They can never stop making out statements which add up to parting shots and the most damaging of them is when Media and Celebrity fools manufacturing themselves into fame set out that case where it is good to get rid of me at last, every time they realise how distressing and damaging and destructive their intrusion into my Court and its concerns to feel good about themselves making use of our persons really is and it makes it all the more so terribly annoying when they make such stupid statements, since it works well with their need to groom people for misogyny and Fascism every time people have refused to co-operate with their needs, then tell me that my Books should not have been written and show up to give bad financially damaging reviews that serve as a subculture, which nobody is paying them to do and we all know is not done because they had gotten themselves a copy of my Books and intended to read it, the whole business being terribly messy because their back stage goons and camera men are at the heart of starting it off to have fun with their stupid selves every day. So they are now all surprised with how I have reacted while there is nothing wrong as far as their stupid minds are concerned with showing up where important matters are happening all the time to seek my income when they want money, my reputation when they want people to have an opinion about them and my fame when they want to be famous – I mean I dropped out of University in 2008 and we are talking about it their celebrity wickedness in 2017 and it is still getting involved with me to follow on incredible insults as well and then blab about which things I cannot do about it which does make me think that if it does not keep its mouth shut I will be inventing things I can force them to do in a very short while too. So I am said to see the bad aspects of every situation which is utter nonsense; what really happens is the same irregular heart beat abuses concerning deals being made; and another deal has been made after you got rid of the last abusive one within that whole business of these idiots providing a certain service in the neighbourhoods on standby in case a goon with money wants to buy into it and it involves the fact that when I am a moral person attacking me and doing very violent and unseemly things to me creates new powers that can facilitate people’s ability to go places – and another deal has been made and then another one, sometimes it’s one for the Politicians and another time it’s one for the Media and another it’s one and one and one and it’s all on standby and needs to be protected while you have no right to feel good over the practical jokes that are played as abusively as possible with it and then another one has been made when I least expected and it’s about the kind of power that needs to be extricated by somebody who enrolled in the Military to allow him kill people for the state and another has been made and then another and another. Then we hear them claim I brought it upon myself which goes without saying if I see that stupid culture and society it will be the last time they get to see it as well and they always say when they put up their own questions too I become powerless but that is because they think nobody wants to talk about the fact my view of the world is that they are criminals, only he type that is so clever that it avoid all the processes that gets them standing before a judge who complains like the parents and siblings and neighbours and school teachers did before while law enforcement takes them down, at least this is the theory all together – they are all criminals and especially the celebrities, very good at stealing Equity; the first problem with me was that I look to myself when I have problems and it means I have propensity to pioneer things and that was a problem, they even got their Politicians to label me so claiming I am the source of beneficial violence, now we can see that after all I have been through, their problem is that they want to pioneer things and that I am nobody. So if they told me the Celebrities will look to their own lives and backyard to make fame and fortune and stopped addressing me, likewise their media and Politicians, we would not be sitting here talking about it; I have only got Heirlooms and they are criminals skilled at stealing things they realise they will not get into trouble with the law if they stole etc. criminals skilled at stealing equity with money put aside for doing peoples public image and personal life blabbing nonsense of those that are doing their stuff, so it’s like they say that my people are a problem too but the Law Classes have a different way of looking at it i.e. they do not fancy scum like these fighting their battles for them and those who may do it anyway could make some real enemies by doing it, I am here for my part asking them to continue breaking the rules and when finished show up with that culture and society and find out if it will not be tested whether I will die or get killed after I tear it up for them too – it’s the same pattern; ranging from helping Royalty that does not need any help from them to fabricated public matters that should be my concern which they are sorting out for me and grabbing endorsement and Industry interests doing so, which their socialites that have so called links with secret services idiots are really good at – we would not be in this position if they kept themselves off absolutely all of my concerns and every other derivatives that have emerged over time: they are really good at stealing equities and I have only got Heirlooms; we can see the extent of viciousness when we hear they want money but will have none except the one I should I have earned, want to make me into a hate figure they can complain about or complain to just in order to dress properly in public or attend school, when they want fame there is fame to be had but it is my fame that they must have.

They do claim I think that it is okay to engage in prejudicial behaviour, which is utter nonsense – this is not prejudicial behaviour, this is coping with peoples tribalism and not just the fact they are frustrated because it is very expensive for them to practice it but also because it is based on practical jokes that distract others from important things if they have any, so as to make way for themselves and we can see that it is so intensive that it is the only thing that they live for in this world, especially on Media. I find it difficult to understand why they talk to me about prejudicial stuff so often while Obama spent 8 years of their time and mine to groom me into a character they issue their complains at violently in order to feel good about themselves, while they have now developed into a case of grooming me for fascism and misogyny whenever I refuse to cooperate with their needs concerning anything I own i.e. the problem with their tribalism is that it is too expensive for them to have any real power to dominate other people. I do not think that it is an issue, just a progression from the fact they are really good at stealing equities i.e. we are talking about the way people have reviewed my Books in keeping with Liberalist and American led corruption of involvement to make a mess of people’s lives and violate peoples fraternity in order to extricate free services that keep them safe from the problems of the world they have created, while ruining their victims – we see their Politicians think when everything they get involved with gets damaged, such a disposition is power, while they think they are real Men and real Girls and there are people they would love to handle and force into a position of working for them; we see they catch some of these people regularly when Human trafficking peoples and modern slavery people have not caught up with them, their problem being I will not tolerate a sensation based version being practised on me as well for good measure with that big mouth they have got. They do say I am not a saint in the matter and yes I am not; I have done my bits to them as well and do not regret any of it as such – especially the bits that fit into their claims of how I complain of the problems associated with being famous but have no respect for celebrities, while the main issue was rather a case of the fact I want to end all their involvement with me especially their local idiots who are always doing so to show me I am nothing and that they matter in order to feel as though they were important i.e. it does cross my mind many times to let go of big picture and career talk and start to talk about self especially in terms of people getting involved with me when I want to be on my own, especially when they are of the same race as I am. I am not having a difficult time with issues concerning Celebrities and I am definitely not being taken advantage of as well, what is really happening is that I have done their own as well, such as making their society queer in case I want to sell it too, which allows me to ensure they cannot prevent me from developing and abusive and hurtful way of handling them that can facilitate the kinds of happiness that creates them the popular culture wealth they are obsessed with, which I can then create one such for myself at their expense too, if their fingers getting up my bum does not come to an end at a time that suits me (it started with the whole business of them having self-esteem problems because they seldom gain access to important people and beautiful people of which I was set out by their stupid politicians for them as an item they can handle to that effect; such are their aspirations and now I am paying both academic and financial price for it while media makes sense for them of all the nonsense they wish to blab in my direction). The fun bits for them that is so sickening is that they think I am now so messed up that it makes sense to me when they say it is the fact they are in need of my public image which is the problem but that rather explained all the other stuff about human trafficking and grooming people for fascism stuff all together and it goes beyond the fact, I have set out all these campaigns about women and built myself a Court system for them as well because I wish to ensure that access to matrimonial services that help men keep their jobs can be used to control them as well, it becomes a case of corruptions of involvement meaning nobody really has the ability to reason with them and it will progress from a case of setting out what is to happen when they do anything unsavoury where they are not invited so as to make them understand, just like I have rounded them up from New York to Asia over preparations as well, develops into one where they can only continue until we end up finding out in a particular setting somewhere in hell, how they will have it.

The question they have always loved is whether my financial position does not bother me and of course it does not; its purpose was to ensure their narcissism did not see me as an attractive target but I will also have to pay my way in the world too and that leaves their need to invent things they want to force me to do and it needs to be tolerable otherwise I will invent one of mine too. All together we shall test and we shall see what will become of a process where people planned their lives on my work and wallet and I am now public enemy for infringing on their freedoms by telling them where their discretion lies. The Film Industry idiots are now complaining after spending my work to help criminals have films made which inhibit what I am doing as well and their case especially in Hollywood is that they saw my Equities and handled it and shall not be denied and it leaves the wonderment as to how stupid they really plan to get besides what the rest of the world already knows about them. I Understand it is said I would not allow the British Film Industry handle my Equities either telling me how my whole life should work but it’s a case of my social status and where HM leadership applies and how the rest of the world becomes involves as a Community - 007 Spectre for instance was made on celebrating the American Third Party status in British Culture so I could never tell which one is important at any time but what is clear is a collection of idiots giving me my run when they pick up my property to make entertainment after I made crime unprofitable for those who practice it, to give me my run and when done give them their run and make me behave as well. Very stupid individuals who think they have seen and handled my property and will either have it or make something similar for themselves; it becomes so obvious that I really do need to persecute Celebrities too as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland