They loved to boast that I had failed to accept that I am in the worst possible position that anybody could find themselves but there is nothing to accept if such nonsense was meaningless: I am aware that they are criminals and we are not talking about people on one side of the law like I am and other people who were on another side of the law like the society people think I am at war with, both positions which law enforcement were aware of, we are talking about real criminals and if I did not have evidence of a crime committed, I had the eternal punishment inflicted on me over my history with the private security industry to point to. They are not m problem, the Celebrities are, ripping up my career over dreams of money they could make doing what I am doing and claiming these criminals were alright whilst I was the problem but do not now wish to cease bothering me and spend their time entertaining and selling entertainment to their new friends.

Naturally there is no such thing as my entire life becoming a mass of suffering as claimed, the suffering is a product of the distant violence being channelled at me because they were as they would like to put it for other people, a cursed civil rights bunch – concerning which the singular problem all round is that they were bigger than I am and this was therefore the problem that I had to solve as well. The rest of it is that this is what we get when we hang about being there, giving our time to make society pricks and famous idiots who then go on to claim that normal people were the problem whilst criminals were perfectly fine and the public security sector had provoked them inconsolably – I mean people will ask why I arrive at this simple conclusion but we have already done the part where the male society plays with my career publicity every time that I was seen in public places until my financial structures failed, before they needed National Politics publicity and public media to handle the stress associated with my response, the other cursed civil rights idiots were busy supporting fathers until they too got hurt and became entitled to burn down other peoples building doing riots, whilst the Celebrities would claim criminals were okay, normal people the malcontent, but do not now wish to stop bothering me because it was a bit difficult to entertain their new friends for a living; now we are just caught up with something that local authorities have been told by top authorities was counterproductive but will not cease to be repeated by the local authorities i.e. alliance with famous idiots and ideas that those on social security ought to do what they were told as making money to get off the social security they had come to regard as their own private funds was far more important than any other priority, in my case half a decade of my time has now been spent on that, whilst their idiots, the friends they picked up from Europe and the Middle east, to help them run off rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping gimmicks in order to police those who lived on social security ensured that when a career and livelihood was set out, those who owned it were unable to deter the rest of the public from thinking it was available to everybody to do with as pleased, leaving the victims on social security, so they may work people for homelessness. It is naturally an alliance between local authorities and famous gits that now needs to become as difficult and uncomfortable as their unusual interest in me, something that needs to end very badly, the rest were naturally in a position where if the gimmicks and fooling around at my expense had gotten serious once and they were now inconsolable, it was better for everybody if they kept their mouth shut and showed up here only to buy a Book. It is obviously the successful people at their best, they were apparently done being sensible and clever but I am at a loss for my part as per what it had to do with me and we have not started delving into the way this nonsense gave way to outcomes where I organised my diet to cope and the recipes were stolen for new lifestyle money making gimmicks that is clearly the lowest they have ever gone around here, getting on my nerves every day.

We are now told that most of these activities do not necessarily make the world a better or safer place and it does not, the nature of these peoples evil, especially the part where white opinionated ageist idiots were tying my hands every time I had some criminality to deal with on my case, is that about 12 years from this point, they will be able to say that my actions were building up to the sort of results where communists will turn up to destroy Germany – something that happened repeating itself was the story whilst its stupidities followed up the unusual interest in your person with a gimmick where it acquired National media publicity for narcissism that will help manage the stress that came with your responses. It is the Liberals and the Socialists doing what they do best, here in the UK we see the subtle changes everywhere: people no longer wanted to use public transport because they were using car ownership to abuse others, we were taking longer to settle down in a marital relationship so that our personal lives would be more prone to these abuses and their point was that their stupidities would have made them very powerful people if not for the interference of the good people who interfered by being good people, so I really do want to see if they could do better than get on my nerves, rip up my career and show that the only thing in their repertoire was a narcissism media presence to manage the stress associated with my response. I have gone from a character that came up with all those good processes and methods that helped the authorities control crime, discrimination and racism, to an icon concerning whom their need to pass insults at me everyday made me the main reason that other peoples actions against these social ills were falling apart never mind that mine had become a complete mess – so it does complain about me as well, claims I support Donald Trump in the USA who is like their near miss as it were, since he is not a real racist, needs keep pushing me or continue reading my astrology to follow me around with insults it was entitled to peddle at me to such an extent my career had stalled, expecting me to languish in crisis over a dislike of the way I stood up for myself so that its obsession with my privacy may become more effective. Here the point is raised that I have controlled this matter properly in the past but I have, that will be the part where Politicians decided security service staff were getting better at their jobs, so they were more loyal to me than they were to the Government Offices that were paying their bills: so we are now at a point where the government offices were not taking control and I would need to do it as best I could. As for the mess that we are currently in, that was another of their big ideas where the way I stood up for myself needed to be separated from me and distilled into a gimmick that will be handed over to those who were more willing than I was, to get into a fight on their behalf, assuming that is that the idiots who took up the way I stood up for myself would not pursue my career and finances as well, if they had arrived at a point of being fed up paying the social security support, especially when the twats had built themselves a narcissism media presence and the same government office idiots were unable to make laws because of it. On the point I contributed to it by stopping my own activities as well, I need to draft their stupidities into doing the dirty aspects of the work associated with this nonsense, take into account those gimmicks about fighting communists on my behalf to build the state of affairs for the other American security service prick to run off sex work politics on my public image and finish off claiming they were fighting communists on my behalf, so that they too got the actual work done, if the King does not show up to bail them out again as it were. I believe I will need to progress from a need to find a counter effect for the repeatedly silly massive and incredibly stupid responsibilities that show up here at my expense, to a case of finding them aback breaking work that will not pay to help take up their time and finish off picking up the problems that make them behave the way they did as a guiding point of economic and business investment, especially for the famous gits who made this mess but do not now wish to entertain their new friends without bothering me.

The claim I talked but none knows what my career looked like was not without merit at this stage since we were all adults and did not step outside to play, if we wanted to play will likely go straight to the homes of our friends, family and acquaintances, never on the streets – it has progressed from a gimmick where it picks up my assets because my clients had done so, claiming it was some sort of seniority, backed up its German influence idiots, to the idea that my career had no form, whilst everybody could see there was nothing else arguably as stupid as their need to extract the good bits and leave me with the bad bits so I was left to be half a person that smelled really badly – it likes to lip flap that there was nothing I could do about it, whilst what is left of its Celebrity culture and my range concerning its opinionated ageist pricks, especially the public transport types and rogue landlords, picking up those good bits to sell to them, would normally have informed a normal person that there was means for me to have them seriously fucked over with it until a problem was solved but I suppose that saying I have never seen anything so stupid, more so over its obsession with a royal personality and public image that it clearly can afford is good enough. I am unable to achieve the quiet environment for a Bookshop I am asking people to pay for what they read as every Bookshop does and it is getting to the point where I will set matters in place and spend my time pursuing only the finances related issues. It likes those insolent excuses that it was some woman at the Monarchy making a mess for me whereas she was making a statement about the proper way for people to approach getting into a relationship with me, which suggests that a bad thing had happened to her due to their gimmicks, besides which she is meant to do that so that they may be encouraged to pick up the public lives of public servants to extract money that they shared with criminals that want to read astrology and keep at it so people hand to stand up for me at the Monarchy like so, and more so as current events had evolved, if complaining that bad things happened to them too on my account. It is not necessarily a crisis, we had to listen to those gimmicks they had developed from ideas I am supposed to give up to people who were willing to fight for them, the way I stood up for myself, whereby I am a coward etc and those who picked up the way I stood up for myself would not be chasing my career finances for failing to plan and work for their own, where the famous claim it is not clear what the authorities see in me, setting the stage for me to clip them again and make them win the fight so their story may continue painfully.

They do claim it as all a matter of a process where I too got to pick up security services work and I suppose then I could assume we have come to a conclusion for the fooling around, that it needed to stop picking up my operational order to fight its corner in life, make stupid statements about fighting communists, criminals, hoodlums and National enemies on my behalf, to run off sex work politics on my public life and gather up people in abusive communities that it convinced owned my career and should be willing to fight for it on the streets, getting up on the stupid narcissism media to run me down everyday, unless it fancies a rerun. On the point made over the sociopath insults continually making the most of a problem it had created from the fact it was bigger than I am, talking nonsense about ways that I am waiting for excuse to make use of the power I had, I do not need permission from their stupidities to make use of any powers and nobody will give them a restraining order on my account or indeed vice versa, their nonsense will be stopped socially and I am at this stage motivated enough to do something that will stop it very badly. The point their media and social media fools made about it being too late for me is utter nonsense too; I am all set up and if they were complaining that the world was not a safe place, that their famous gits were making a complete mess of security service work, need to support the Bookshop just as much as they went to the market to spend money supporting famous idiots who funded pseudo profession twats that want merger businesses to help them control everybody and now had the finances to pursue such aims, we know the other male society idiots that were responsible for a process where I set out my career and livelihood, to end up in a position of such powerlessness over it that I could not deter others from doing whatever they wanted with my property, are piggy-bagging from their stupidities showing up on my premises and social media, to introduce themselves to me constantly as a bunch of trolls, the ways it works that no matter how hard the government tried, their stupidities always ended up living in slums to cling to other peoples lives complaining about well off neighbourhood twats. Where their famous gits were concerned, I am not on the backfoot either, the point where they decided to spend money they made clinging to my public life, on criminals that wanted to read my astrology should have been the end of their interest in my person and career, everything from that point up to this point, is property and finances that they should not have handled at the market place and I am going to need it returned, alternatively they hand back my equity and cease picking up my career publicity, so I ceased to look like I got out of bed everyday to head to the market place where I hoped to get paid for something I did not achieve, the other option is to play with me and wait for the results. This is the way the real world works – in Celebrity world if a CEO was to be as stupid as to extract money from the career publicity and spend it on astrology reading criminals in order to send a message that criminals were nice people and the people he met were the malcontent, the rest of the board would band together over the fact other people were not getting any sleep over it and take the company away from him, in Celebrity world nobody is ever made to take a voluntary retirement for their stupidities, so it needs to live in the real world when it screws with me, the risk that it will never get to hijack my schedule and lay claims of ownership to it and insisting would add up to a process of looking for more trouble, if it had been clinging to my existence for some time, gets to hand it back. We had to listen to that nonsense that I am naïve about what people knew of communists whilst the real problem is that they saved their own business empires and made mine into a public interest, to hang around talking nonsense about the existence of communists and I am just really tired of it at this point; the very special American idiots who lived in a world where everything that came out of their mouth was insults and greed, since last I circularised their stupidities of getting involved with my affairs to convert every conversation into a question of whether the Police had found a body in the woods, finishing off with gimmicks that suggested they needed a priest to conduct exorcism on them, over matters such as gun ownership and gun laws, lip flapping how I really don’t like Americans but loved to pretend in hope that I would get a piece of the pie before anybody noticed – then there were their European idiots and ethnic minority sociopaths, history here was the punishment I executed over dropping out of University to encourage them to build those rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks, up, down, round and round and a career does not mean anything to anybody no matter what the owner did with it, carrying on with the health damaging blackmail practical jokes uninvited into my affairs, whilst complaining about me to handle National Media and National politics publicity, as a tool that would help its stupidities avoid the stress associated with my response. I am not on the backfoot here either, it simply takes time to get the word out there, that I am not working with communists, if the idiots had built a media presence to make such claims and suggested they were fighting communists on my behalf, to get Americans who obviously thought they were providing useful intelligence spending defence budget on them, much the same as I am aware they are not fighting my battles in anyway but need to make it real, especially over the processes where people get killed to build credibility that will convince Americans to part with money, need to make it real until I was satisfied that they had suffered enough: I mean to what extent will security services execute vengeance for their need to get imagination into my panties due to the way that the incredibly hazardous job was affected, for them to stop doing it, never mind that I too want to stop their stupidities on that very painfully. Ultimately we have arrived at such a point as this gimmicks seemed to have paid off, so they were complaining that on suggesting they should sell their entertainment to the criminals who were fine about which I was the problem, I indicated they were within their rights to do to me as they had done to the criminals for previous entertainment products and I am saying I am perfectly comfortable with it, as it is preferable to their gimmicks getting involved with my affairs: on the facts front it should be seen that we were certainly not talking about people that the police were worried about as they came under a lot of pressure for reasons that they spent most of their time working and keeping a family or people like me on one side of the law or people on the other side of the law with reference to me, where it is said that innocence should be presumed and guilt proven, we are not talking about professional criminals either, who one way or another always came to the attention of Law enforcement, we are talking about the borderline professional criminals with an inability to keep their imagination out of peoples private body parts and I have suffered a two decade career mess over ideas I am the problem and they were alright because famous idiots who do not now wish to sell their entertainment products down that way rather than keep bothering me, had decided it, talking nonsense about getting me into a fight which seemed to have served progression from a gimmick of exploiting me to make the stupid statement that the world was an immoral difficult place with a big mouth. The authorities had raised the point about these fools being better off each time and they are not, it is a matter of which one shows up on my career publicity and social media, to help them extract money from my public life, hanging about my Bookshop talking nonsense about equality with my Royal Office and Commission, after I had spent time doing the work where their attack on others was due to people having a good future and they seem to have built the society and ended up with a good future of their own, same as building a community that passes insults at me to an extent where my Bookshop business had been eclipsed and they had to spend their savings to buy new homes and cars and clothes in order to make good of a community that ran me down and put labels on me, expecting their stupidities will recover the money somewhere somehow.

The famous idiots whereby if my Bookshop is affected adversely by their involvement does it again…then again…then again…has just done it again…and again, fingered bottoms too all day, every day.

Some people have raised the point even amidst the insults, abuses and homosexual gimmicks meant to prevent me from having a family, as this was set out to antagonise them and keep them out of my personal life and away from my Children, that I was in a position to being some balance to all these but there is no need for one, as this is not Liberal values, it is a bunch of some really stupid, selfish and outright evil scum for want of a better word, who liked to condemn whole human beings for their purposes and never stopped objectifying others, having a need to wreck peoples lives in order to get ahead and the problem had begun on account that their stupidities really did get ahead, which in itself is unbelievable. At which point some will raise the point that it does not do for me to flip and serve the enmity like I have here but I am not serving them, government is far more complicated by their Liberal values and these idiots are not in keeping with Liberal values; they wrecked peoples lives to get ahead, ended up running through so hard that they became half a human being, then selected people whose privacy they wanted, Trump is racist until they get what they want and one moment I am being bullied because they ran the administrative offices on Media and social media platforms, the next it stifles my livelihood to support male society gits that will help it enforce the gimmick that everybody else was racist because it wrecked peoples lives to get ahead and is hanging about those offices doing me favours I cannot refuse i.e. nobody knows exactly why they started a mini war because they wanted to ahead and actually did. It does eventually finish up with tales of the problem being caused by my need to play nice, of which the last time we checked, its stupid need to cook my broth and rip up my finances was simply a matter of ignoring the fact I had written a Book and it needed to pay for its copy and cease to be so stupid, as I actually do not have a problem with the way I stand up for myself if I felt threatened.

They do claim I am some sort of man child and it is utter nonsense as my introduction to the female community was not an orientation concerning women who literally wanted to sit on my lap all the time, so it will be incredibly difficult for me to ascertain how I must and for me to fall in love with them – it is the old question about the narcissists, since women loved people they knew and when things go wrong always tended to make that statement about thinking you know somebody until you didn’t, I wish to know exactly the persons that these narcissists knew and to what extent their stupidities had fallen in love, instead of lip flapping nonsense that makes a mess of my social life, blocks my personal relationships and stifles my Bookshop. We can see it is an interest in the resources I had set out for the wife I made preparations to receive that the scumbags were hunting down to spend on themselves, whilst their local authority idiots will not allow me get a regular job in the mean time that I did not have a family to pursue finances over, whilst getting fed up paying the social security. Eventually we see it in those claims they hated me of which what they really hated was the idea that I am able to respond to their interest in me which was incredibly destructive and abusive, implying there was one problem here and only one i.e. they were bigger than I am which problem I have warned them enough times was being pushed into solving as these abusive nonsense continued to make a mess of my finances and leave me on social security whilst they stifled my Bookshop: I mean I actually signed up to social security for a regular job whilst I maintained the Bookshop and now am no longer able to keep the social security contract itself according to these gimmicks, so we were about to find out which contracts I can actually keep as it were – others have raised the point about getting myself into this position but I never did, happy to be notorious for smelling to the high heavens whilst my whole life looked like the lower court hierarchy with these idiots performing their narcissism on me until I am detached from friends and family but as mentioned before, it stalls my Bookshop and its gimmicks at the work market at my expense means that there is no realistic way to say that I had signed up to social security because it was possible for me to have a keep a job – it is usually fun when it is until they want to recover the professional time that they had spent on me running off this nonsense and I thought otherwise. I hear often of recent that they think I will one day run out of luck and I never will, will simply begin to think of the stupid antisemitism personality that wants my social life to make money from popularity and had to have it, smoking marijuana at, keeping people from attending school, getting me to drop out of University and going back to those Universities to pass the exams because I was not bothering its stupidities as well, in order to teach me lessons, those that do not taking up the view that they could handle me any time that they wanted, I will simply assume that they were an imminent threat and those who issued verbal threats ought to when we met otherwise I assumed they had really got whatever it is that mattered in the big picture, considering current situations, I have not had enough of them myself. There was the opportunity back at University, to say that they were learning a profession or a trade and such things were whole based on services, about which they had to learn to be nice, to show up here ripping up everything, stalling the Bookshop with insults, leaving me with my good reputation and unpicking it to make every fool that will spend their money another way, feel comfortable i.e. have not had enough of their stupidities in this place especially that of the famous. They do claim the whole bottom chasing issues was a problem associated with the fact I am a Libra and it is but none is paying them to spend work time passing insults at me, followed up with a long history of delving into my personal life to tie my hands every time I had to deal with criminality and opinionated ageism until I became as fucked up as they were – now they have the problem too and could add it to the gimmicks that usually sees them trade career mobility for immoral society gimmicks so they could cling to other peoples career publicity for every heart’s desire.  It’s the classic case of shepherd having his hands tied whilst the wolf attacked, which leaves only the option of making those who do it into sheep to bring about balance and if sheep were to band with wolf to attack Shepard, it would be time for scorched earth as this was damaged goods I would not wish upon any person, would have to destroy it all and cut my losses. In terms of relationships by their own merit, an example of the way I feel about these idiots is that I am caught up in public service and there were ways people showed me X and Y would not allow us have our babies in peace for example, I have now taken so much poison from these fools that I do not know how I am looking at people anymore, far from a relationship with their stupidities I suppose I am.

I am told they said I profaned the prophet Mohammed and they were therefore after me and it is utter nonsense as we know that usual suspect Muslims are always after one person after another – I simply set the stage for them to answer my life’s questions as well, whereby Jesus Christ died and arose on the third day whilst Mohammed was buried like a normal man and they did not know what it meant, so at this point it is not answering my life’s questions going round in circles so when it commits crimes as well it could be hunted pleasurably like it loves to bother people, it is talking nonsense; I mean the part where my head would hurt and I could not determine who did it whilst they ran off rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks to get rich fast, such that whenever they did and I wanted to respond, the lip flapping was that I would if I dared whilst as much as the process of abusing me until I ended up in such a disposition was done entirely by abusing my privacy, it is their privacy that provided their stupidities the well-dressed pricks hiding place of safety, besides which it all started when it would not cease abusively labelling me infidel until I am no longer able to concentrate on what I am doing. The whites like to leave me in a position where it could be said that I have said so much on these matters no body knew what my career really was anymore: whilst we know they see people with a social life all the time and do not wish to make money another way, save trading career mobility for immoral society gimmicks to cling to mine and hang about flattering criminals whilst stifling me finances to work me for a fight and for homelessness, I mean as per the reasons they complained about me since the effect was tying my hands every time I had criminality get on my nerves, so done it again, gets to complain about me again and seek help from media and national politics every day, and I am not being given a let up so set to pick up the jobs and well off neighbourhoods over their need to make a mess of my Bookshop.