They do
bring up that story that I am so weak it is irritating which I have no idea who
asks the questions on it anyway; what we know is that I found it easier to
fight back than to get around looking for trouble and they made me out to be
flesh man, running off all that nonsense about weakness thereafter and hence
the next question on the complaining while they made it up. This nonsense
continues generally if they have access to other people’s civil duties, will do
nothing to defend themselves if faced with difficulty and will never stop
tackling vulnerable people. The other idiots with ideas about how I brought it
upon myself never stopped interfering with my finances for those stupid
comments they cannot keep where their career and finances were located as such,
I therefore think that the next time show up here to get imagination up my bum
and build me reputation for being weak while its criminal juveniles got
completely out of hand and never stop picking others while they will never
fight their own corner all together, blows off the big mouth that I am so weak
it is irritating, I think they will kick off another scenario that their
stupidities will likely hate. The problem here is the way that their little
sexual things on the streets dragging people into rabbit holes, thereafter
coming across some money for fine things through Celebrity culture, about which
an Arch Prince is trying to pay some bills and he will be made to give up his
Office for it, the entire time which I have never set them out as little sexual
things so others might pick on well whilst I have ended up with a history of
abuses, insults and University fiasco, finally an assault on my Bookshop which
gives them direct access to my finances to do damage, which I think I should
ensure their Celebrities suffered for intensely as well, as it were. So
originally everybody loved an Arch Prince who believed people ought to work for
money but did not live a life that was full of enemies at the same time, so
there was tranquillity everywhere, now I am dealing with insults and abuses
back to back to ensure that I was caught up in a life of getting into a fight
with people to help civil rights twats feel safer, the next time they compound
it raising that stupid point about me being so weak it is irritating, it will
go beyond the part where the stronger sections of their civil rights
stupidities got to make sense of the fact if they did not want me telling them
what to do about racism as well, the next time they pick up my assets when one
of their well of twats who keep putting up his insanity on my social life
disobediently faced racism and made stupid statements on my social life, I am
going to beat them down with those abuses until the racism problem was solved
permanently as well.
question raised at the end being that of the reasons these low lives loved to
pick on me, but it is an old story about making a mess of my social life to get
across a good amount of money with which to buy fine clothes and possessions
that fuel their need to get imagination around people’s private parts but the
scum that loved to target me have not even learned to speak properly yet. I
have been clear about the fact they needed to stop bashing my Books, where they
need keep their white lie insults, gesture and practical jokes before I got to
take my own steps as well, I have been clear about making their Celebrities
stuffer for it intensely – long before we got to the part about what they must
do to avoid having me get into a habit of abusively making them do something
about racism. For the time being, I rather tend to make good the other warnings
that if I see the Culture and Society, they will see it for the last time as
well; this means that their perverted interest in my social life and public
image is matched with an interest in the environment built from those fine things
they had acquired and it tends to cool me down, such that when they no longer
had access to me, this will play into my already rich sense of discipline and
ensure all gets back to normal, never mind the fact it serves as a
countermeasure for their silly interest in my Public image – I do not believe
the threat that if their white lie comments, gestures and interest in my Books
does not stop wrecking the sales, this matter will end very badly obviously, so
we are still dealing with a lot of stupidities displayed on Media at my expense.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland