They do
say I would get into trouble with Americans if I continued the way I am, which
is utter nonsense – the prospects of getting into trouble with goons whose only
advantage is to tell me they have been deploying my property to get rich and
whatever I was going to say must be swallowed down to my tummy and make a bad
smell which I will get physically attacked for. I mean I am not doing anything
useful with thoughts about how Police who are not necessarily the biggest
persons in the world, get to handle big, important and
organised criminals all together anyway and it would be nice if they had
stopped threatening me, as equally as I think the need for their black people
to address me and make money doing so which does incredible damage around here
will end badly too before it had stopped. So, they do say that I should be
giving support not attacking but we are here because of the support I gave and
ever since I got involved with the entertainment industry and gave out these
equities that can be deployed to make films which support people on
self-provided security matters, it has gotten worse with these goons that are purely
evil and have nothing to live for all together. So the premise of my structures
are ones to do with my life as a Royal Hermit naturally and they are expressing
everything to do with the fact whenever they think others ought to give up the
means to livelihoods while they controlled and do as they pleased with other
human beings, it is a process where they had done something about bringing
their evil nature into mainstream living – since last I stifled that, we have
seen the pathological lies that make people sick to the stomach and how it has
to be linked with the processes of making money for example show up every day.
I do not want them mopping up opportunities I build for Court Members to foster
our Interests by, especially at the entertainment Industry, they will let us
complete academic work, for those who are engaged with such pursuits. There is
the concern that I must make a decision about American involvement with my
business since it is such a terribly bad thing all together and of course in
terms of Americans I have business with, it had become rather clear that
Americans do not need a welfare state, they need security systems that support
them while they plan a life - we all know travelling from Texas to Florida
because you needed to leave a part of Town where people did not like you very
much is like travelling from France to the UK, it’s a Fresh start, if you are
not struggling with having the things you were taught to do in order to support
yourself since childhood, made a mess of.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland