It is now said that my cowardice affected everybody, an idea peddled by a bunch of gits that never stopped picking up my order on the social front, as a tool for fighting their corner in life, so stupid they are that when they are successful on some occasions, they complained about causalities and whilst either way, I could never tell from which direction people tackled me with disastrous consequences to my finances. The boasting on the other hand was that there was little I could do about them whilst it was said in Government quarters that I ought to think of public ramifications of their activities and not just my interests – the reality is that they are the only people doing the fighting here, in 15 years, I have done nothing to respond to the abuses of the famous, hence they are now working some insults they got accustomed to and none has yet to take advantage of their stupid careers where they exposed their privacy to the public and the process resulted in a product – the problem I needed highlighted had now been considering the insults and abuses their fans peddle at me which trashes my academic pursuits and an ability to concentrate on anything I am doing, that each time people were not taking advantage, it seemed that people had to say that the famous were important persons and then set about paying for it, in order to leave them a sense that they were being idolised. That said we know that we are here because they have been ripping up my career over ideas that their need to feel safe may be fulfilled by a process where I deployed my talent on violent things that will help to protect them, claiming it was not clear why I clung to them and complaining that I never stopped, but we know their sport stars will not cease asking companies who employed their gits that then set about deciding how my assets should be wasted in order to make property owners feel incredibly important, which was the only talent they possessed, waste my assets and property building them customised items, the famous on the other hand were determined to set out my assets as tools by which wealthy persons may recover any finances that were spent on them, whilst their fans were complaining I am not really British after wrecking everything here to travel overseas and find friends that will help to show that I would not be doing what I am doing if I lived in Africa. So I have not been taking advantage of them but have offered them an exit for all the gimmicks they could perform on account they cannot stand up for themselves unless they accessed Royal publicity and the hospitality that was set out to entreat Politicians to keep their social activities going until wealthy people who shared money with them recovered it at the markets by pillaging my assets, allowing them the funds to buy private security, then spend the private security attacking others people – it appears that a failure to take the exit where after a 20 year career mess from it, they stopped running me down whilst I am at work especially on the radio waves and made comments about their own careers on Television, considering the outcome is that people build communities to finger my bum and our adult imagination allows them to beat me down in bed and leave me waking to violent bum fingering every day, is set to be the main motivation to answer the question via the way they exposed their privacy to rip up peoples career and cover their backsides whilst a show business product was being created to make them more money, of whether Celebrities were more important than Royalty was, as a matter of preventing all interferences which dumbfound my clients at the Bookshop, people who lived in glass houses should not throw stones, was the saying. It is a simple matter of some respect for what I did and not a need to get involved with me based on a version of me they created, lest it became a question of where indeed exactly I had lost my temper, it is always so abusive of them all of the time. The point had been raised about the idea they were not my enemies but it is now irrelevant to me as per whether they were – there is still a risk that engaging in public work would produce an outcome where people got involved and they decided to pick up some of the best looking for studios where they can get rich making entertainment on my public image with or without my permission but it will no longer be the I had been fighting your wars and you need to do something to show you deserved what you owned ripping up my wealth equity and crime control publicity to build media profiles for criminals famous twats that have been there already, with disastrous outcomes to show, we are finished.

On the matter of never being explicit about what I wanted however, it was clear that these gimmicks were not my profile and that there were a lot of wealthy people in the Royal network, it would not make sense to abandon my own well off neighbourhoods to them because the only talent they possessed was to make my assets tools by which wealthy people could share money with them and get it back at the Market or my assets were destroyed to help industry property owners who never stopped spending money on quasi criminals to get people dancing around their pain but complained when I danced so that they might spend for the economy – in the end I could make the excuse people did not engage with my Books although I had mitigated the abuses where they picked up my career publicity for other purposes for instance because my product environment was not private enough but then again, I have completed work which ensured whatever I was doing with the Armed services was completely detached from Celebrity culture, therefore it actually should be according to what is real evidence. It never really makes any sense to complain endlessly whilst it is a huge amount of fun to ensure my career does not mean anything to anybody no matter what I did with it, using stupid gimmicks such as these, whereby it is suggested my cowardice affected people’s careers for controversy and market. The theory I am simply trying to do things I cannot is utter nonsense as we know this was a case of growing up in a certain neighbourhood being raised to believe oneself an entitled twat that was deserving of men leaving their families to fight for their personal interests, running people down all the time and showing up with immoral society gimmicks on peoples social lives, so the victims were never allowed to smell nice, it always ends well whenever it does come to stop, usually stupid enough to start and never clever enough to add up a series of activities in needed to pursue to stop if the victims were complaining, so it resorted to media facilitated narcissism, before it claims that whilst I am still doing poor book sales numbers over its unusual interest in me, it was quite clear that I pursued something I was unable to do. The only evidence to show that its theory was in anyway linked to reality apparently was my dress code and corrupt idiots in Europe sharing my privacy with their famous stupidities to play with and wondering if I wanted to waste their right to have peaceful homes in the communities for my part as well – like we see their own talent was to ensure companies extracted money from my property whilst sharing money with them and my assets were wasted to help property owners feel important and if I took up a gimmick of claiming their cars and homes belonged to me even if it did not and for no reason whatsoever, I would still win the fight causing them the health problems they scared me with all the time. In the end if I broker down everything that they have done here in 16 years over a 4 yearly period and decided I wanted to clear out each period within a month, it would take four months to get into a position where my next response to their famous persons insults and vandalism would be the absolutely worst that I had ever devised, save the business of getting them to keep the abusive and controversy media comments to their careers and cease interfering with client affairs at the Bookshop, actually paid off.

They do claim it was a mystery how people end up with a mind like mine of which there isn’t – there is always a unique sociological matters that runs off when people attend college or University, no two persons are the same on this and they had none of their own clinging to mine for 16 years whilst they never paid for anything they used around here, clung to my social life to churn my tummy and my earnings because they had started an abusive process they were not intelligent enough to stop if they had to, hence we were stuck with Media narcissism. Should I have withdrawn access in a comprehensive manner about a decade ago, it would have been the best thing I could do for them in the circumstances but there were reasons to assume they were cleverer, if I withdrew access now, I would make massive contributions to their wealth and social inequality problem as a good number of professional years had been spent on it, should I withdraw access a decade from now, I will certainly kill somebody, still none knows why it is always so abusive of them and more so every day. Eventually they claim that it is due to cowardice on my part and I could never tell how 10 years on unemployment support makes me more willing to take personal risks on other peoples behalf, besides which if I tried, their stupidities would already have built up communities that will finger my bum and this was likely to be the activities engaged in should I find myself in a difficult situation – what stands out above all is not just the fact they have set out an onus and I am not in a position to get it done so the onus falls on them, but also the fact that we see these kinds of stupidities being imposed on other people way too often for our own good, where it had spent a decade and a half of other peoples time, picking up peoples career without permission to make something of itself on Media, arriving at a point where it had amassed a good amount of savings and secured a good job but it seems that what was wrong with society as a whole was other peoples dress codes. This is not the only example, there are other instances that get it roping me into its social gimmicks that twist noses to such an extent where people get murdered, showing up to make the most of the way it abuses my privacy alongside its corrupt security gits and rogue landlords, about which the people who ask its stupidities to stay out of the way they developed from teenagers to adult were racist and those who let them in smelled and had to lose everything they had because of it. I suppose it is rather always fair to maintain my position that it needs to keep its comments to its career as none is asking it to supply an opinion about my existence.

They do claim I never took seriously the problems I faced but there is really none – the only problem there was is largely to do with their society gits ceasing the continued interference with my Bookshop clients and the famous goons staying away from my Public image and public life – something about a group of people so stupid that you are to solve their problem by eventually throwing caution to the wind, and doing something that will cause them harm but since it grows into a matter of middle management incompetence that was linked up to the local authorities which helped them exert their will over others, like in my case ripping up my bookshop with ideas about their cars and homes setting them out as people that others should follow for instance, whilst I continued to assume clients will engage with the Books if there was a way to brush the market interferences under the carpet with no success to show for it and their friends at the local authorities helped out all day only to end up in a situation where they did not wish to pay up the government unemployment support anymore, whilst their celebrities had gotten into a habit of buying up small businesses that you associated yourself with, the people selling it to them sitting over financial well being that was gained from employers incompetence’s that is not really set in stone as it is was never my responsibility or something I should pay a price for. The show business makes money obviously when it is given the opportunity to say that other peoples good careers were put to a spectrum in which an environment emerged where other ideas about how the career should be used developed into fantasies in peoples minds, so the career owner does the work and they pick up the earnings by fringe benefits and continue to trawl through becoming real threats as soon as they could, but I have given them exit for starting something that they do not now have an off switch for, to keep their comments to their careers and cease interfering with client interests at the Bookshop, we are still here on account they had big egos and believed that accessing Royal publicity and politicians hospitality, to make sense of eating exotic foods for a period of time, made them into character that had nothing to lose when they attacked other people, as stupidly as possible. It needs to cease interfering with my clients and its Celebrities need to stop handling my public image or a result where I had to look into a history of tricking my publishers into giving them contents of my Books on promise of market engagement, to show up here handing over my work to criminals, twisting noses on media and expecting a crime idiot to show up wanting things at my expense until they pulled a weapon on me, in order to keep my assets, with an intent to pursue their own career history as well and solve whatever it bothering them all the way to the tax man. It is all not unusual in anyway whatsoever, I can carry my own weights, the problem is that their security guards currently were unable to keep their hands to themselves but originally, we do not see the wickedness of the famous who get about lip flapping ways I was being provocative until they wanted something they could never have or they wanted something they thought they deserved and other people got in the way. As for the idea they were my replacement at the Monarchy, reality is that they had more communists to fight on my behalf first of all, my messy work history with the system made me sick to the stomach just as much as my current approach their economic abuses churned their own, how low I have to go, to put what they were doing into a language that human beings could understand – not that it mattered as I am working intellectual property administration and therefore already planned eventualities to occur in terms of society madness and celebrity vandalism, just the stress associated with a process where this behaviour was being repeated coupled with media insults and threats with a big mouth. On a more objective front however, there is talk of the need to face down their narcissism, the narcissism however was always a given: be it the Celebrities who worked with companies on the basis that criminals were more willing to make money and buy products in order to get rich or the goons back stage who pick out some of the best looking people that got involved with public office to make entertainment and get rich, so such persons would likely have been close to me and therefore considered my interests to an extent whilst they did not need to think of any risks – it is a self-resolving problem on two fronts, one was that we were doing something with the famous which affected the market and if there is a problem we are suffering diminishing returns and need to cut down the number of famous people, the other is that the history of making show business products with my equities and public image needs to be consolidated and or destroyed regardless of whether it is patented to their names. Only a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things with other people’s careers, to progress a personality that appears to be deserving of violence when they were consumed by their perdition into something of a statement that if the government prevented society fingering their bums as well, it would solve sexual assault problems, which we know is a lie. It is not really a tough task keeping them away from my Clients and public image as such – just a matter of taking up what had transpired over the years to suggest I spent a lot of time building up a sense they were incredibly important which left me paying for it endlessly considering my social status but I am doing this because I do not wish to end up in a scenario where once I must have done that, I had to make a decision about their economic abuses in my direction in terms of the worst thing I had ever done.

Personally, these are not famous people, they are quasi criminals beating others down with publicity and in my case specifically this involved a process where they thought of what my Books could be used for in their perspective but did not pay for a copy and encouraged other people to do the same – half the time the abuses and insults build controversy to assist another group of gits working finance fraud at the Money market, the rest of the time they were ripping career publicity to get somebody else selling a product or making money by it. They do claim Celebrities behaved the same way as well and yes they did, when people spend 5 hours getting ready to meet somebody important in their lives and it took just 5 seconds of meeting them, imagination runs down that direction of where they keep their finances and how it could be trashed, hence have they now built an atmosphere in which they were the famous people. I can see myself inclined to build up a list of their stupidities which I got to give means to amuse me regularly – like when people say it needed to stay out of other peoples development from teenager to adult and it claims such persons were racist but the ones that let them in smelled and had to lose everything because they were filthy. Everything I have done about it for instance is 100% viable like it claims it was all my fault the same way it fights law enforcement on my behalf, the other extra involvement being an attempt to dig me an early grave with ideas I am supposed to get into a fight with people to enhance the sense their stupidities were important – in the end my approach was the correct one, where I was supposed to get them working for me as well, especially in terms of gits who spent money making other peoples lives a complication, so that their role would help to boost local economies, not a process where I got stuck with immoral society and home wreckers as if anything I did would successfully change their nature but it was all government office trouble makers, get me stuck with it, hate the results. Imagine people like these people told that an Arch Prince hoodwinked them into doing his bidding, up to the point where they were fighting communists because he was too much of a coward to do it himself by some people at the Monarchy who had enough public authority not to have done such a thing and then they suggest that it was likely if they had not done it, I would never have done what I have done, in a bid to be real Men, their American counterparts were in charge of everybody, so market conditions that may have cut down the number of Celebrities due to diminishing returns is no longer effective. I am told they considered that they really hated me because I am born under a Libra Birthdate, I could never tell anyway, when it had not answered the question of how the fact I was still single was such a massive problem, if it is now living in Scorpio and Virgo world and I wanted whatever made me relevant to Celebrities to be taken over by these two that are apparently the Birth dates that caused Celebrities to attack my career and finances because they had the backing to do so – hence first time I tackled the Scorpio and Virgo issue it got me into trouble with the famous, background history is that they always dreamed of being Virgo inspired young twats on the streets dreaming of attacking a Libra from behind when they had not pushed me to tackle their finances well enough for them to ransack my holiday home etc, the next time I do it, I will in a bid to control the famous as we now know that they had no explanation for activities that left me doing poor book sales numbers in any 24 hours, save the idea they needed to do stupid things with peoples lives whilst making their own money and be clear about what their stupidities hated thereafter. It always boasts about what I possessed capacity to do naturally, and their gimmicks were the best use of my time to say the least.

They do claim it is all wishful thinking but reality is more than I started an intellectual property administration business and now I am stuck in a position where problems that damage the finances were a product of somebody paying an idiot with a society and a media presence to collect information about my career that they can work red carpet self-re-invention by and they have suggested that their actions should be best interpreted as a practical joke, I mean it started stupidly enough with the idea my career best served a purpose of covering their backside in a bid order my steps and spend my work on themselves but that eventually grew into a gimmick where they did not pay for Books regardless of how the Books were being used and built a crowd that joined in, hence considered this was not provocative enough so far. It needs to develop into an issue with their private security gits who cannot keep their hands to themselves and leave me feeling sore all over all day, rogue landlords I am paying to provide the access to my personal space talking nonsense about how privileges were to be shared and the twat at the local council assisting them all of the time but recently becoming fed up paying up the government unemployment support, so that the matter may progress into something of me on one side and the nature of their stupidities on the other, in such a condition that they ceased handling me and ceased stifling a Bookshop because the local government idiots who assisted them were the centre piece and I had removed everything in my mind which put out the suggestion that hurting them was against the law or the wrong thing to do.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland