I am repeatedly informed that I had failed to estimate properly the threat that people posed to me, which I don’t, as if  thought they posed a real threat to me, I would have taken the first step to smoke them out of their homes and call them out for a fight – this is the world they actually lived in contrary to the nonsense that entitlement, insults and greed places in their heads. I was there when they made the stupid personal decisions that resulted in what is now a life that they did not want anymore, since last famous idiots replaced engagement with Books at a shop with an involvement that will bring about equality, I was there when their jobs were the same as the culture of the land before they discovered their manhood was built around an inability to keep their stupid hand off my body bits, chances are when it issues those threats it was bluffing but it also now needs to know I have had enough of its stupidities, so the threats need to cease lest I considered them to be something important, so important that I wanted a reckoning with those well off neighbourhoods as that is where they meet to brew the problem in the first place, featuring the famous pricks who ran me down all the time because they claimed they were so important that I should be working for them – never the less which it is still a resource in the sense that I am bound to annoy their famous stupidities to such an extent they paid people to attack me and I got to use the process as a tool to ensure they lost the money, considering their financial wellbeing was the reason for the threat I faced, in the meantime I want the famous stupidities to return assets they have handled in this place since the year 2004, if I faced a physical threat from a famous idiot over any of these matters, I think there was a real prospect for physical harm to occur, as I have tolerated it for long enough.

They really do enjoy this matter of taking leave of my finances to tidy up a mess that was caused by the fact their stupidities did put themselves in charge of my affairs and had no clue what to do with it naturally, the idiots were now keeping the jobs that had been put to civil rights movements that built crowds which went along with their gimmicks to ensure that they thought their financial wellbeing was so guaranteed that they were at lease to become finance bullies – in that time, the Tories had torn up the Country literally and we had a king that wanted to complain about Royal duties, blame others, get around with criminals, play with Celebrities and enjoy big entertainment shows. Then it claims that I did what I did because of my experience of military leadership in Africa whereas we know they elect leaders and the meetings they had with those leaders were big functions and it decided how within the elected leadership they had decided to live their lives, so that at some stage in future when there was a problem the Books could be searched for the way that a problem had been resolved in the past – shows up here with a media narcissism after it clings to my career publicity to make money, looking like its stupidity was untouchable, waging war on whistle blowers with rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, goading me over public control to prepare my mind for the distant violence of their immoral society and complaining about my responses, of which I cannot tell exactly why their war on public policy and whistle blowers involved me so much. At the same time if we thought that security services should be manned by immoral and inconsiderate badly behaved idiots, we would end up with such persons commanding security service equipment and wanting to run the Country a certain way, at which point the cost of getting them under control would be high.

On the matter of repeatedly showing up to follow on the insults and greed that helps them make the most of their immoral society gimmicks where they hand over their mobility to immoral society and show up to cling to my personal and social life for new out door activities, soliciting people they think were more powerful for privileges of injustice, which stress is quite incredible as their low lives who best expressed their need to work obscurity on me and attack me to share the wealth of some sex work politics idiot or a whore, showed up with nothing to lose in life, to help them get revenge for the way the stress had affected them as well. The insults that follow up this nonsense with the idea that I had lost everything I had, it is not yet a reckoning with the German influence idiots and their ageist pricks who ensured every nonsense people performed over my career and social life got to make sense as they deployed their savings and pensions to show up on Media for a narcissism that rips up everything around here due to the way that the Clients were unable to cope and the Italian gits with their sex work politics insults marrying my wife at the Monarchy, whilst the British idiots got to run me down telling me what to do, not yet a reckoning, so we are obviously not looking at something that had progressed from keeping a contract with the government since I ended up on social security, to find a job, that produced a result where being employed by them was first done on the basis that I got to make an input which has now been modified due to abuses that got famous idiots buying more things from them and the way I am made out to be the person upon whom they practiced their bum fingering upstart gimmicks to that effect, onto something of the way that being employed by bum fingering up start should be done on the terms of bum fingering up start git not on my input, likely to develop into a direct response on my part all together. It was always a simple matter of the fact that I am unlikely to get out of bed on my 18th birthday to ask parents how bills were paid, so they showed up to cling to my person keeping me stuck with gimmicks that were not paying me in the hard first three years of finding work and had since appointed themselves to provide the violent motivation that will get me out of bed with a big mouth, continues to complain about something I did in the past and its famous idiots continued to pass insults at me and try to protect themselves by means of the way that I stood up for myself, like they were paid to start in the first place – we are not catching a glimpse of how that stupid media narcissism and its two decade fooling around at this Bookshop is set to stop as far as they were concerned, they could not keep their hands off my body bits and the feeling that they were feeling was one that suggested the insults of getting imagination into my panties was so enjoyable there was never a plan to stop it soon.

It was always a matter of greed and the greed is always so insolent around here that my Bookshop had actually stalled, I cannot just get out there to sort out my own matters by deciding what people said, but it seems that it is the only way to proceed at this point – decide what they said and progress down the list to how they replaced the people I got along with, built a community to finger my bum, shared my privacy with hoodlums to ensure that the abuses had the worst effects imaginable, claiming that it felt good to get involved with my personality and they were therefore encouraged to, complaining about my responses and claiming their stupidities have done it because they liked me with a big mouth. I am at this point certain that their employers knew all about it and the people who have not yet gotten a feedback for what seems like a license to show up here stalling my finances and passing insults at me were the parents, the generic manner by which the parents got a feedback which is usually a terrible idea, however which there were options I could consider to ensure it was not so hard on the parents. We catch a glimpse of where they were on the other hand when they claim that each time I talked it hurt their tummy, since the biggest problem we faced here was caused by the fact they were incredibly important and the contention was to do with being more important than I am – needs keep its mouth shut and read a book as doing so was easier, considering it could buy and keep the words to engage with at its own pace.

I believe the next time I picked up the matter of the way that their civil rights did not involve insults and abuses that kept me stuck in the first three years of work for the rest of my life, the government office pricks and media twats who keep repeating the statement that I am the person doing the wrong thing on making it clear that the civil rights will not stand if I was said to have made progress only on the basis that the clients who worked with me over a hail of insults from them previously, were not at important as the clients that have done so recently, on account that they were winding up some white people badly enough to make people racists and get killed by racists. The next time I picked it, since ignoring the blacks whose brother I am not is usually enough to ensure they ended up with the tummy issues and recognised that involvement with me will cause more problems, whilst the white were pushed into a difficult situation such that neighbourhoods could be safe from them and those who wanted to run popular culture on their response to the law could always do so, I certainly will lay it down again as it were, if it is said that their stupidities were dying, that way it would be even more pleasurable as they put it, that I had lost everything.

At this point I am categorically informed via the usual media perceptions and society bullying, that my problem was stem from the fact that I suggested I can tolerate anything people threw at me which is utter nonsense but it does serve as a reason to take stand and say that this date 18/8/2024, marks a turning point from which one more comment that does not enhance my PR and my Book sales business from wuthering ageist idiots on Media playing with narcissism at my expense and famous idiots telling me what to do, will be the beginning of the way that we ended up with another serious response on my part, such as will reflect my age and the fact I am close to my retirement and should have the finances for it according to the work I had done with the Book writing career, one more comment and they will end up with something to complain of for a long time. Difficult to ascertain what should be done with them anyway; everybody was racist especially the people I published a Book with when their stupidities had seen an instance where the prospect of being able to order my steps was being curtailed, then it seemed that there was no equality in the ownership of enterprise but their enterprise ownership was a bum fingering up start gimmick, at this point they want to employ people with my PR instead of their bum fingering up start PR and it would seem the one thing that is getting in their way was my Royal Bookshop - another stupid comment that affects my clients, finances and career publicity will serve the beginning of something new and painful in this place.

I am told then that the cause of my problems were things I did which were unbearably embarassing - as far as I know, I did those things not only in a condition where other peoples war on public policy left me with a sense that they were supposed to be relived of any instances where what they were doing got to make sense to them as well, I also did them in a condition whereby I was an adult whilst I did them, therefore was aware of what I was doing. What has come off it at this stage being naturally the same old business of the tricks, lies and gimmicks by which a bunch of gits enjoyed getting up other peoples career publicity to come to some money, then pick up a position on Media where they could behave as if they were untouchable at other peoples expense all day long - I mean the reasons I considered the thought process being that if I were to have ended up in a worse case situation whereby I had divorced my wife, I should be able to stand up to their talk of the town Narcissism, so what is currently an abusive gimmick by the German influence pricks who sustain and keep going all the insults from the Celebrities, not taking the warnings I have issued seriously considering the government was now involved because their stupidities got serious once, suggests that they were prepared for anything I might do in such a situation, the British will not desist from taking up my time and finances telling me what to do, the stupidities issuing threats as well and the Italian gits were not marrying my wife at the Monarchy the last time we checked with a big mouth, so what they were all saying is that at some stage the sense of responsibility towards my wife would have extended to her mother as well and they will walk anything I had in mind. We therefore need to keep on this track apparently, always insolent and greedy of their stupidities at my expense and the more I told them off was the more they did it because they possessed a Media presence to play with: the stupidities naturally have gone on to share my privacy with hoodlums to build communities that will finger my bum, on being well informed of the consequences of its activities and the way I have ended up living on social security because of it - needs keep lip flapping about the ways it was certain of the fact there was nothing I could do about it whilst we know that Media presence narcissism will crumble if I for instance decided to wind up the Celebrities well enough to ensure they spent all their money on the German and Italian influence idiots to protect themselves from me.On the idea there was nothing I could do about them squarely, naturally it is a failure to see why I do not think their stupid society ought to exist and its sole purpose when they attend to their daily affairs, have been authorised time off work to engage with their parents and even their parents did with it, was a gimmick in which they got to hurt others whilst not getting hurt, got to insult whilst not being insulted, got to abuse and attack whilst not being abused and attacked, which nonsense targets me all the time over ideas that I looked the part, whilst my responses seemed to have arrived at the Offices of Government operatives, at the same time they were convinced there was nothing I could do about it. It is nothing unusual: something I said, the idea I have organised my career to make others take risks with personal safety in order to fight for my civil rights, wuthering stupidities showing up here to make a mess of my personal life and career publicity, then finish off getting on Media to order my steps over public problems - they were all gimmicks performed by work shy, narcissistic pricks who needed to come to some money and adopt a media presence that would allow them feel as if they were untouchable. In the end they loved to play the opportunism game of claiming I liked to pretend I liked Americans whilst I did not, whereas the real problem was more a matter of the way that successive American politicians will get into Government buildings and spend a lot of time putting up series of activities that facilitated governmental incompetence, then come up with the idea later that those who thought things should work another way, wanted them to suffer Cardiac Arrest simply because Government could be done better, so I end up in that situation where I had to suffer all their bad experiences over ideas it would make me less judgemental, no idea why the good experiences were usually omitted as if would have been able to make a more informed decision if I suffered those too. In the end right up to the point where Obama, then Biden and now Harris, decided my career was little things for people in Government, had nothing to do with twats that should only show up here to engage with Books at a shop if they did not wish that I picked up a mentality that every abuse of my career on their part was a statement about not wanting to keep the current job in hand. Here it is said I had a great deal of control in the situation but it is an old story, lies, all lies; the lairs and the narcissists were now famous, their paparazzi were becoming more abusive and soon they will be employing corrupt private security and seeking assistance from rogue landlords, alongside abusive shop keepers, all because a bunch of idiots liked to think they were trolls and it was easier for them to bully an Arch Prince, than show up to engage with a Bookshop instead of a gimmick invented by famous idiots that the Bookshop should be replaced with an interest in my personality for equality purposes, it needs to continue the insults and greed naturally as there is no evidence as far as their stupidities were concerned that this was all heading towards a reckoning, the insults happen to have been the way that they found fame obviously. It is the old story about reading birth signs and the way that this was all Leo getting up to all sorts, the endless narcissism, thereafter women were the problem and it is not that they did not want to settle down in a relationship, it was a simple reality of the people they wanted not wanting them as well, such that now we had a Leo King on the Throne, I am a Libra that ended up with the curse; whereby they claim they thought they needed to worry about Scorpios, Virgos and Leos but it seemed the mystery was us Libras, once done enjoying what has caused me a 2 decade career mess because they were helping others to be like Libras for a living and it is currently of the opinion that this is not going to end badly over the abuse of my finances, the insults and the stalling of my Bookshop as well - to clear it up in an academic sense, they all tend to have fun like something they did, we Librans had fun as a postponement of something important i.e. it believes I am broken, no chance that I would engage with the activities that will make me an industrial fat cat, so that I could enforce behavioural lines on the basis of the wealth and social inequality they feared so much, which is of course the fun bit for them for the time being, apparently a one sides fun so far, issuing threats with a big mouth as well.