Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, July 12, 2024

We now understand that the three part statement being made by these idiots, ranging from the famous fools who handle my public image to push their sales army gimmicks and get rich fast with it, then despatch their community of private security pricks to run me down with local criminality because they wanted their stupidities having adopted a sense they owned it to become real, then share the money extracted from my public image with those who worked the criminality and showed up here reading my birth sign – the industry twats who never stopped coming up with social matter gimmicks that helped them take jobs from others that they knew nothing about, so that the community that fingered my bum became a culture habit and lies were told on the basis of the money in their own private bank accounts as to why they needed to every single second – and the popularity scum who appeared to have despatched their own private security to fight National enemies on my behalf whilst their stupidities engaged in sports and trashed my asset for every product they spent money on, is that I am a dirty little man that cannot stay away from the women. I could never understand what invited their involvement in my affairs from 18 years ago to 2024 anyway – it was a matter of studying the Law and there emerging from sociological and criminological issues, matters that were kicking off all over my social and public life, which if harnessed and channelled properly, was the way to show somebody important who was paying a lot of money for a job, that I could do that job, playing into something of an arrangement that a bunch of journalists made with me, to liaise with my public work when they stood up in open spaces to educate the public about how the Policy the Politicians made and the decisions industry leadership made, would have affected them – nobody invited them, the self invitation and the vandalism that had come with it since was all something they wanted to do with their time and I would fancy every scum that was out of my league showed up here as a matter of being out of my league with an ability to pay for the copy of a Book, not cling to my personality and trade it to make more money because their stupidities suggested that it was their civil rights to feel good handling my career and social life, bearing in mind more so that the same stupidities had been making an existence impossible for others over claims that they were incredibly important.
It comes up with those stupid excuses in every turn that it had invented an abusive way by which I should be handled – the business of extracting money from my public image to share with criminals because they had seen from my Books that I had a talent to cover their backsides for a living and would ensure I did that for money because their expensively dressed hoodlum quasi criminal stupidities did not fancy being denied, was what they claim to be a consequence associated with the way I and my people at the Monarchy were disrespectful of higher authorities and we have seen the same nonsense being worked prior over a liaison with German influence gits who came up with ideas of feeling good from passing insults at me which then persisted to a stage where they could extricated my better half and spend it on media running off narcissism happiness that made them money and allowed them to feel better considering the nature of their bad decisions, to such an extent that they had adopted an inability to give ear to any of their victims, which from my point of view was a happiness that clearly worked for them and I would fancy it stops pushing insults at me alongside its famous pricks and try to keep its fucking hands off my private body parts, before it assumed as I am supposed to be afraid of its stupidities and that of its Asian and Middle east idiots without apparent reason. Another of their major stupid excuses did not involve European powers they can suck up to at my expense whenever they wanted to handle me abusively, it involved the Americans and the claim that I am working with communists in order to appear as though they were offering American important intelligence from any contact they had made with me and my career, to get stuffed with so much of the information overload that they carried it about like PR I did not have to fund, in order to get rich fast, yet again another instance where the famous twats who complained about me and wanted assistance from government and National media played in the matter, was to offer them a narcissism media presence at my expense and run off their big mouth at me to make it operable assuming there was no prospect of my family and theirs meeting due to their famous persona insults being channelled at me endlessly like so. To clear up the first excuse, we are talking about the King embarking on what seems to be a betrayal of his Mother and her memories, with no remorse for the fact that he had been the King that reigned through out her reign and the work that she had done for the Royal family actually took up all of her life time, then moves from this to an unusual interest in me associated with women at a Royal Coven and Royal House who then stood up to them and set him on this stage for a National crisis over some disrespect on my part, the so called disrespect we know of, involved a process where criminals enrolled in security service because they wanted to get to find out facts about me, reason being the claim I had awarded security services something that created inequality and allowed them to be beaten all the time, majority served and changed their ways, some who really should have been taken off the streets ended up pursuing something urgent on a schedule, to which the King decided this meant that people were fighting National enemies I am too much of a coward to fight on my own, setting off the original National level crisis all together, all brought into the public sphere and displayed on Media where people were unlikely to make sense of the way that my work facilitated the nature and nurture of security service staff in a situation where their own Head of State was busy ingratiating low lives into the services which he believed he could trust better, to show up here talking nonsense about other peoples personal bank accounts as a stage by which to get imagination into my panties, like alongside the famous idiots, a bunch of twats who only understood violence and nothing else – we now know that whatever the results were meant to be, that this was not acceptable, regardless of the fact the King himself, the Head of State who obviously does not view security service staff as professionals that worked a massive civil service department in which condition some of them were earning the same as elected executives that ran the Parliament, whilst doing nothing to facilitate the nature and nurture of security service staff, wanted to command them all the time. The other of their excuses was that I am working with communists, no idea which part of my activities they believed communists were convinced they wanted to do something important alongside me by anyway – what really happens being the way that my work was considered influential in the way that Russian society worked for instance where people were bombarded with methods that will cause them to make personal decisions about what they wanted to do with themselves and those who chose to be evil people would get the vibe that they were to place a limit on it, which then made their social circles incredibly small, such that the point being raised is that if the Russians were doing something with my work somewhere, whilst their famous stupidities ran me down and claimed there was a threat of me working with Russians to pose a threat to the Country, it would make sense and place them in a position to extract money from a development funding processes that were available to Royalty and security service operatives, rather than secure a real job.
I do not think of these matters as threatening, my point of view is that it is what they had chosen to do with their time and so the problem is that they had better ceased interfering with what I chose to do with my time, lip flapping nonsense at me about how they were so important they could not be denied on one hand, whilst on the other clinging to my career to feel good was a civil right that they and everybody else ought to experience, leaving me on social security and getting off to work with local authorities over a dream of making me homeless, working alongside their modernist out of my league European pricks who can never keep their mouth shut, such that my client interests at a Bookshop were being affected and it is the fact the clients feared consequences associated with involvement with my Books that is actually causing me the financial problems, because scum like this have not yet found themselves in a situation where I was a threat to the bank accounts that got to their heads. In the end it is said that I have had this influence on these idiots which meant that the criminals got involved with security services to learn about me but it is not a complicated matter as they were always trashing my career and career publicity to make the statement that the law allowed weak people to pick on the strong and get away with it, plays out to me as a need to show off their ability to make bad decisions, which I am now reciprocating with my own need to show off he ability to make good ones, whereby they waste my career and I waste everything that facilitated their criminal decisions and the expensively dressed hoodlum persona that their famous pricks exhibited around here; was supposed to make a living after having done that job that facilitate the public control process before the part that the famous played involved extracting money from my public image, share with criminals and blame me for the fact criminal existed, to get on National Media and stifle my finances over ideas that my Books showed I possessed the ability to kiss their backsides for a living, shoot off the mouth at me endlessly thereafter as if they were the innocent party in the matter, lip flaps at me all the time but had never explained by I was being treated that way making stupid excuses about the provocative women at a Royal Coven and what it claimed was an annoying state provided security with a big mouth.
Always looks simple, like a Journalist liaising with my work to report the politics and industrial news, we know that they got rid of it and Nissan moved their Head Quarters back to Japan after trying to keep it in the UK twice, I am comfortable with the insults that indicated what the head of state meant when the message was that those who had business with government needed to stay away from the media but if they continued to push and my clients continued to fear involvement with a Bookshop will lead to grave consequences, there is a good prospect I will progress from settling in on rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks they turned up on the red carpets to be overjoyed about, to a direct attack on the stupid abusive quasi criminal, expensively dressed hoodlum sports and the show business likes. It labels me a dirty little man everybody loved to abuse because that is what they called this, whilst the real label for it was that they were a bunch of robbers, I am trying to do the job that was being done by the so called other peoples women through my social media, but it is not working as well as the original on account their stupidities never stopped interfering to feel good for civil rights and more important than I am as disrespectfully as only their stupidities can, there is now a real prospect that I will progress from pushing them into a difficult corner, so they could not get on without celebrity culture, to running them down well enough to keep them off my career by determining how their schedule was allocated between family, work and personal finance spending, which outcome we know according to history is that anybody who wanted to hit them with wealth and social inequality would have a field day doing it. For my part, I am unable to explain why people hated the publicity associated with my career and the way I used it to encourage overseas investment in the UK, I only know that handling my career felt good to these idiots and they had no wish to give it up, same as handling my personality and it was the main reason that I lived on social security waiting for a change whilst drowning in insults associated with what was in their personal bank accounts that nobody else had access to, looking for more of what their famous stupidities were complaining about originally; the first time I responded to the matter, it was about catching them during their annual holiday which I did rather well, I think that considering my current age, my next response will apply to their retirement that they will have and or enjoy somewhere in hell, to serve as a finale, bearing in mind I had since been rounded up like an animal for it, the whites had to hurt the one whites because of something I did and the none whites were the main ingredient for the scum that interfered with my sleeping pattern, showing up here to draw up a link between idiots banging walls and doors and my body parts, when not yet dead or seriously hurt.
For all that complaining the answers for obvious – if people were saying that their bottom hurts just as much, they needed to cease all interference with my 18 – 65 schedule and understand I am not vulnerable to their narcissism at all, as it is a gimmick that has never really changed since late teens and does nothing else but distraction, comments should be kept to the careers of those who made them and my business income structures should be respected. As for the case of my state provided security and people at the Monarchy being disrespectful, I could never tell exactly what people found disrespectful about being told they were not the people who did my work, we know that it is all a gimmick associated with the way people wanted to achieve this nonsense that involved exchanging their lives with mine but it has now gone so far as to build a community that fingers my bum, stifles my Bookshop and runs me down every day – currently the ill feelings suggest they were famous idiots and I am a big fan naturally, I am having this conversation because it was suggested everything else had been put aside, generally I never wish to discuss the matter, until it leads to a generic ending.