Some people have pointed out  that the matter we concern ourselves with at this Hermitage are not making any progress and I have no idea why my entire writing career has become a matter anyway, what I do not know that I do not have to abandon anything until I had punished these guys sufficiently to show how stupid they are, since the alternative of seeing a stop to the business of following me around to make trouble and making a mess of my Books and Public image appear not to have been taken on. So we know it has always been the case that the trouble makers at the Monarchy want everybody to deal with deviance of Celebrity while they got involved with it for the financial benefits and that Celebrities always want people chasing up the poor people that want to be like them while they grabbed peoples career and public image – it is not news to any, such that I must be rounded up like sheep while I am not going anywhere from where I am and constantly dragged to a point that leaves me dropping out of University over and over, while they show up to look like the characters that are the hell raisers who give go ahead for the riots that happen on the Streets – so obviously it does look tempting when people say it’s a matter and there has been no progress. They claim it’s about freedom which is something a person in my position will hate and fail to appreciate especially as people have got their hands on his property and we know their freedom generally means making a mess of what young people think about and then showing up here to take advantage of me i.e. one of those sensibilities whereby in a worst of a worst case, I could gather up young people with knives and we have some exclusive community where people who don’t carry knives are not allowed and then everybody is obliged to do something about discrimination 100%, while the biggest deal of all is that if people have difficulty I will be handing in my Public image; of course I would never do such a thing because it would mean any stupidities people invented would depend on me but this is what young people think about and if this sort of thing was actualised nobody would get stabbed or beaten up on the streets etc – these gits works such freedoms as means if I forge a relationship with somebody that is of career content, in a while their stupidities will make a picture of themselves in a large mural over it and claim it was freedom, the freedom will even extend to making one that mocks me for it, if it does not get to draw some graffiti on my front door because I got a Job – I will never stop punishing them for the mess they make of my career and academic work until it becomes quite clearly obvious and non-debatable how stupid they really are; what they are doing here is not their choice to make, if they are talking about freedom that is. I have warned up to this point of the option left for me to stop this nonsense being the business of launching a direct attack on their jobs.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland