They do claim that according to facts found, I am a pariah, but it is an old story that if I tackled these matters with intent to crush the stupid German influence gimmicks and the British friends that think they can be a part of it and trash my career to switch sides and get on greener fields, they would claim that I was seeking conflict. So, we find it makes sense of the supposition that I say what I say because I desired affirmation which is rather silly since I do to fill them with what I am thinking – works for me because the madness being exhibited at me usually now comes with 40% being what I put into their minds. The plan is that when I try to put it there, the way I talk to do so causes Celebrities and Media a lot of suffering, when I do not it is one of those questions about a behaviour, they claim I cannot handle while it was clear what my problem was and what they will say added up to a process where I sought conflict with Europeans and Germans. It is the business of people showing up near an author all the time, while reading Books was poison to them, handling my Bookshop every day while they had no interest in Books and I have done 7 years of this, not doing anymore. I do think about it all the time i.e., if I were to have eliminated everything associated with Celebrities, to ensure the world thought it was just me and my Bookshop and none else involved, I only needed to keep it going for a week and then all the work I had done so far will come to fruition but considering their civil disobedience and its characteristic border line trespassing that trashes the civil living, it will not be achieved unless I had ensured the Celebrity culture was dead quiet. It is an old tale of the way that we try to make sense of this recurring social problem which is an old story of the fact that when people do spend time working on others like these gits do, the outcome was that they could spend their whole lives being tough and when they needed to make money, they could simply just hit the ground running because others were taking all the risks that they had in mind – so it needs be clear the part where they didn’t wake on their 18th to ask parents how bills were paid is where their work ought to start and I had a need to feel good when I got out of bed in the morning or they are about to start complaining of my behaviour towards their German interests where a handful of gits set about wrecking peoples careers to employ criminals in the neighbourhoods and show up here with Italian friends to make money on my assets and boost their popularity gimmicks, claiming I rubbed shoulders with them, picking up that stupid two part disposition where I was always being punished for the fact that they realised after I had been that they had done the wrong thing in punishing me, and on the other hand sorted out how their stupidities wanted to suck to Americans. The evil of it usually being best expressed when it goes from those stupid threats to the supposition that it was really a threat to my very existence, while what we have on the reality front is that I am predisposed to get away with everything that I did about it. It needs to keep from my Books and when it made comments it should put its valuable social life out there for it.

It has been a 10-year period of the USA facilitating the gimmicks of goons who want to get around American politics to tackle the British from the point of being part of a more powerful Country, over claims that the British were a Monarchy and that they dragged American back on matters of democracy. The outcome for me naturally is this business of being caught up with a handful of idiots who never stopped complaining about me, never stopped passing insults at me and never stopped gold digging my Public life, who cannot make use of their freedoms of speech and expression without putting up suggestions that they were superior and the consequential benefits of their abusive narcissistic stupidities giving them such access to my personal space as everything their stupidities said and needed, needed to produce such an effect as they had a stick to my body with a big mouth. It has been the origin of all the smell issues considering the criminals that use it as a tool to beat me down in my bed in the morning and issue threats for a smell like none had the will to put an end to their practical jokes, while Celebrities used the business of putting their famously stupid selves in charge when they didn't know what to do, to build a crowd that loved them to goading me on each time I sorted the matter, instead of showing up here to read what I have written, which is what I did for a living as well, when their got to their heads.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland