On the point that I am simply in more trouble than I
realise, unless their idiocy was set to administer the trouble in which case
they were bluffing, it would make more sense to put it out once again that this
was a Bookshop and they are meant to pay for a copy of the Books whenever they
got involved with the career publicity or made comments about it to feel good
etc. The authorities have concerns naturally that I am actually in trouble as
they have said but I am not, as facts are more a case of the process where I am
not doing anything about anything, only need ensure that Celebrities making a
mess of my public control work had stopped, generally meant from their point of
view, that it was apt to quadruple my public responsibilities by creating as
much bigger than me, hoodlum and quasi criminal idiot problems as possible,
especially after the King had suggested they were fighting communists on my
behalf because I am such a coward I could not do it myself, general case of law
enforcing persecuting Scorpios, vagabond Virgos and Poof Leos, taking an
unusual interest in a Libra and not least one with a history they would rather
not have experienced so far; the fact I am not responding to any of these issue
they have built up has from where I am, created a clear understanding that the
last thing I want to do at a Bookshop premises, is engage with their
stupidities on the basis they wanted to introduce themselves to me as a bunch
of mainly American, German and perverted Asian backed usual suspect trolls – I
have become rather settled in terms of their insolence and a need to want them
to pair up the abuses with the process of making me a character they can sell
out to famous idiots, to share the incomes of wealthy people. The state of
affairs still stands that those gimmicks they enjoyed so much, especially when
lip flapping about having gained support from top authorities, having arrived
at a stage where they could see that if they were uncomfortable as much as I
was, needed to adjust their careers to get out of my way, always fooling around
with everything of importance to other people,
the period that it to see an end to their involvement with my affairs on
this basis which is to end with December 2024, is the last time that my career
will be suspended in order that they and their famous idiots may do so. I mean
these gits with the need to make existence unbearable for everybody due to
their violence capability privileges are achieving their aims only by doing
exactly the same things I did I.e. makes a mess of my career and ensured I
could not concentrate on anything, so I pushed them into such a difficult
corner as ensured all that complaining about not getting rich when they wanted
to, drew the attention of Law enforcement much earlier than they wanted it
every time, which results the media could play with – now due to Celebrity
involved, need to extract money from my public life and give back to society by
helping them to make me a character that can be bullied so people could
befriend the wealthy whilst reading my astrology, produces an outcome where
they were pushing me into a difficult corner, so when I complained, they built
a media presence to play with the outcome, should never have been such an issue
to say that this was the point where the Celebrity careers were meant to be
detached from mine and I want that done by the end of December 2024 or I will
get it done for them – no more statements and comments about my Royal position,
involvement with my public image and interference with my client interests, the
insults tending to show that they had found half the trouble their famous
stupidities sought, were still here therefore, looking for the other half of
Eventually the point was raised that I had never
actually made clear what provoked me, a simple matter f
famous idiots getting involved with enterprises that liaised with me, got paid
extracting money from my public life and their idea about giving back involved
sharing with criminals who then as a consequence wanted to read and play with
my astrology but at this point, I was cash strapped because their famous
careers were still being linked to mine, an assumption as usual before they
became Liberal victims of everything, that there was nothing I could do about
it. I mean the conditions were that when it pays its bills comfortably in the
city centre, it builds communities of idiots who wanted to finger my bum and
claims that my Books showed I possessed the resources to spend on such problems
on behalf of everybody, in which condition some people had raised the case that
the Government should intervene as they had assumed I did not have a chance at
all and were completely wrong. We are here in the end because there is physical
contact with my Books and violence being channelled at me from a distance,
otherwise, normally, living in a history of inaction that tended to produce a
result where their famous peoples gimmicks occurred because I was contributing
to it, ensured every fool who wanted to spend my time and my Business premises
acumen to introduce themselves to me as a troll whilst their real names were
perfectly acceptable, had something to complain about. So people have suggested
it was impossible to maintain these matters whilst keeping a job, which is not
the case, as I can always keep a job which it became undoubtedly clear
involvement with employers was not the place where Celebrities screwing with me
would be tolerated, alternatively, I can like we are about to at short notice,
develop something painful to do to famous people repeatedly in order to say to
myself, such painful activities were activities I should never cease to indulge
myself in until my career objectives were accomplished.
The anger is mostly a matter of the fact that I ran
Trust finances on a low key until some matters I needed to resolve and
immediately after I was done with the other economic separatism idiots showing
up at University to finger bums and taking such unusual interest in me whilst
reading my Libra birth sign for it endlessly, they picked up these gimmicks and
everything stopped around here until their problem was stopped too, as soon as
they were done suggesting that the state of my finances was the opportunity
they had been waiting for after hounding me for what added up to a period of
decades at that point. really difficult to tell what was wrong with them but I
am now convinced it would help if I stopped the stupid famous and home
wreckers’ narcissism with a need to be worshipped by security services interest
in me very badly i.e. excuses being devised yet again the way they did before
they claimed I was responsible for Police brutality and was working with
racists earlier, due to a lack of response on my part which left the abuses
building up in the neighbourhoods to which people responded with violence, that
my actions were extreme and encouraged extremism, whilst we know their actions
ensured the Government could not ascertain a specific person was responsible
for extremism and needed to be held accountable because the extremism had been
performed through a narcissism freedom media to the point where no specific
person could be said to have been responsible - why it makes sense that since
according to history, each time they got on my nerves like so, my career
stopped because their own was more important and should be adjusted to get out
of my way, which only left them room to start again thereafter, the adjustment
they were doing in 2024, should be the last one.
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britian and
Northern Ireland