I have been told that people love to tackle me all the time and it had since become some sort of obsession but it isn’t here – I am well aware of the fact that achieving what they have generally meant that tackling me would become an obsession i.e. picking up any small national service I performed to stream line my involvement with Government to make themselves out to be brave people who had won great battles and as soon as they had set me out as a coward and worked the paranoia of others who held government offices, they had achieved the greatest things they had ever done and the bullying became an obsessive past time to indulge and probably had never been done before. I mean I could set about ripping up any civil living they had created for themselves, so that I might be able to indulge the fact they did not have law enforcement at their beck and call, so that beating them for some of the terrible behaviour might be possible, the same way they think I am such a coward my life relies entirely on being given the benefits of an adult’s world where there is little violence.

They do claim they have gotten the better of me and it is utter nonsense; a history where I have not responded to their stupidities is my history and not their own, so it was advisable that if digging that history was a problem, they needed to stop doing so. The rest of it is basically a process where I developed a way to handle gits that spend their time working out how to get imagination up peoples private parts, and they had decided how I ought to be handled to ensure I was squeezed for every last drop and they got famous in the process – the effect is that whilst I am meeting somebody for an important engagement, they were busy shoving me into places where people would chase my private parts in order to get famous and this causes a lot of pain inside the body and a smell as well that ensured the social life was damaged while they kept theirs to get paid for being popular on my public image.

The other side story is that the Politicians were always the main problem and they are – divorce myself from that world where they set about provoking gangs and racists because I had little respect for their needs, meant that there was little access to me on the part of the bad people and I played a contributory part to a process where somebody killed over 300 other persons in Norway because he was racist and if I don’t, I will be sore all over, the abdominal pain will be unbearable and the smell will wreck home, family and social life. It is never really a crisis; simply a process where the women spend time picking up areas of my Concern reserved for a mistress, set about making money from it, then deploy the money to rig my financial success, the men spend time developing society that gets imagination around my private parts because they want to be paid the incomes I should have had and we find the idiots that will seek out money for it were my main concern during the times that I had not responded to their madness, dreaming that stupid dream all the time where I had spent my life in a professional environment and before I retired it was all taken from me and so it’s the tribalism raids to reach top end of industrial Offices and will never go there to do the job its stupidities had been given if it wants to work with companies that will help steal my assets, do things on the basis of the size and scope of wealth and social inequality and sell me instead of a product, cracked up out of my league talking rubbish every time that they secure my attention. So, it is all a group of people that have worked out a way to ensure that they came across a lot of money and did not do a day’s work for it, if placed side by side, easy to see that every one of them wants to handle me and it means that there are always such idiots every minute.

I do not think the matter is a crisis, I have warned about what will happen if they secure a response from me and given them an exit where they kept from my Books and ensured their engagement with the public and comments made thereof were about their own social lives. We understand they think this is about ego and prestige of being able to pick up my career at any time that I wanted but even if it was, I cannot see that they have proven a point by becoming clandestine criminals at my expense either and I do not see that they have achieved what their stupidities suggest by relying entirely on me not to respond. The problem is that the kids must be young and free while I got involved with war at a Royal Office while they supervised, and I have never seen a group of people showing they were so entitled to a person’s social life and public image while the person in question is still alive. The point at which this nonsense was no longer tolerable for me being the eventual outcome where there were more criminals paying attention to my concerns, immediately after which I got a private security Industry job and the two issues met for Celebrities, now what the famous gits are doing to maintain access to my concerns id becoming more destructive than what they have already done which is quite intolerable. We have seen them suggest that I ought to see the lighter side of it like they do but it clearly is not fun when I have made it clear they too ought to see the reasons they needed to stop handling me, instead of pretending there was an incentive suggesting that I was incapable of doing a thing about it to fool around by. They do say it is no less than is expected at a Royal Office, but I never said it was – the point at which I found it intolerable was the follow on of destruction for my academic work and then my Bookshop thereafter, only to decide the pinnacle of their need to handle me was the interest criminals were paying to my concerns and a private security Industry job that I got immediately after.

I have been told that people had paid a great price on this case where I knew what to do but did not do it but what we know is that they paid that price on account they had little respect for me – so they will handle me abusively and it will affect them in the stomach so badly and they will issue threats because I am a low life and want to do it all the time. On the ground however it’s an old case of the same abusive and destructive pattern – Celebrities will say that they must continue activities that make a total mess of the areas of my career where I had done my best work for it because they are simply living in a time that I had tolerated it, so this was the problem, while the society people behave exactly the same way, save the time that victims had tolerated it was when the victims were not born at all; so we can see that the only way that they respond to reason are the times that people had burned their money. 70% of the times I am told that I do not understand the main issues, what they are referring to is something about my actions making it more difficult for Politicians to control tyranny but if their control of tyranny wrecks my career again, so will I burn it as they tell too many lies, the same way I have too much on my hands because I had answers to their problems, is now the same way that they must come up with new lies and therefore had too much on their hands and of course they are certainly not victims of wealth and social inequality, apparently which having been doing the wealth and social inequality, the bottom chasing issues are now a phenomenon. So they do claim that I will never make progress with myself but progress is now entirely reliant on a process whereby I stopped them rigging my market and the biggest source of this was the need Celebrities had to engage with the Public in my stead and chase a business of earning an income that I should have earned because there was more prestige attached to my clean money, a convenient alternative to being a better person naturally, which never stopped giving. Then we have the media comment twats picking up publicity for me that set me out as somebody who deserved my problems because I was a guy trying to make money from solving problems and it is the sort of thing where I will hurt it seriously and that way its popularity will cease to affect my career and its family will get a feedback as well. I ended up in this situation because of the bits I built for the public i.e., all the people that showed up to play Mistress roles because it was possible to get jobs and business opportunities when these gits found that they couldn’t stop handling me – Celebrities are out in force to destroy this naturally and clearly they have, so I would like that they made comments about their own social lives and stopped handling my Books.

There is naturally also this case of Politicians that claim they would teach me lessons if I were not seen to be serving the public, but we know that I am not ignorant of sexual impropriety associated with their female political treachery and how messy it could get if I wanted to make a real obfuscation of it. The rest of the time we see them all think I ought to lighten up, so the imagination is up my bum again, which outcome is set to be that I made the most of my invulnerability to gold diggers at their expense. I mean I have always known that I had the tummy problems and tried to avoid the effects of every occasion where I got caught up with people who were bigger and thought that I deserved a certain right which they had taken for their own self-improvement but if these famous gits were complaining about it, none knows what the motivation to trash my career and get me caught up in really is, we do know they are now issuing stupid threats because the tummy issues are affecting them. Now I am said to have made light of a serious matter which is not the case – the point of these is still pretty much the same; a bunch of people who want to live in a world where they had a man’s life and it meant being a war lord or a military commander but I ended up paying a price for it, in order for the process to develop from a handful of people who tackle me because I am a weak person who works for what I cannot protect and they were good at killing, to this. It had always been an issue that those gimmicks do not fit into the way that those who earn below the work they did end up with the salaries they had, those who had comfortable salaries did and those who were rich did but we see it show up here to trash everything this place and blow off the big mouth at me to maintain a disobedience that is set to continue, so if I responded I would fight a singular person and not an entire community. So I am set to continue like this; each time I had to speak up Media and Celebrities will suffer, each time I didn’t I will burn society; we have a history of University drop out, followed by a destruction of my Bookshop and now communities that get imagination up my bum to make way for children, never mind women who took a liking to me ending up in a relationship with utter idiots who really made sense of their need to put themselves in charge when they didn’t know what they were doing and they always do what they want to do apparently.

I cannot explain exactly how I ended up in a corner where each time people were obsessed with me, they expressed it by picking up my income or losing me bread winner clients but we know Celebrities have been busy and the outcome is that I had created a Book and opened a Bookshop, so if the behaviours that brought about these results were to be stopped, the effect on their tummy will be disastrous and this was entirely due to the size of their ego. I do get told I gloss over the issue all the time and I probably did gloss over the business of a handful of idiots with a need to play out ways that I am a bad person as compared to them for the Public who will then buy entertainment made on my public image to make them rich, which money they will share with the communities and return for more – we know when they complain at a stage they don’t wish to bother others with the consequences of these, that most people likely thought they were wimps who were not tough. Same as we see those claims that I loved to serve the Royal Family but what really happened is that I got an opportunity of a life time and they were ought to put their own pressure on me each time the Royals did, while deciding how much pressure the royals could place on me for the opportunity applicable – it looks like this when I stopped glossing and it’s all a behaviour they could easily stop but had no wish to do so while it was convenient so far.

We must listen to those gimmicks that my involvement with communists is now coming to close. The world we really live in however being that the Chinese for instance set their position as a trading bloc and this meant that their interest in me and my concerns was legitimate, so they are not doing anything unusual and it cannot be said that there have been unusual activities from Chinese Officials to warrant sanctions, we are just working hard to sanction them, making a mess of structures that have proven to set the balance of wealth, power and save lives. It shows exactly what we were dealing with when the gits made it quite clear during the economic crisis, that it was not their job to make the country a good place for trading as they moved to China for instance – now they believe they had set out somebody that will be burned again on their way back to develop a reputation for themselves which suggested they could go back and forth, do and undo, just like the Celebrities show up here for all the time. The part where there was nothing, I could do about them playing with a reality where I could drag them back to China when I had enough of them and dragged them back to the west when I had enough of what they were doing in China as well, which if I did will leave them up to their neck in it too. Then there is the part about the bottom chasing issues that got out of hand because they claimed I was being discriminative while the trouble makers were nice people; then they say that I am unable to see past this while reality was there is nothing to see past, just the fact they continued to suggest they wanted business equity from what I did with my Office but time and again set about claiming that I am a coward and the trouble makers were nice people, about which I want to regain control and make a statement about their insanity that picks up work they know they cannot do and do not wish to do.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland