I am told that it has never been clear the reasons that Celebrities and Media targeted me the way that they did; the reality of it is that it was all the actions of a bunch of white and ethnic minority racists who have found a way to monetise racism. It comes up with those stupid ideas all the time about abusive ways I can be treated to make me come up with ideas for solving problems that niggle its stupidities when not white, when white it comes up with ideas about the sense if the authorities provided it with one or two persons it can do with as it pleased, then it would better for everybody. It is now shooting off the big mouth at me everyday rather than beat back where it came from if it finds out its stupidities cannot take me on like it originally supposed, so I am now hoping that they will not drive it to a stage where I had to attack the fame finances because I am rather determined at this present state of mind, to shred it completely. The question does arise as to effects naturally, of what will become of society if I did but I should only have deployed my methods towards the abusive society gits with ideas about handling me abusively to make money, which was how it started and how it has ended is a gimmick where they hang about somewhere to work criminality and send out low lives who had nothing to lose, to share my personal space and stall my mobility for financial wellbeing, the point being that the community it has now built up to get imagination into my pants endlessly is due to the way it has spent all its money to cope with the problems I have created for its stupidities as well, so that people can see their ageist insolent selves and prancing narcissistic idiots with short abusive videos they liked to think was the correct way to make advertisement, without their clothes on as well. when I burn the Celebrity finances, I will integrate their industry into mainstream economy much the same way, but it can always take hint, keep away from my finances and Bookshop market and stop showing up here with a support crowd, telling me what to do, picking up my career publicity to make its own money and ordering my steps. The main cause naturally has always been what it has always been i.e. these fools have never stopped running other peoples down to make money and will not settle for a minimum wage on a platter, had to be wealth and fame, so it is said that I have denied I faced a tough situation with them whilst I simply allowed their gimmicks to run up to the point where it was impossible for the corrupt characters in the ranks of the authorities to deny what the problem really is. I mean how does a person change their lot if the Celebrities were the people complaining about wealth and social inequality, if what I have said here was the only time since their 18 birthday in 19 years, now aged 37, they have had a break from this sort of nonsense, of which my own part in the matter was the way I have allowed them pick up my career publicity to play up the stupid games in such a way they secured the same level of respect reserved for public dignitaries and will not now give it up. It does love to target and issue the stupid threats but it is all just a bunch of immoral society gits with an interest in my personal space, that had produced such a result as I am unable to get into some clothes and meet somebody over my career and if set in context, they will be living up to a threat that should I fail to co-operate with their stupid needs over my social life and public image, they were likely to confiscate it – exactly the same as the society gits the complained about whose interest in me was a space on their right hand side where what was happening in my world was to end up in, completed that and the career does not mean anything to anybody, I have established a partnership with clients who show up at premises to stop all engagement with the Books because of these fools making comments and statements about what I should be doing, should have been doing and the way I ended up in an environment where I will get no love whilst expecting some, it does not make comments about its stupid career these days all together and if I have complained of damage, will not restrict its comments to its own concerns. Ultimately it seems the wider implication is that no matter who you are or what you did, Americans will always make you into a character that existed somewhere that people handled to get rich somewhere else and the deadline for tolerating this nonsense since year date 2003, ended on 23/4/3023. For my part I am told the way I ran my concerns got me stuck besides which people assumed I thought the white race was superior and also that I needed to demystify myself to quell the unusual interest – I am not stuck in anyway, wrote Books and built a career for interesting Books I marked out since 2001 and have built a template for production decade by decade, which purpose is to assist government and help younger people do well at school, set out my showcase that the best way to resolve financial matters was through the jobs market and now I must sell it, so nothing save their need to get out of bed and trash my finances has been occurring out of place. The other story about thinking white people were superior is a myth as the ethnic minorities racists have not yet died in a satisfactory number for me as well, have issued enough warnings I am drowning in their insolence at this stage; a matter of which one spends a lot of time pondering the way things worked and how to manipulate those things that worked to a persons advantage and or make it handy, I mean civilisations came and went into the night which did the same pondering and built science but the white race is the only group to have laid claims of ownership to it, which is the cause of all the racial problems, shows up here attacking me as though it had nothing to lose and I am set to give it something to lose now that I know what makes it tick and never asked to know in the first place. As for the mystery issues, there are no mystery issues; it all builds up to the way that I worked with armed forces and had to think about the advantage I was going to provide them, which these goons will claim was a threat to the public when they were not complaining about the exact stages that criminals and hoodlums allied to their stupidities thought it best to get involved with armed forces work, by which stage I should have been able to develop such advantages as to say that the good people who picked up jobs in that sector a long time before (we are talking about the way we hear Police Officers address these kinds of issues, to say that an average Officer had to be beyond reproach to such an extent they could hit the ground running when they arrived at a community and needed to win its trust) were now in commanding positions, so these are the sort of issues that make me a massive mystery to be explored, getting targeted by the famous and their civil right criminals with a big mouth.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland