Naturally they claim the fight with the famous was getting bigger and worse but it really isn’t there is the singular problem of a history of inaction on my part and the money that Celebrities possessed leading to an incredibly unusual way in which people got involved with and talked to me, that my health and career was affected; these were a bunch of people so stupid i.e. I am starting to use the word stupid as a description often considering these were activities that a person would pursue only if the opinion of intended victim was such that they had fantasies of causing intense violence and inflicting great harm, such that they could only think that the worst possible things they can do with my person each time they got involved with me, so stupid that none knows what their interest in any work I did about opinionated ageism showing up to take advantage of me was, but we know each time I get it in order, they made a mess of it, to entertain themselves with a sense their famous stupidities had ever achieved anything that remotely looked like a process of successfully deciding what I did and jumped on the birth sign reading band waggon whilst lip flapping that others were fighting National level enemies on my behalf, that even their stupidities that was unable to stand up to the localised criminality and terrorism to such an extent they were in league with it, was fighting National level enemies on my behalf too. Hence it become a matter of public awareness that I am not vulnerable to the social abuses whilst the bum fingering up start gimmicks tended to target me more than most people, which for me is normal as the singular problem is not what I need to do all over again with those who practiced the behaviour in my direction but with the famous persons insults, about which a pattern in now emerging where I attend the work place and get a stick from them, media gits and radio wave lesbians etc, I return home to escalate what I had previously done about the fact that their stupid career was simply to get famous. It does pick up the government aspect of this matter, to claim I was oblivious to other issues occurring, which I think refers to the localised and overseas terrorists being such a bunch of incredibly stupid people that only extreme violence tended to get through to them – so stupid that they had become convinced they could invent any silly thing they wanted and insert into the careers of anybody they liked to hang about having so much fun that they had to catch their breath, much the same as I have given them and the famous idiots the option to keep their comments to their careers and keep off my career publicity, lest the fact I needed to annoy them well enough to ensure I could concentrate on what I am doing, led to an action on my part as will ensure I attacked the male population and celebrities well enough to be famous for being abusive whilst at the same time taking money from them at the markets to pay my way in the world, usually lip flapping that I cannot do it but it will likely simply develop into a matter of finding out whether their stupidities could multitask as well as I could.

Here it is said I am starting to sound like a real Libra but I was never the person who engaged and created others a 2 decade career mess, to ensure that whilst they progressed from being characters that felt the need to take advantage of people who were already mentally ill, into abusive twats that thought they were the centre of the Universe in other peoples lives each time they showed up on the red carpets, I progressed towards being seen as a wide chested character, who had a good body and whose bum people wanted to finger like most Libras are, yet last we checked, we know that Libras did not always look like that so idiots like this would read birth signs and abuse scales of justice for a living, and those who looked like that flirted a lot on account they enjoyed dominating gits like this, especially when it came to the crunch whereby messing with such Libras will lead to outcomes where you had a baby with them and if you attacked them they slept with somebody that will execute violence on you which made so much sense of the fact that useless people syndrome was a product not only of the abusive personality these idiots possessed but also the fact that they never stopped sleeping around. Then again we do not always look like that and it was all good looking for trouble and making a mess for others until the twats responsible got to find the trouble they sought – I have been hanging around tolerating their insults and a need to make a mess of what I did with criminality and opinionated ageism who make the most of abusive ways that people could address and talk to me, that I now look the part of the kind of Libra whose bum they want to finger all the time and therefore build a community for it, before I am made to listen to another story that was due to the way we assessed threats from communists and also had to think about the threat from the USA, fact the US was the biggest supporter of localised terrorism in the world, which sets it apart from its allies in Europe, Australia and Canada, to point out a few countries that are just as big, were members of NATO but not such a pain in other peoples backsides every single day, whilst Washington lived under the delusion we felt it was okay that we were not entitled to breathe the free air because they were the bees knees, which is naturally not the case – all is usually well save for America funding, supporting and fostering localised and overseas terrorism, which we want to get into a habit of putting out of our minds on a daily basis.

I have provided these gits the exit to keep their comments restricted to the one that is paying their salary, feel good with the job that causes me all the problems because it is their job and gets to their heads, currently to no extensive positive results, now I need to look to the way that the fact they were financially comfortable affected me, the need to pick up my Royal order and other ways I stood up for myself when threatened, to fight their battles in life, made a mess of everything in this place, the famous persons insults that will not stop and the narcissism media built for the German influence gits who can now mess with others and feel they were guaranteed a happiness that made them money whilst allowing them to ignore the complaints of their victims and of course my personal favourite being the conversion of my writing career into an interest in my personality by which they could work a crowd to secure equality with me, especially now that it had grown into a direct interference with all members of the public who engaged with my Books, whilst the fact people wanted to books but were being prevented for such a long time, led to the whole bottom chasing crisis that now existed to serve their stupidities. In the end it is the same old case of their abusive lifestyle and the way that somewhere between their 30s and 70s they had to face up to its consequences, their ideas on doing that this time involving the claim that my career existed to cover their backsides and the idea their famous stupidities were so important if they wanted me to do something I would do it, hell is therefore about to break lose because of it.

Eventually we listened to the boasting that the support for criminality was meant to make me show how brave I was, what we know to be true being that it does not, simple makes a mess of my finances whilst some of the stupidest women around came to some money and a low life with nothing to lose get involved with my personal space to make me serve them slavishly; the famous persons insults will not stop yet on their terms and it me be garnished with such lip flapping too naturally. The fact this matter has developed from reading my birth sign to take advantage of me over work I did about opinionated ageism and its follow on criminality, to such an extent that I ended up on social security, puts beyond doubt that these idiots actually do enjoy seeing me suffer but so have I now issued the warnings and well enough in my opinion, about stick I get from them at work resulting in a corresponding escalation of everything I did previously when I returned home, it needs to go beyond the funny bits where they were affected and set about running me down, providing ageist criminals with narcissism media presence at my expense and working so much of that greed and insult at me making those stupid decisions they had to regret and blame on me later on via public and National Media, I need to make a statement about being at the receiving end of the fact the one they got accustomed to was the greed and insult; the fabled public matter in these naturally being that this was a two groups of some of the stupidest things that our society had produced but one group possessed the right to dominate and abuse the other alongside the right to ensure that they did not have to face the social consequences of their abusive activities, all due to being financially comfortable - for my part, ignoring them to spend my time on my own affairs was that which I assumed I was allowed to and since I am not, it would appear I am about to top existing history with their stupidities that they were complaining about (the theory that I can only talk, bringing to bear the way that the poorer stupid would be those who put me through hell to express the idea they were evil people because I shopped for my groceries, the other and their well off neighbourhood with the insults and greed expressed in terms of their interest in the way I organised myself for public work in order to cover their backside were not looking for something new).

On the point made that I am a dunce, I could never understand how their need to seek out people who were mentally unwell and set about bullying the same that were mentally unwell over claims it made them real men, facilitating the business of following me into University grounds to finger my bum for an upstart gimmick until I ended up a University drop out Prince, made me a dunce – what has happened since everything started going down hill for me due to this result is that I had moved on upon going to University to pay the fees for them but they had not, so I lost my temper and punished the fiasco up to an International level satisfaction. It was still exactly the same pattern as it is today, at the time the excuse they made was developed on what I am studying and since I was studying the Law, it had to be developed on the way my attitude was an example of the consequences of a legal system that allowed the weak to pick on the strong and get away with it, today it is more a matter of the decisions they make to ruin peoples lives, like in my case, fighting hoodlums on my behalf which entitled them to build communities that fingered my bum for the upstart and various other life changingly abusive gimmicks, about which eventually the neighbourhoods decided that even if they possessed the expertise to clear out the social mess their stupidities have made, nobody had the time for it, so they had to live with the consequences of those activities and start to face up to them between the ages of 30 and 70 which hits really hard, those of them that spent the youth being brave and criminal, the same that Celebrities was developing a competition for me with, considering the famous was simply a bunch of expensively dressed hoodlums themselves – for my part I would argue that not being allowed to smell nice because of the way they have chosen to pursue all these matters hardly makes me a dunce, besides which I am a Hermit and they need not look to hard as there is no politics, culture or society in this place, continue screwing with me and the insults and greed they have gotten accustomed to at my expense will be set to end incredibly badly. So far their excuse for these abusive activities where history of inaction and the fact Celebrities were financially comfortable in their own lives gets between me and my clients whenever I had any and stifles my Bookshop so that it can be used to explain their personal stupid problems away to the crowd each time they showed up on the red carpet no matter how many times their famous insanity were told off for it, then there was the male society industry gits who dream of working for everybody I had business with in order to handle me being the reason I am not allowed to feel good and all my orifices were sore with a big mouth, whilst the local authority pricks will be the people who order my steps to such an extent that I faced a health scare – these are the three main causes of my personal finance mess and they all conduct their activities on the premise that others did not possess the intelligence to have a clearly developed conversation with them about it, at this point which I believe I have issued the warnings well enough for their narcissism stupidities to make sense of. Always eager to decide that I am a Royal dunce naturally whilst at the same time its abusiveness does not end, even though it is already struggling with the fact it had to take responsibility for the way that those abuses especially the parts that have been performed for s sustained period had affected entire neighbourhoods. It is currently so noisy around here that my Bookshop had stalled whilst the idiots kept their money to make more trouble for me, so this is the beginning of a process where each time I got a stick from them, I must have already done something which will be escalated. They do claim that the problem was to do with the way that my Office work was not a reliable means for public and National security which is not really the case as what is not a reliable means for public and national security was their insults which suggested I am too much of a coward to deserve my career, in a condition where I had business in an environment where there was a lot of intelligence changing hands – now that they were losing their lives over public and national security, could it be said that I am to blame for the compromises I made? Only if they oversaw anything in this place naturally but as the insults have persisted, I can only speak out in terms of the fact that it would appear enough of their stupidities had not yet died for them to be deterred. It is more complicated that such a simplistic statement last we checked as I am working intellectual property administration with multinational companies and because there were women working my Royal Court affairs and the way that the work worked with Industry, the republican sentiment gits had built their own abusive media too and its purpose was to target such women specifically, looking like I was completely oblivious as to the reasons that GB News and Talk TV for instance were established. All need to cease trying to decide how I spent my day, if complaining. I am told they were lip flapping that they entertained a genuine  desire to see me suffer, which I do not understand anyway, save the fact that there is no measure to decide what they got to say in my direction at present, when for example the day was too hot and their frustrations were always better made sense of when they insulted or took their problems out on other people, to talk nonsense about being brave enough to keep the money others do not currently wish to take from them. I do not understand it as per these fools were responsible for creating the situation that is causing them all the problems, they were the same who have shown no remorse or repentance for showing up at University to finger bum and leave me dropping out since I could be relied upon not to finger their own as well, the same idiots who have come up with another similar plan with respect to my Books because whilst I moved on even though I was the person that went to a Higher institution to pay the fees for them to mess about at my expense they have not moved on from the gimmicks they enjoyed – it is waiting for my next response, the part where I should ensure the professional time that is being funded by the person that paid their stupidities to do a job, being spent on me, was never recovered, with intent to ensure that did not get to catch up with their colleagues, considering that work at the Office was never going to get itself done. It would seem that a bunch of modern, abusive, well off neighbourhood gits were still oblivious to the fact the reasons they were a bunch of poofs, was that they made such a mess of other peoples lives that the victims did not possess the time and expertise to sort out the mess, which has left them and the society gits who admire and support them with an undoubted responsibility, like it would also seem that the only career that could get their stupidities and that of their famous fools out of it was my career which they needed to obtain without paying for the products and on failing to perform, it would seem that I am being set up for whole communities to get imagination into my panties and if possible attack me physically too. the boasting is that people had lost their lives for doing less than I have naturally but none knows why the Italians were so abusive, always able to build whole industries from insults and greed, supported by a twat that loved to bank roll their stupidities at Washington and a narcissism media presence, it has been fighting communists on my behalf as well, every client, every broker, every sponsor, had to deal with this nonsense as it was the very pinnacle of their incompetence, never mind that they had also compounded its unusual interest in me by marrying my wife at the Monarchy before realising it wanted to marry a wife that belonged to its stupidities in the first place – with the famous gits being unable to make sense of the fact that their insanity will never ever end the way that they have envisaged it. They have now run off this nonsense to such an extent that I worked on a Bookshop and their well off neighbourhood madness finds practical jokes by which to allow their famous pricks extract money from it and were now boasting over the consequences being that a bunch of idiots who never stopped throwing public support at gits that made crime a career options, were talking nonsense on public media to earn millions of currency whilst an Arch Prince worked on a Bookshop to live on social security, asking me the fucking questions. We were there for what the fact they were so stupid the reasons I am suffering all these was an ability to live with their own personal decisions, when their Celebrities claimed their famous careers were the same as the culture of the land for example, it is therefore not yet an issue that a certain prick in Washington enjoys bank rolling the stupidities that every scumbag throws at me around here, whilst they made up excuses as they went along to suggest they were real men (that I never had a chance is an example of the reasons what has happened should never have happened, where they gained access to the career organisation that allowed me to prepare for public work, which they used to make a statement that covered their backside, eliminating everything that takes up their time each time they felt like randomly threatening me on the streets but I think I do not wish to say that their famous idiots need to keep the imagination out of my panties and cease extracting money from my Royal Publicity, as much as the twat in Washington needed to cease bank rolling stupidities people channelled at me - I wish to decide exactly how the scum got to speak to and address my person). I am lost fundamentally as to what it is they can do about my person or about the state provided security they claim had provoked them, nobody is going to engage with Books under a hail of insults and greed, I will decide what they got to say in my direction save they got to stop it the way they felt comfortable about doing so.