I am told people attack my career because they were curious as to whether I can do what I said I could but none is fooled by this as suggested in any case – whether or not I can do what I said, apparently the problem is that they were sick to the stomach engaging with my Books whilst those who wanted to engage were prevented from doing so, which leaves me broke and none deserves to have their career and finances hijacked by a bunch of famous narcissistic idiots in such a manner. There is also talk of the assets I have lost but they are not really lost: just idiots converting my wealth politics into a gimmick that allowed them secure like criminals equality with the wealthy at my expense, so I will now need to get the Bookshop coven recovering all those assets but it would transpire that the business of bashing my Bookshop to ensure they could repeat the process again and again was the best move they ever made, never mind that it looked completely unwarranted. It is simply history repeating itself, that if people want to be rich, they simply need to attack and steal from a Libra and if Librans want to be rich, then it would be the Libra that avoids the toxicity of not fighting these pricks well enough to rip up the neighbourhoods for fat cat gimmicks – so far what I have achieved was the part where the industry twats that facilitated it were the people bank rolling this nonsense, to look like I was likely to build a market which helped them recover the money whenever they felt as if they fancied proceeds of legitimate careers.

They do suggest that I had no way out of my current messy condition of which I had no idea they were keen to speak specifically about exit plans, whilst we know the two main problems here are their need to interfere with other people’s 18 to 65 affairs because they believed that since others were not as evil as they were, the fact they faced a greater prospect of completing their own in such social circumstances, gave them power to dominate people and of course my personal favourites being the Political and industrial idiots who enjoyed bank rolling it, alongside the insulting statements made over my career publicity, every time people engaged in such nonsense appeared to have developed a need to abuse me with it. I could never understand the part about keeping their comments to their careers as there is now evidence that they are not famous persons as far as I am concerned, besides which the last time we checked,  it would not make sense to classify me as one of their biggest fans - the stupidity is that they have now successfully built a public perception in which their interest in me was understood to be something they did for my own good whilst I lived in a hell of their making that was seldom known to anybody else but me with a big mouth, as overall this had to be done since it was one thing for people to show up at University with an atmosphere they had already built up in the neighbourhoods whereby I should be sexually abused or abused in sexual context because of my so called cold personality, considering their stupidities seemed to faced such difficulty with not handling others, never mind that none deserved to have a career publicity hijacked by their stupidities in such ways and it was quite another to face what I have faced because others had a need to forcibly make me pay attention to it; this is simply a cluster of people that have now suffered well enough to enter into a state of mind where they would fancy another existence entirely.

What we know they have made of current matters is that people took advantage of me and I settled for what I can get, what really happens being the abuses of the society gits being allowed because I maintained a policy in which the abuses were likely to lead to unexpected responses on my part if it is said that they were conducted by men, otherwise these were a bunch of poofs and the abuses were carried out because they were women, which also causes an abusive effect that served an existential threat unnecessarily, just as I will be willing to make excuses for it too; the Celebrities being the people who introduced themselves as characters that were good at getting paid for being popular by securing notoriety that involved taking credit for my work and backing it up with a media narcissism – they love to tell people how good at it they were and tell those tales all the time, hence it would appear that to keep a career, I needed to crush it satisfactorily. The matter is not really a crisis overall, this is simply the beginning of what is likely to build up to massive clash by the look of things, it will continue for a short period and then the calm before the storm like it usually does in these kinds of circumstances i.e. I have now made a decision that I needed to cease struggling with the sexual context abuses, brought about by well off neighbourhood modern idiots sharing lewd images of me with hoodlums and criminals, to cling to my public image and finances building communities that fingered my bum and the way that I been held down for them, effectively held down by Celebrities on account I wrote a Book that can cover their backside and in order to steal that writing career, I needed to be afflicted with claims that whilst people suffered, I knew what to do but simply refused to do it, at the same that that they claim I did not have the right to keep my property to myself if they felt entitled to it, hence postponing the required responses so they got to build it into a habit i.e. we are now at a point where this postponement of action meant they were a bunch of rogue landlords who made an industry from these kinds of abuses and needed to get close enough to the Celebrities to take the financial wellbeing away from the famous since that happens to have been the biggest threat to me. In essence I have now stopped fighting it and have set out a sense that the abusive fun may continue but I need to say that it occurred on one hand and wrecked everything here, on the other I picked up their communities, selected businesses and destroyed them, as I am aware that each time I push such action the fun insults although existent, tended to lessen, at the same time that I ought to carry through a series of activities that allowed me to meet people for business and personal purposes without being robbed of a right to smell nice, by attacking Celebrities in the sense that their behaviour was not conducive for their producers and managers and they were set to lose the job to me as I lose my Book writing to their gimmicks.

The nature of provocation here is a simple matter of talking the way that I do and acting the way that I did because there were ageist idiots pursuing me endlessly, therefore I needed to ensure they knew everything about my career whether they wanted to or not, the information overload allowing me to practice the sexual context insults on them whenever I wanted as well, further threats will push onto the part where I picked a date and on that date the whites with their well off neighbourhoods will get the ethnic minorities under control and likewise the ethnic minorities fighting them to survive, whilst I supervised but what has occurred instead is the Celebrity abusive interference that had allowed them to build an industry of rogue landlords up to the point where the King himself was involved and the last time we checked, the famous idiots who had no clue what to do with them at this stage, had claimed that it was my responsibility bearing in mind their stupidities also claimed they had a way to make me fulfil those responsibilities. Here it is said that it was astounding that I possessed the means to control these matter so well – for me it is not really a viable problem, simply a product of the fact that if I married a Celebrity, the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers world they lived in will become a major matter of royal and public policy, what is happening currently is that I had been wooed by Celebrities but not married to them as some abusive idiots are starting to look like I needed to bash their finances to ensure that their version of fun did not include imagination getting up my panties and other abusive things their stupidities can do to leave me with abdominal discomfort whist seeking privileges of injustice from their government office pricks, its stupidities needed to cease handling me as we are not mates.

It is not really as complicated as they have made it out to be, I have not lost the control they claim I have; a simple matter of the same way that their career crime personality community croons who ruin so many lives with neighbourhood abuses on their behalf, claim I ought to abandon my personal and social life to them, in order to seek a real mans existence and then build it up to a public need and a public crisis thereafter, is the same as we find the Celebrities and Media gits come up with idea that helped them perform all sorts of stupidities, whilst getting their hands on all their necessary social disposition that will allow them to work narcissism media by which they could ensure that other people were paying for it. I understand they claim they have taken my career and I could never recover it but it is an old story about how we get about ascertaining what it is exactly that famous people want with respect to my affairs – what we know were the effects of their actions were the idea that an inability to award or withdraw my labour led to slavery and a liaise with narcissism advertisement German influence gits whom none knows why we were doing this if their abusive gimmicks in my direction provided them a kind of happiness that was making them the money their abusive greed desired, to the outcome that each time I broker assets with clients and a product is built, they buy the product, set about attacking my late success career, cling to my public image to extract money from it, maintain access to me by means of narcissism, support career crime in society at my expense and ruin my clients. For my part, I am certain I do not hold anything here that belongs to them, do not write their Book and anything else displayed at the shop does not belong to them, therefore it must be that access to me allow them to work the civil rights insults along with their career crime friends, whilst keeping the financial well being at my expense, loss of such an access would mean they dropped down to obscurity and faced very difficult existence, whereby it is not clear then why I faced difficulty due to the fact that I was being so abjectly disrespected, what has emerged being a sense that I am obviously one of their biggest fans the last time we checked and there is nothing else out there to say the least, whilst they were also clearly famous. The problem is easily solved by means of saying that I needed to look to what became of my assets and the interference on their part and that of their career crime civil rights popularity idiots, but the physical contact obviously seeks a different more painful outcome. I am told that I always appear to be beaten down and finished which I am not – simply reality that is a liaised with a Journalists that reported news on Industry for instance and was caught up in a situation where I hurtled down a rabbit hole to prevent people picking up my career for gimmicks that also then made money for criminals, then all would be fine, I would be calmer, financially better off and happier but if some skiving idiot trying to extract money from my public image and avoid the consequences associated with the dangers of being a journalist hijacks it for amusement and popularity nonsense that leads to threats being issued at me from their career crime civil rights idiots and the gymnasium services industry expressing a willingness to get into a fight and suggesting I am too cowardly to keep my career, everything becomes messy and the continued need to complain about the mess their stupidities made whilst issuing threats at me will build up to very painful outcomes, hence their contribution noted on either side; mostly however it is the effect of the self-harming pricks that are now spending everything I did about the doxy society gimmicks whose part in these matters are that they married my Princess Wife – sales army profiteering, sex work politics, self-harming pricks to be precise, whose need to make a mess for others was built on the premise that they were wealthy people, now building up to questions on reasons their Celebrities owned empires and the money was mine, reasons their Celebrities were financially comfortable making abusive talk shows whilst an Arch Prince could not keep a Bookshop, if it was the same pot of cash being pursued; I for my part did issue the warning well enough for them to understand, that it will come to this. The clash with these goons is long standing naturally, it started when I had to respond to eventuality in which I was out liaising with some freelance journalists due to foreign and diplomatic Policy, so some woman gets attacked because she was part of a structure that suggested the USA did not rule the world, thereafter they burned my assets to fight communists and run our lives on sex work politics to spend everything I had because it was supposedly required by those who actually ran the world – it is not as it either myself or the women being attacked were part of their families therefore performed actions that affected their financial wellbeing, these were just women in restaurants.

Their entire public relations seem to have been developed on this claim that I had found a way to portray the idea that what I am doing is the correct thing – truth naturally is that we are caught up in this business of working administrative actions towards a bunch of wrong doing sociopaths, that we had arrived at a point where we either have or they think that we had, made sense of what they were saying. The effect is that if we brushed the criminal and destructive activities under the carpet, we would still end up not only with being told by their famous idiots that the careers they had was the same as the culture of the land, about which others dropped out of school to get into a fight with people on the streets because it was an atmosphere they needed to build up a sense that they could live with their own lives at the same time that they hated it, we would also have the stupidities by which the fundamental perspective of a working person was to create a sense they could do a better job at public security than the actual security services staff, whilst their wives saved them from it and claim I had taken up a career that was too much for me and should have belonged to more worthy people, to build a community that ran off unusual ideas about the ways that people could physically associate with me up to the point where it got violently sexual. The problem is still the way that the famous have torn down my career over a six year period because I am good at it, just so they can take up a position of narcissism where they possessed a stick by which to ensure I did my duties whenever I had refused to with a big mouth, the Politicians stopping what I did to put them to fools errands until they committed suicide because they too were greedy corrupt government office pricks with their own insults and stick gestures and whenever the society gits thought of a trend, they thought of rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, sharing lewd images of me with criminals and hoodlums, getting homeless people involved with my personal space to make money off my social life creating the idea I was one of those, before helping their local council gits work me for homelessness over claims I was committing social security fraud. So we can see why they needed to go from people who became an outstanding problem for victims that had not provided them a response, to people who worked me for homelessness and showered me with insults every day, to people who met with me in the middle as I matched their abusive activities towards my writing career with a protective processes that gets them off my Books and the career publicity. The idea I am always caught up with symptoms and not the real solutions never being anchored in reality as well; since for them the business of stopping the narcissism happiness that made advertisement was a product of the way that people were so stupid that the only way to get through to an unusual interest in my career was to do something that got me into trouble with the law is actually a solution whilst for me it is a symptom and the business of shutting down criminality loving local council gimmicks working at my expense, alongside famous idiots working with rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers to rip up my finances and career publicity is a symptom but is actually a solution in my point of view; here I am told that I did do the former without getting into trouble with the law and the point of this was clearly their need to wreck my career showering me with insults, about which I am completely fed up and need to see them exhibit their stupidities and fool around where it is appreciated, especially considering the fact that we had faced a global level crisis and the destruction of my finances whilst they made money claiming I was working with National enemies to make good of it, suggesting that the characters I can only control by getting into trouble with the Law, although possessed a criminality tendency that was always looking for opportunities and were very likely quick to execute sexual assault on women, were actually nice people that could be kept from crime if awarded some money, whilst I was the main public problems that needed to be controlled,. Then got off clinging to my finances over a 6-year period after making up ideas it was all my fault i.e. for failing to co-operate with the needs their famous stupidities had tabled, hence we were doing this because they were bigger and more fearful than I am, which they believed was along with the perversion of my privacy to improve their promiscuous lifestyle is a well justified use of my time, an outstanding problem whenever not complaining considering that there was no reason or provocation for it. Just like we hear that the way the narcissism happiness advertisement affected me did not tend to suggest it was a symptom whilst it is really a product of something temporary being done with my career and finances over a long period of time which is not the same as their career and finances, so it simply loved showing up here looking for trouble at my expense and claims that what I think is stupid is simply people who worked security services as part of my Royal duty but it is not, only gits who create their own pseudo security services to target me, either way they have assisted me with Royal work at the highest level and it needs to be quiet around here because of the Bookshop and my Royal career publicity or they need to do themselves another favour in short order.

Ultimately there is the suggestion that they did what they did because I am part of a system of oppression, we know however that even if I am, I am still victim to their civil services corruption and the ideas peddled about a dream of living in a country where there was no said bigger authorities that interfered with their ideas on how I should be handled – we had to listen to the claim also that I could not tell exactly what I wanted too; whereas all can see that the lent their public appearances and social lives to a society that operated in secret and wanted to order peoples steps in public, at the same time they handled mine to get around whilst stifling my access to it with a bum fingering upstart community, hence it was clear they could not ask the immoral society to grant them a right to step outside of their door without problems and even when they were using mine, could not give me a lease to step outside of my door. We also know the fact they have converted the Kings coronation into this new gimmick that involved handling and controlling me is the last straw of all the things they do to draw attention to the fact that each turn, each event, each change was an opportunity to demand access to an ownership of my personal and social life, as if I am married to their stupidities – I suppose what comes to mind is that I am female and they were male, so there is currently a history of them fighting National enemies on my behalf, the next time it happens I will be fucking them whilst they did it. As for the idea that it was all being done because they were bigger than I me, the next time that their Celebrities show up here to make a mess of my public work and finances, the action I will take to ensure that the distance between me and them was respected or feared alternatively, will result in the destruction of everything that mattered to them.

They claim eventually that this was the way that successful people were entitled to treat the unsuccessful. I could never understand what it meant if every successful person out there in the worst of cases, usually felt sorry for the unsuccessful but mostly does not care since the head is buried deep in the sociological and sometimes criminological matters which when channelled properly ascertains how a person’s career communication was unique from the next person. Their one was success on the basis of sociological matters associated with other peoples lives and careers and it is always an insult every day, some insults were favourite insults they could not do without because it put them in charge of victims affairs, others were simply controversy that helped them to work the stupid pseudo marketing and pseudo professions that their famous fools and political idiots were obsessed with. I mean the only thing that made the activities of the Politicians useful was the way that in handling my affairs and always pillaging my bookshop whenever they were working with large companies that were creating jobs for the public, was the fact that in doing so, they would be able to make their corruption mature enough to allow them get away with the money they projected to get from it after the resistance that is caused by a need to make laws that agreed with public stability had been completely trashed in favour of putting the needs of the wealthy first, as stupidly as possible.

We eventually hear the claim being made, that I had become a threat – what they had done is do away with the work security services carried through to protect the public from terrorism, so it was possible to get on Parliament and Media running people who owned items they envied to a point where such victims were flustered 24-7, in my case it had since developed into a result where they claim it was not clear what I wanted whereas they handed their right to enjoy the outdoors to immoral society pricks and were borrowing mine to say that they did not have to be nice about the way they handled my person and property. The Celebrities took it to a new stage where a bunch of sociopaths hated my guts because they were always getting friendly with me for the wrong reasons, made a mess and got a response, so the sociopaths decided to fight the police in order to claim I lived off their civil rights and they did me a favour that entitled them to everything I owned, Police brutality in those circumstances was all my fault but when their bottom hurt, they knew where to find my Books, destroy it and make me fight for them.

I am here told that this is what people mean when they say my career had been damaged, as there is no way for me to make meaningful progress – I suppose then that meaningful progress would imply really getting to sit down on that whole narcissism happiness German influence nonsense, the history so far being that they had the happiness, they made money using it to work media on my career, everybody is taking part and when they damaged my career any opinions on my part did not make sense because they were having fun and were happy and were ready to sell more items, make money and get rich, in the end the happiness was good for their health but we are here because the unusual interest in my Bookshop continued to indicate that it is not enough, so I need to sit down on it and make a decision that also took into account the other self-seeking prick who loved to cling to my income performing narcissistic abuses on a wife that does not appreciate it and the society prick that pulls my legs and ensured I cannot concentrate on anything whenever they were doing something behind my back, until I had to leave my main concerns to engage on something so stupid that it made them feel like they were real men without getting paid, then makes up stories about the way I will pay for the responses that had left their stupidities with the tummy issues and abdominal discomforts as well. The Americans were apparently the cause of all our problems, but I suppose I am still wrong about pseudo profession idiots, I am the person doing the wrong thing, while I seem to be the only person footing the cost of all the stupidities. Every nonsense had come to make sense and it was no longer possible to ignore those who performed them – so now people were entitled to spend their own time on their careers and I could do without first the damage to my career and what they were now doing to ensure that was the case, the stupidity knew no limits and I needed to ensure I was no longer the person footing the cost of it.

They do claim I thought what I did was clever but it was incredibly stupid, whilst I simply want those who think it is not, to engage with it without interference; I am aware that what I am doing is not stupid at all, it is only a process where I worked with a Client and some idiot who had a need to ascertain how I spent time with people within my so called social league, got between me and the client and had since arrived at a point where it thought it was its duty to explain my career publicity to the world, thereby claiming it is stupid; needs to keep its mouth shut and read a Book as that was my actual job. On the matter that my Books were convoluted and unworkable whilst their pseudo progression made the most of it, showed up here posing a threat to my wellbeing with stupid ideas they were able to close the distance between me and my property quicker I am, thereby instigating all sorts of nonsense that were robbing me of well being and then money as well, the secret is that the Books were written with regard for public policy, in essence they were written where and when I did not consider their sense of entitlement and incredibly ego to be a main ingredient on how I was to plan a career, so we are now at the point where it needs to settle up on the fact it was not an important person, give me a break and get lost.

Here it is said the way I talked implied that I was facing difficulty which I am not at all, just a realisation these idiots would spill my blood for elation if they needed to – the origin is that my existence as a whole stirred envy, the envy led to an unnecessary fight with and attack on my person, they elapsed into obsession with me like they always do thereafter, once obsession had kicked in they became convinced that if they possessed a lot of resources I would end up in difficult circumstances, they gathered the resources and I pushed them into such a difficult place they had to spend it which helped other people keep jobs and so this feeling of powerlessness is bound to provoke them yet again and the process will repeat itself, I did warn them however that I am set to cease fighting the sexual context abuses and do what was really important with respect to the best ways I can secure their attention because of it very painfully. This being a good opportunity to address the concerned voiced over accusations that were issued at me; first of all that they were a product of people signing up to security services to target me and had no meaning or purpose even if they needed assistance from whole parliaments and National media to assert the idea that my reality looked like that, although the abuses were unfathomable – they are mostly the consequence of the stupidities speaking to astrologers about the best ways to attack a Libra and were told that I am likely to think a certain way and likely to behave a certain way, hence they show up with something I might want to say considering my natural state of mind, when I am really unhappy, said it and started a fight – I am not likely to spend my time on such matters from my position, only to make clear the dangers of a particular thing and the way it defiles me, so when I see it the next time those who peddle will be responsible for the fact it was the last time that they saw it too. We had to listen to the gimmick that this was a Scorpios method of fighting, which explains the reasons they need to wreck everything I did to get rid of social statements that allowed people pay attention to my body bits, rebuild them and show up here trying to avoid issues associated with standing up for yourself in a way that might expose you to the bottom chasing gimmicks. Here they claim they understood how Libras saw the world and how Libras fought and it is utter nonsense as winding up people like these is itself an achievement, a sense of euphoria that comes as a consequence of it actually leading to a real confrontation, needs to keep its comments to its career, its imagination away from my Body bits and stay away from my career publicity. Here it becomes quite clear that the getting on my nerves activities was the cause of all these, as in terms of what they have done, they have progressed from splitting up my personality to tell me I belonged on the left hand side whilst they could move into my right hand side and be in a place of power and glory, to a sense there were three version of me and one was happy with me, the other had career publicity decided by other people and the third did something to show he was brave enough to deserve his career and therefore keep the career he was brave enough to create in the first place by doing what was necessary – here it is then said that the getting on your nerves thing was more complicated and yes it was, it should have ended where it was clear those who did possessed the personal and social lives to pay for it, not have my personal and social life developed into something that can be commercialised, so I guess at this point on holding me down so the provocation became a public issue whilst I postponed any action I could have taken otherwise, suggests that their stupidities expect me to get from being victims to offering assistance with respect to the way they had been affected.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland