It is regularly put forward that a nonentity in the form of HH The Arch Prince sits about talking to himself and assuming people are meant to follow it when real leaders are getting the whole issues done anyway. The facts about that it rather the perks considering the outcome where I am not talking to myself on anybody else's property which makes them unfathomably rude and uncivilised but the perks being that such foolishness tends to mean one less idiot sparing the abusive and stupid plant a process of being famous, hence the bad reputation being the bigger plus to celebrate instead of dwelling on the insults.

So the story of a sticky situation I find myself continues which isn’t really the case; we are simply going round in circles for now i.e. as I mentioned these are really silly individuals who fundamentally have no plans whatsoever to put into what they want, anywhere near 30% of the world required because civil rights will do the rest using other peoples’ work – very useless individuals of course and then there are the fame and fortune popular culture fools who think they are having fun expressing how much they like to wind people up over other people’s finances, so it’s the same case too of how I will get to make them prioritise between my books and their problems. They do say if they are the useless people, how come they have qualifications and I don’t but it is the same old story i.e. first experience of University was them following me there – dissertations turning up at parliament while they open up my bottom and have a laugh so to speak and they have continued this right up to the Prime Minister who was Gordon Brown at the time pretending he has never been involved in such filthy nonsense, and then the lecturers that pick up on to make regular statements each time I attend about how they prefer the way things are done in the USA so as to ensure they can organise themselves and target me and the result was the leaning on me that allows them to study and pass exams and puts me on depression pills while I drop out – now that they have got the jobs and are the ones paying the taxes and I know if I start leaning on them to do my academic work as well I will come to no harm and they can only create a social crisis if they do it at their expense, they are bragging and will not shut it as it were. It’s never illegal, always a grey area, pushing my grey area and talking nonsense all over the place; I mean in the UK there are colleges for every single borough in the Country and some have more than one but individuals who can be dazzled by another person’s personal and thinking space to a point where they organise themselves to bully the person and live in it to make their problems go away will turn up at the Universities because the government is encourages their idiots to get qualifications and I end up paying the price for it and they are winding me up again towards action I will take to ensure they no longer lean on me too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland