail to ensure Celebrities were rich first before I could be myself. So it is still a matter of supporting the Government on this which I have built up for my part rather well, although there have been some major issues, getting me into a position where it was important to enforce my will and ensure Celebrities spent time playing with their own famous careers instead mine, such as outcomes where the only interested people to have actually bought and paid for my Books have been Russian, hence if I spoke about protecting Client interests we had a real issue. Overall, however I have built up the equities rather well and I am ready to rob the Celebrities and Industry gits in order to feed the poorer people that were more likely to read my Books, in the course of which there are many opportunities for independent innovators to invest money in market gaps. I understand it is another example of instances where Celebrities could say there was nothing I could do about them but I suppose I always big on the warnings – makes a fool of me which plays into the part black people play in these matters, when they become part of the celebrity life and wish to be respected and the part where rich goons loved to spend their money on the celebrity abuses, which is supposed to help them take advantage of others, outcome being a two part story where they were spending money on women who got around my concerns to become perfect women putting out perfect products they could not resist and their relatives fighting me to save family fortune. They do say that Celebrities are not all bad but it is not a matter of emotional responses or action, more a matter of fact: they form alliances with the sex trade to say it was their power when they got involved with me, Celebrities that I worked with comfortably in the past never did, so on seeing this they started to, then it turns out what I got tangled up with if somebody picked up my assets to do business on the dark web using the appearance of a celebrity to splash out on my social life and public image, was the fact that the purpose of the alliance with the sex trade was to attack me and progress to a process where the neighbourhood criminals collected my career for them and provided them with security industry services that will keep me out – so it clearly does not work, never a matter of emotions. The abuses on the other hand generally suggest that I needed to join in and reciprocate i.e. run them down every day, discredit them until they lost a fortune and strip them of fame every time we met – otherwise the gimmick goes too far when it wants to progress from the idea it was an important person if it came from a world where the fathers engaged in a worthy social activity and the superior sons were popular, with a personal and social life that is inundated with public problems associated with so much expectations not being met, to get paid for being popular on my public image and claim I knocked it while people were better off than I am through it, which indicated that their selfishness was legendary as much as it was manipulative, when it progresses from this to something completely uncalled for, like the claim it wants to confiscate my public image, which leaves me unable to tell what brings it on as such but I did not think any Celebrity could achieve such nonsense for my part either, it is just incredibly provocative. We have seen this all the time, the executive facilitates careers for the public, they decide what they must do to take advantage of people, so we have enough history and experience to say we did not have to listen to that nonsense where everybody had to get an education but those who got it were characters that would look the most amusing for pleasure if they lost all they had worked for just before retirement. They do claim there was nothing I could do to prevent them picking up my assets to get rich which does not bother me in anyway, as I am rather certain it is assets developed by somebody who lived in a world where celebrities and public security operatives existed in a completely separate setting, each likely to ask how a proposal would have the social issues handled when it involved getting involved with each other’s businesses, for Celebrities as equally as the armed forces, hence completely pointless to do something that works their interests in such a direction – that of these goons involved gimmicks where cousins, brothers and relatives worked for the military and I had to pay, will not allow the rested public control issues to be until it is built up to street murders and racist activities, for my part, their gimmicks were now part of my social media and I can only get stronger.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland