So there is the idea that I was completely oblivious to the Kings engagement with white privilege activities, which is not really the case, the King did not get along with the late Monarch all his life because he is himself a repeatedly famous narcissist, and had become so unpopular that he had to forge an arrangement with criminal so to keep the Office, so we are now in a such a state that we assume the criminals will change their ways and it would have been an achievement but it is still a big if. Where I fit into the picture is that they were surrounded by so many powerful people and so many important matters of state that it was possible to deter me from recovering a career that they had stolen from me and so it never ceases such nonsense whilst I appear to show up in a state of affairs where rules did not apply as to the way I was being handled all the time, being a target of their stupid narcissism from a safe distance endlessly.

I do not think that the matter is a crisis as such, the men are narcissist who enjoyed ideas about handling other peoples careers just in case the so called victims that were weak people which the law allowed to pick on the strong and get away with it, which is what they learned from their history at the Law Courts, were responsible for women being disrespectful and the women were narcissists who enjoyed sexual context abuses on other men who were not as strong so called as the men that backed them up and these were the methods by which they kept jobs and businesses and sourced energy to pursue their daily affairs, at the same time that they expected the Political authorities to intervene on their behalf whenever other people responded. For my part somebody had to stop me and since then the Italian gits had married into the Royal family, the insults and sex work Politics gotten completely out of hand, from a history here where they were supposed to run their stupidities all over the US Police force and murder the blacks who make statements about the way I was in league with racists until they could round me up and handle my career publicity alongside my finances for any gimmick that pleased them. Here it would be said that I had not necessarily lost my touch which I had not as they were not having revenge for stress, although it was still the case that there is ever any real relief when they were dead, especially with respect to their since and the fingers around my private parts all of the time.

I have tried to make it sensible for them as per those comments and gestures, especially those associated with a process of recreating problems for my social life and career each time I eliminated old ones and goading me over public control so I felt like my heart was about to explode, whereby the society gits understand I do not display Books they wrote and do not keep a Bookshop that belonged to them but I had not translated such a successful social disposition for my career into one that worked really well with the famous – these comments and gestures should be kept to their career and it was now a real survival threat, the core of the problem being their popularity gits working with the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers to gain access to my privacy and share it with everybody, so enough of the insults were built up to facilitate a fantasy but it has nothing to do with me and is only a matter of the famous peoples lifestyle as per what they did with their bed fellows – they now have to do something about it or I will make the decision for them, never mind the boasting about having been able to get to me, as I mentioned, there is only ever any relief whenever they were dead – was never so important that it stopped handling me and kept its hands off my body bits especially when black, before it complains and asked the authorities to intervene, considering its stupidities was bigger than I am. Like we hear their women boast I am a little pipsqueak that will one day get what is coming to me, which if I got a slightest whiff of it, will be motivated to burn the stupid well off neighbourhoods is what I am saying here as well, had enough of the stupidities, needs to stay away from my career and finances.

I am told eventually that I placed myself in this position, which I didn’t, simply took up a bad neighbourhood after a history in a toxic academic environment and beyond, that will allow me to avail myself to facts associated with my Books, so the famous idiots have since turned it into a gimmick where people enjoyed being treated like Royalty by handling my personal and social life, in return for being fans and buying whatever was being sold to them – always the stupid ideas before it decided the problem should be concluded in terms of the sense that it was all my fault, the years it took for there to be a state of affairs in which others could sell anything they wanted by handling my Bookshop publicity, progressing to the years in which they picked up my career publicity to ensure that the business of providing a service was translated into a gimmick that involved being manipulated by a bunch of narcissists that were clearly now not looking for any trouble, considering they had a history of going on with such matters for an eternity, whereby I set out monthly objectives for a bookshop and each time I looked back there was practical jokes built up for each month achieved, to back up the business of others being able to sell something on my patent margins and financial structures, all my fault naturally. Nobody deserved to have their careers and personal lives taken over by a bunch of narcissism famous pricks who built an abusive society in which they became so called famous public figures in this way, although I must acknowledge that I had a history with them and was glad it was possible that I might get worse too, especially over the trashing of my Bookshop, stifling of client interests and working me for homeless along with other twats at the local council over ideas I had refused to cover their backside for a living.

It is never a danger to anybody that I knew what I knew as claimed, they spend too much time on me and for all the wrong reasons too. I have never seen anything so stupid, that working on Books at an Office, leaves me predisposed to a gimmick where people picked up any action I had garnered to ensure ageist idiots knocking eggs together to see which was brave enough to deserve the career, carried excessive information about my career like PR I did not need to fund, into a local and international crisis, that involved ripping up any work that the security services had done to protect the public from terror, in order to make me out to be too much of a coward to deserve or keep my career, which is now being followed up with intervention from the authorities over ideas they were more financially successful than I am and therefore ought to be listened to more than I was, complete with a need to cling to my career publicity, set out any work I had misplaced on public transport as health destroying leverage and tackle me every day so that their famous idiots could forge an alliance with terrorists, waste my finances to keep the wrong doers, suggest they were the people preventing Russian and American security service corruption as their idiots attacked me to go off and hide behind clear weapons, whilst they extracted money from my career publicity, claiming in the USA that I am working with communists. In the end the insults and abuses that were now a public sub culture had nothing to do with me as they were a product of what happened between them and their bed fellows, which is the reasons I want it kept away from my Bookshop or I will take it upon myself to do it for them, as per I do not write Books that belonged to them or display one such Books, needs to famous walk away from property that does not belong to them if complaining about me.

They do claim that hand on heart I never had a chance which is utter nonsense – they have always done these damage and since last I complained because of the trashing my overseas business interest bits that involved a process where shopping for groceries from one person meant others in the vicinity had to do something to show they were evil people and do so at my expense, only for the famous to get involved and offer them press narcissism so that my public image may be handled to make others financially better off whilst I got into a fight on the streets to help them feel safe, considering the nature of the Book I had the effrontery to write apparently. So my response to this was met with the plan to work the history they got involved with for the purpose of being able to say that if I were to spend all my income for a 100 years, to tackle me, I would barely had scratched a corner in the quarter of their finances but I will do no such thing when I attack them, I will attack the well off neighbourhoods to recover the finances from this period, help them to make sense of the money in their bank accounts that are a product of their quasi criminals handling other people’s assets due to the stupid statements they made and their involvement corruption and try to help them walk away from property that does not belong to them regardless of the size of their ego next time around. I was n never angry enough to do this 12 years ago and in the next 5 years I believe I will be inclined to secure my retirement and recover my finances at their expense.

I mean in terms of helping others build confidence, there is no need for anybody to get all stuck with the abusive activities associated with a bunch of famous narcissistic idiots keeping some bed fellows like that – so the problem is mainly that people think I am what they make me out to be and it is never a matter of what I did, hence the sense that I had lost my career i.e. in the next 5 years, I will plan my later years at their expense very badly. It is only a bunch of narcissistic famous idiots with parents that cannot keep imagination out of peoples body bits, privacy and inner wear, so they want me to be convinced that it is not a threat that I am not brave enough to deserve my career but it has been 15 years since I completed my Books with ever more destructive challenges being thrown my way, whilst there were comments made to place labels on me through National Media, by people who performed a narcissism that suggested it was all my fault that friends and fans who engaged with my Books felt sick to the stomach, not the narcissism that encourages them to keep away from it all together. I am not wasting away as thought either, my next course of action is to get whole industrial communities investing in the problems that bothered these idiots and the Celebrities take the narcissism of goading me over public control to damage everything around here, up to the point where they had to fight the society people to keep the fame careers all together, supported by a German influence as well. The evidence that I am doing well will include the Clients I engaged with and the fact I am now at a point where I can make direct contact with them for business reasons but it will be impossible to do that unless I ensured the fun of famous idiots with a need to make me cover their backside for a living ceased to interfere with the Clients over a need to handle me, always the usual fun up to the part where it stopped badly. He theory that they would rather form an alliance with society and attack me, than attack society to keep their careers is who they were from an involvement corruption that started since 15 years ago, needs to keep the comments to its career and stay away from my Bookshop. They do claim I had fantasies about these so called clients but it was likely to be the case if I am a writer and there was no conducive environment for people to read, yet I got involved with somebody for business reasons, regardless of any preexisting working arrangements – so I will wait for the famous to follow up those gimmicks about people they can rely on to ensure I was afraid of them and then I will attack the well off neighbourhoods to make it all better.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland