I am not
insane and when people say that they expect it to cause me a lot of worries.
The truth is that I am a Royal Prince and I am a Writer and my specialism is
Securities and Equities, I have enemies and or rather elements of enmity that
do not like others to live a rather safer and normal life, as such are always
attacking and ruining my finances in revenge for my Books and indeed anything
else they want to have revenge for (those never seem to run out anyway); they
are of course sociopaths that Politicians pay Tax payers money and thereof get
off inciting to do strange things to other peoples
property in public places with insolent impunity, then realise as time goes on
that those people are taking revenge or doing something about them too later
because their opinion of people they have hurt in such ways are so low they do
not expect people to hurt them as well. It does not apply when they have been
around me for so long and I get to describe these mad individuals in the course of managing my property, especially those of
them that have access to media, I myself have become them; this kind of
prognosis has no bearing towards facts.
condition was a lot better before they decided to pervade my faith to have new
secrete society powers that they can use to bully people to get rich-which has
led to the results we have, then set me up as scapegoat for the repercussions
and social effects and more so as they wanted to do it with my life but without
my consent, which has also ended up in a condition where they also think that
when racism gets out of hand for example, based on having absolute control of
my life they will force me to fight great wars for them and die for their
health, safety and wellbeing and all these things thereof and the things they
cannot do to me with their bragging has come together blended with my faith and
its effects on them to make their insanity unimaginably worse, which does not
change any of the circumstances any of it has created. I am not one of such.
Case made
there is about my lack of professionalism at the Office which Politicians latch
on of course but the reality is much different from their claims - the reality
about how what I have tolerated is a daily incitement that means people are
permitted to do as they like with the backing of government with my person, my
effects and possessions, they say it makes them feel their home but if we dig
it a bit they do not bring their families into government business and is
something they do because of some pleasurable evil they feel a need to
practice. Where it got beyond my tolerance was when the sex industry was
involved by them and their abuses had grown into some new
found sexual libido they get together to share regularly with their
mates and partners and extra marital affairs in Parliament, hence I needed to
ensure there was enough sex for everybody, which makes it possible to measure
my professionalism at the Office and their Offices too.
There is
talk of how most of our British problems comes from trouble makers in the
Middle East but I have rather been aware of that for most of the time anyway –
the question is one of to what end were I meant to have been doing anything
about it as such, bearing in mind we all want to do a little bit here and
there; young people should drop out of school and play truant over a few years
to facilitate celebrity culture that we play games on Media with, then return
to school after, pass exams and get a straight job with a sense of respect for
money making parameters ageists should own – then my bit is just too delicious
to stop doing, so I dropped out of University in 2008 and since then there has
been a new abusive test by which they can get it from my personal life and
public image along with abusive journalists, building up to business with
Germany where it comes to a need to build up Public life that is all about
others losing jobs and livelihoods, in order to express something of economic
dominance and power based on a premise where the victims respond in a positive
way to get an outcome where their career suffers piracy, they respond in a
negative way to end up with controversies that are making people money and
conveniences on Media running wild in their lives, so that it seems as though
the future that people have is one where they will lose their careers if they
do not co-operate at least in part. So it’s a bit of a
grey area since it is equally just as difficult to control our own local
playboys and irresponsible Men, to think about problems being made for us by
trouble makers from the Middle East. It has always been the case with my Family
as far back as I can remember, that all is well with academics and finances and
Career provided I do not Familiarise with these; they are never really as
important as they want to be treated, just prove that those who ensure the
existence of culture means others cannot be allowed to pass exams in school,
always end up complaining about it as well.
appear to have fallen deeply in love with a business of making claims
concerning occurrences that I happen to have been guilty of taking part in,
which does not make any sense but the one that works for them the most is the
claim I am guilty of betraying Armed Forces Personnel or not acting in a way
that facilitates their work but rather opposes it and I could never make it out
anyway since I have explained many times, that it is a matter of finding
Russians playing with their Muslim friends on my work, especially concerning
the matter of spying on me, right up to any cases of the Trump Administration
saying what Liberal America is getting most Americans to say and do about the
British and American Allies anyway – I have explained that this was what I had
to tackle and not a process of accepting Liability for what happens with Armed
Forces Personnel on the field, concerning which unless people do have processes
and consequences associated with events I am guilty of taking part in, I suggest
they do shut it down already. In any case of which about 24 Hours to the time I
wrote this piece my question about what is so important concerning the work of
the Armed Forces being opposed by surrounding it with lies, it meant to serve,
they made out that people like me have befriended members of the Armed Forces
and that this makes me dangerous but at this point they do not really have
answer for the same question which I have put here indirectly just 24 hours
later; so I have to assume it is a blame culture with intention to harm and
hence need make clear there is nothing they can do about me, especially with
respect to their Liberal America Politicians who never give up the lies and are
a threat to conservative young people that is next to paedophilia but cannot
keep it squarely in the USA – it’s a blame system alright but there is nothing
that they can do about me as such.
Uno I
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland