They do claim I am some sort of trojan horse where the interests of freedom was concerned and it is utter nonsense as the idiots tore don security service work that protected the public from terrorism, so that their violent orthodoxy community parents may be able to secure them a future running other people down in the neighbourhoods whilst claiming others were extremist and evil at the same time that they got clandestine support from famous idiots that complained about their abusive activities; their problem at this stage is that they possessed neither the resources nor the muscle to beat me down and therefore have to keep it all going alongside what actually mattered to them, especially with respect to career and finances. The insults are now starting to make sense as in the destruction of my career publicity with society gimmicks over ideas I am a Libra and therefore born to be Scorpios bitch whilst Scorpio investigated law enforcement on their behalf to complain about police brutality each time they got seduced by criminals into committing their own crimes, it would appear at this point that poof Leo was Scorpios actual bitch picking up my career publicity to do its own thing in order to serve some famous idiots who are always happy to jump on an entitlement band waggon, talking nonsense that suggests I can only end their entitlement to my property by violent means and cannot protect their own security services lovers, despite spending so much time running down other people and putting the labels on – vagabond Virgo was apparently the Kings and Queens of unusual relationships with commuters and street traffic, going onto the same gimmick that you find peace in the personal and social life of a Libra once finished with their stupidities. So I end up in a scenario where I thought they only were interested in reading the convenient parts of my so called birth sign, wanted them to read their own birth signs and live in it, to end up with an international state of being dreadful as per my public image with their twats in the middle east speaking of the ways they needed to understand my scale and reach. The scale and reach their stupidities were talking about being a constant state of conflict with other people, whereby I had overseas business interests and they trashed my finances after showing up at University to finger my bum, to handle my career publicity for other purposes but my far my party piece was the way that I put people that I shopped for my grocery with at risk every time I go to the market to spend my own money for personal maintenance, coming off unhappy, completely flustered and abused every time I shopped for my groceries, then it feeds into international business interests where my assets were concerned over an entitlement gimmicks and the people I shopped for groceries with took more risks with personal safety and then the abuses kick off up to the point of wanting an institution from it, so they attacked any security service work that protected the public from terrorism in order to gain reach based access, looking for more of what they are complaining about, such as the reasons I have had to put it to writing, if they were the same pricks complaining about racism too. It is not unusual, like the events which led to two people making their way in life only to end with one assassinating the other, like it was with President Kennedy and Lee Oswald, it is simply a change in eventuality that the scumbags had picked somebody who was good at handling their stupidities this time.

It simply needs to walk away from somebody who is not living in its own life or writing its Books literally or I want reinstated, the process of allowing people to make popular culture from it, especially when Law enforcement had gotten involved, of which we know now based on the way that revenge on me looks, that people were making money off my state office popular culture to beat them down all the time, same as the Celebrities who have been fighting communists on my behalf because they are immoral society mandated irresponsible pricks who spent everything I did about it to show up gentrifying the local area where I lived, of which I do not need them to in order to feel safe and feel less safe because they had but it is being done due to the idea they were important and entitled famous idiots – the only time that they were willing to concentrate on their own affairs and allow others get on has been the time that people were using state office popularity to beat them down, whilst I supported some female journalists over mobility issues, single parenting and domestic violence matters.

There is the talk of me taking up leadership, we know they speak of ways I did not respect religion, society and communities whilst we know their stupidities were at my expense constantly in league with some ageist gimmick that banged two eggs together, to see which one will be brave enough to deserve their careers, whenever they were not complaining about it, especially when the complain had spilled onto a clash with Police in riot crowd control gear. The facts are that it runs me down all the time because it is an ageist idiot but there was always an excuse for its stupidities to run down somebody who was of the same age in the same way, especially the narcissism of the excuse suggesting it was all my fault, with the political gits who support it ending up in a situation where it had become impossible to make Legislation on a platform that they were running a stable country, so I do wait for them at the exit, to remind them that on completing their gimmicks, it would seem that I was older than their children, whereby it begins the superiority insults and to blame racism on me, so I felt like beating it up and the white people who do will accept the race labels that would have been placed on them for it and we would all become completely confused about what racism really was, never mind facing the difficulty of understanding their apparent ethnicity dark violence gimmicks. It is not really a crisis, as they have done it again, loved to trash my finances and now their children were set to be older than mine and I would pass down the duties for repetition.

Their friends at the Monarchy were off on a trajectory which effect was to show up here making demands on behalf of the King whilst my property and career got wasted to serve their cause and will not take a hint – it had since decided on its stupidities concerning a certain market in which it will read my birth sign and abuse me to share the incomes of the famous and I will abuse them as well to share the incomes of the famous, being kept outside of my career, whereby its point of view was that the problem with the famous was something I was meant to tackle as a sign of respect for the fact their stupidities were now in league with a King. Therefore not clear why I was put through all that mess that suggested I ought to hang about being provoked so a bunch of idiots may draw ideas on how to best attack others in service of famous idiots, if it so turned out that their stupidities despite being born on birth signs that were more dangerous and decisive than mine, were not exactly up to the task. I have set a deadline for it all to move on and cease handling my affairs, beyond this deadline I will accept the conflict state of affairs they have invented over me as a progress factor, beginning with the local council and working it down to Celebrities, pseudo/social media practitioners and every other git involved, needs to stay away from my Books and clients, keep the comments restricted to their own careers and income structures.

Eventually we hear that it was at Government taking up matters that I am good at, with respect to society what people were able to do with my affairs without consequences because they were bigger than I am. The latter rather being more a matter of what had gone through to add up to a business of people inventing stupid things they can insert into my career to make sense of their lives by handling my career publicity and make money over public awareness of their foolish personal decisions, on account that what I should put down, get out there on the streets and press home at the neighbourhoods to ensure their families got a feedback of the sort of nonsense I put up with year on year on account they claimed they were at work, is being thrown around on Media and social media, to try and make a deterrence effective, so if they think they were still up to it, might continue to show up here beyond the deadline and more so cling to living in a history of a time that I did nothing, alongside their famous idiots that had since resorted to this violent means that scares people away from the Bookshop, to show their stupidities were important. Where I am meant to pick up issues I can handle at Government however, it was clear that I did the work properly on the matter of Celebrities showing up here to saddle me with fools errand, if they in turn ended up with so much fools errand that they wanted to commit suicide of which I therefore did not care that they did, so which one was the twat that spent so much time and resources, working me to ensure they showed up here over my public control matters, to goad me and attack my health whilst spending my personal life and career publicity gentrifying whole neighbourhoods to cover their backside, if it is not the idiots that were punishing me for a historic good deed apparently. It has been the standing problem for the 6 years leading up to the year 2024, Celebrities with a need to perform those gimmicks where people clung to royal publicity to suggest that royalty hated good looking people and so the outcome being that rather than be nice to me if it wants to get involved with my affairs, it makes me a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy and keep businesses, whilst it picks up my career publicity, personal and social life, as tools that helped it provide hospitality for crowds and means by which those who controlled wealth in an area might buy products its famous stupidities was selling, then tell me there was only the process of picking up a job that helped me bargain with them at the work market, available to me as a workable option – thus the same applied that beyond the said deadline, we will go all the way to their German influence gits that I am supposed to have been afraid of, who are apparently a bunch of poofs who believed themselves to be influential, never stopped telling the lies, believed they were to decide for me what racism was, could never cease getting involved with the affairs of people whose names they do not know and build communities that fingered bottoms an upstart, as replacement for talking to persons of interest. We are not talking about people getting killed in the USA whilst it was linked to me miles away across the Atlantic here in the UK, we are talking about the finale that will keep their big mouth off my career publicity and their gimmicks off my affairs, over this one problem where clients cannot engage with Books because famous idiots were using the career publicity and the public image of the writer, to engage with their own crowd, in my case since 2016, backed by idiots like these who expected it to make sense that victims could not respond to their stupidities because they were larger.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland