They claim that people were now thinking that racism was partly alright and partly bad which is utter nonsense as these idiots were unable to substantiate that the American President was racist, whilst on the other hand they were also the idiots attacking people everyday due to the sheer number of people who had failed to play along with plans to boost their bank account and adopt social disposition in which they were worshipped. Racism is not partly alright and partly bad, the government is trying to get racism under control, the Liberals who spend their time on so much social immorality that they were treated as outcasts, senses an opportunity to make scapegoats of any people coming into the Country which is the correct form that the idea of racism ought to take. They claim other ethnic minorities lived in the world where they were free of public problems and military responsibilities relying on them, so somebody had to come up with something that relied on them, the problem with conservatives in the UK and republicans in the US being that they were never violent when such a disposition would have achieved its best results, they monopolised the violence of racism for their own ends. I mean, I am a conservative in practice of my political beliefs and know that I had gotten around the issue of the opinionated ageist inventing all sorts of nonsense about ways I ought to make my career publicity available to their silly children who were better looking, to secure advertisement contracts from confectionery establishments and more, exploring the reasons they did this, we find that they thought the stock market was the place to secure pocket money every time they had failed to plan their finances properly – I don’t control the matter as well as I should anymore because the liberals were running me down and building communities that read my astrology, fingered my bum, fondled my penis, goaded me over public control matters, clung to my income and tried to order my steps, like I can be relied upon not to do harm to their stupidities, then we find that they have built a crowd on my door step and another crowd that helped them keep a livelihood and a job for these gimmicks and it is the discriminative abuses of this crowd that their stupidities were also unable to control, so we see it never stopped until I did some serious harm to ensure its stupidities paid more attention to its own concerns and kept its imagination in its own life. Here it is said that I had solved the problem everybody was talking about, for me it is not a problem at all, its need to run me down with insults everyday and seek some opportunism where some higher power will decide what it did with my finances which is incredibly stressful, is building up to result where half were running a campaign to seek rights for right wing and the other the right to finger my bum, so when both end up being affected by each others activities again this time, the fact that people had died the first time their stupidities at my expense took a turn, it will be the least of their worries. For their part they claim I must have at this stage been able to make sense of these stupidities implying that they had power over me and it is utter nonsense – besides the fact that the next time it got violent and they decided which race mattered with street protests, it is 24/7 fooling around at other peoples expense which is the main reason they need to wreck other peoples academic pursuits and complete their own to seek female narcissism. It had since arrived at the stage where they claimed they protected me at the Monarchy but are not doing this anymore and it was never clear what they were protecting me from if their stupidities were the people fighting communists on my behalf and claim that the willingness of communists to simply engage with my Books was the reason they could not confiscate my career, so it becomes rather clear that I have been placing my energy in the wrong places as if these complaints were about an unusual interest in their jobs on my part, this nonsense would have taken a turn for the better a long time before now. What is happening at the Monarchy being that the King did not get along with his mother and needs a scapegoat, they ended up on the wrong side of the law therefore need a position of power where they can subject normal people to their own law, so it is now a question of the extent to which my career was tied up with matters at a Monarchy that their stupidities dominated, such that the earlier I detached it was the earlier the government matters would make progress and if I were not doing it at present the question became one of what my schedule was, so it shows up here fingering bums and fondling penis, taking up time, distracting and issuing threats with a big mouth – the Media and Celebrity bits had progressed the opportunism of selling out somebody to make money up to the point where they can also touch penis and anus and my tongue as well, found half the trouble their famous stupidities sought but has not yet learned to cease picking up my mannerism, my social life, public life and reputation, to hang about on a narcissism media getting ahead of me on the financial benefits every day, at the behest of an idiot in an entertainment studio that will not stop helping them make money from doing so, seeking the trouble they have not yet experienced, claiming they were fighting communists on my behalf.

On the claim people think I am enemy of the USA, it is the old tale of the ways that they needed to pick up other people’s careers, academic pursuits and even places in existence literally – mental illness was valuable if their stupidities were not the people suffering it, will never find another way to get rich fast if complaining about me, as did not involve picking up my social life and reputation and hang about on a narcissism media getting ahead of me on the benefits of owning it, whilst their abusive well off neighbourhoods subverted every aspect of public policy there was, up to the point of deciding how other people got around with women and eventually doing nothing about the women that were being killed by partners in their stupid communities all together, getting on my nerves stifling a Bookshop, fingering bum and fondling penis, their famous idiots ensuring none shutdown the social conditions by which they achieved such fantasies everyday, whilst complaining and blaming people who owned property they envied for it. There was the point raised, that a lot of people think what I am doing is a waste of time but these largely come from idiots who were financially comfortable and set out to impoverish other people, the scum who show up on my business premises to do something that will cause me to make sense of the fact they were a bunch of trolls and the opinionated idiots clinging to my career publicity – they do think that they were bullies and I have already mentioned how their gimmicks have degenerated into one side campaigning for far right rights and the other for the right to finger bums, which violence will be greater than the first time their insults in my direction got serious and their complaints about my responses made it to the world global political stage, I suppose it will not the last time we checked, literally build up to the point where solving the problems that the fact they were bigger than I am caused for me, built me a reputation in its own right all together. They fancy themselves bullies apparently and I do not think myself bullied anyway, I simply have to consider what began as gimmicks that my Books showed I possessed resources to cover their backsides and kiss it better for money, growing into my literary empire lying in ruins at the hands of the sex industry, so I must now track the damage, reverse engineer most of it and try to keep the Bookshop quiet for client engagement which I am certain will never happen, as they needed my personal life to feel good about a nice life and their Celebrities could not live without my Royal public image and career publicity, about which they have built a crowd to help them run jobs and businesses and another on my door step to help low lives with nothing to lose in the world to finger my bum, wreck my job and finances and ensure I am not a threat to them, which they displayed on a narcissism media to consummate what had come through as a lack of threat of my part, so it does need to end very badly i.e. the point that I am actually unable to stand up for myself which is not true as it will stop on their terms when I start as well – so far their strong point seems to be the inability to control the corrupt and discriminative activities that people performed using the crowds they built up on peoples door step and those that engaged with their livelihoods to ensure they had jobs and I will not fuck them over properly with it as well for my part, simply needs keep handling me and handling my concerns to find out. In the end they seem completely helpless without access to me, which suggests the only form of social life these idiots who appear only to understand physical violence had, was to tackle me and I intend to ensure it was the only social life they had as well, with intent to make it stop very badly too. We are here generally because the Famous and their well off neighbourhood abusive gits were unable to handle these matters without resorting to violence and on being more important than I am, had to wreck my whole life and career to make me do it, so it is not true that I am in an irrecoverable position, what the famous stupidities were playing with is Royal public life and they are not Royalty, what the other idiots were playing with is my privacy and what happens when people tangle up with another persons life is that they get out of it and move on when the owner is uncomfortable about their involvement. I am not in a strange bondage as people have suggested either – it cannot go a day without picking up my reputation and career publicity to hang about with a narcissism media getting ahead of me over its benefits, backed by German influence idiots who were complaining about the fact I punished my University drop out experience over their narcissism by securing my own custom history with their stupidities as well, cannot go a day without doing it whilst I want them to stop completely – it even suggests it was the way LGBTQ+ Community worked and I think they are going to get another itinerary beyond the + because of me. I mean they make the excuses that it was not clear what I am unhappy about but another decade of career mess and living on social security, so that the way I organised my career to keep out social miscreants being considered inspiring by people at Government would provoke them to such an extent that it was the due of people who were bigger and more willing to get into a fight on their behalf, finished off with a need to come into ownership of my personal life by abusing me well enough to detach me from it on account they were incredibly important, had busy lives and needed to eat in restaurants daily, completed with state provided security that tells them off, provoking their stupidities as well, so the bottom hurting gimmicks that was a product of flattering criminals as part of a process of trading mobility in for immoral society gimmicks would become incredibly expensive and difficult to surmount when I am saddled with it – the right wing gits would be the well off neighbourhood idiots who played a major role that involved tying my hands every time I was seen contending with criminality, now ripping up my career with narcissism madia over fear that if I am not reacting to criminality, their middle class stupidities were obliged to sort it out by violent means and they say they cannot tell what provoked me, as we know since I picked up the private security industry job in 2014 which ended in 2017 due to childhood injury that returned, their stupidities have been stifling my Bookshop and finances, getting on my public image to get ahead of me over the benefits of my good reputation and will not make money another way with the narcissism media salvation, building a community that abused my personal life and ensured I was never allowed to smell idiot nice as well. It feeds into the claim that they are the way that they are because of me and yes they are – as before I picked up the private security industry job, the need to exploit and take advantage of me was as abusive as the idea I am a man they want to step on without consequences, the German influence ones will carve out an abusive but beneficial avenue over my affairs with ideas I am a kind of man whose personality they want to cling to by inserting things into my orifices – dropped out of University and punished the stupidities satisfactorily, finishing off with an outcome where they won the fight and built an insolent media narcissism to ensure I did not have to engage people with extensive conversations explaining their gimmicks – we now live in a world where they have built a community with such intense abusive feelings towards me that they fingered my bum and fondled my penis with fantasies, especially when I am trying to get some sleep constantly, hence we have a new one, continuing from the business of the fact those who protected them were looking for trouble. I believe that one day, I will make sense of what is bothering them but for the time being in 2 decades I have simply become as stupid.

Whenever we see them want to take leave of their Media insults and abusive advertisement to make sense of their stupidities suggesting I am a character they could attack without consequences, it is always a matter of Brexit and it was never clear how since they knew nothing about referendums and therefore lost the last one to those who wanted Brexit, how it would have transpired that Brexit was such a bad idea that attacking me would make their situation better. It loved to lip flap the damage its well off neighbourhood poof stupidities does to my career and the civil rights idiots who think they had wrecked everything around here to trap me in their criminal cause, where their famous fools clung to my career publicity to get ahead of me on the benefits of my reputation and career publicity everyday and they spent money to provide their famous gits with power to do so, just as much as I have issued the warning about an end to stupid comments on ideas that I am a low life that is also clever enough to know what a job and career was, therefore likely to end up getting desperate enough to pose a threat to the careers of younger people, as their bigger than I am stupidities were not paying the bills in this place, I have warned about those stupid societies in which half their twats bought products they were selling to help them keep a job and the other half turns up on my doorstep to allow every fool with nothing to lose in this world to chare my personal space all day, we know the complaining about me had since taken up an international stage and yet there was an alternative where the famous criminal scum stopped making a mess of my finances, so I was able to settle down in a marital arrangement, avoiding the means by which their idiocy extracted matters from my personal life to create a public crisis with, looking for the other half of the trouble it seeks but had not yet found as it were. Nothing but a group of people so stupid that they are aware it soon becomes an option that to avoid losing job after job that I find because of their interest in me, I will need to find them and have them properly beaten up, so the point of these gimmicks were to say that there was more of them than there was of me and that they were bigger than I am, which is now set to make the problem that I had to solve very badly too – in 2 decades, the only thing I have been able to make sense of in terms of what these idiots were saying is a premise for one stupid responsibility after another in which they seemed to have accepted that I only now had the option of attacking them so that they might become entitled to spend my career publicity and good name on themselves, alongside their famous idiots, so if their Government Office idiots were complaining about me as well, it is not clear what sense their own Political stupidities had made of it all together. They do claim there was a residual sense of something I had done to provoke them deeply which there is, as dropping out of University only left them the means to say that what they gained from the fact I had and more so the time between then and the point where I went back to University to complete what I started at the academic system, was beneficial to their stupidities in such a sweet way, that it was not in their interest for me to complete the academic pursuits all together, so the part where they got to dominate women all the way to their bohemian stupidities in Europe and American security services corruption had to end – I mean it shows up here lip flapping ways that the British Government allowed me to get out of hand and my actions impacted my reputation, what we see on the contrary being that most of the phramasxutial activities at Industry were taking place around South America and a footing there would allow the NHS to thrive, as every person who held Government service Office and also had some overseas interests to pursue knew, the understanding one cannot get along with South Americans in a way that provokes the USA, understanding this was necessary because of the Falklands, and the way the picture is constantly one of their stupidities fooling around with other peoples careers to extent where it did not mean anything to anybody no matter what the owner did with it, whilst the blackmail caused illnesses because it was incredibly stressful, either we see them standing in front of a burning area of Natural conservation or they have as recently observed, moved their criminality into the medical profession and left everybody at the mercy of their Media and social Media idiot whose stupidities only gets better with respect to other peoples career publicity when they claimed their victims were complicit with racism and responsible for Police brutality, before it decides that there was a problem with my reputation – I mean the medical crimes popping up in the US everywhere these days considered, it was never clear how difficult it was for the US Government to set out that bringing medical practitioners from outside a catchment areas to perform procedures on patients which will be worth thousands of dollars that the patents cannot afford if they had already taken out medical insurance, in order to extort money from people, was to be deemed illegal, it is instead really good at stupidities where it picks up my career publicity to fool around with a criminal public over what it claimed was an obsession with the way I handled public matters and make silly statements about fighting my enemies to make me sick all the time. It is not a crisis as such, these are simply the details around the way these fools have found half the trouble they seek, if this is not their lives and there was nothing they could do about me but continued to insist on handling me and my affairs i.e. so far developing into one side campaigning for far right rights after picking up the publicly displayed premise that I am a character that the other had set out for privacy abuses, bum fingering and penis fondling in order for them and their famous idiots to spend my reputation and career publicity on themselves, and failing to handle the matters that I had – they are set to claim I am working with racists and responsible for Police brutality yet again and this time I believe the violence will be much worse – counters those other claims that I may be a hidden extremist myself and that my actions will lead to widespread racism and public violence, which is will not.

Here it is said that the general idea presented if that I had no idea what I am doing which I understand completely, as people much prefer not to engage with my Books because I would be made if they did, so they spent money on Celebrities to give famous idiots power and seek out the narcissism that I am most vulnerable to, at this point they were boasting that nothing I did was likely to deter them, since it seems that considering I am providing a public service in the things I do to deter them and they were grown ups, what conditions we had develops as a trap and a trap is something they were supposed to walk into not be deterred by – we shall find out by how much the campaign for right wing far right rights and the campaign for the right to finger my bum, having since developed into socio economic conditions with people hopelessly reliant on it, will work alongside the parents picking up the consequences for the narcissism of their daughters due to what I got up to concerning the job that gets to their heads at my expense endlessly, topped off with denial of access to National Media and National Politics publicity narcissism, to help them manage the stress, as a group of people who never ever listen to others. The others at the Monarchy apparently needed to observe that the male society abuses was an old problem that gets worse and worse and was now telling me that what I did about being violated by their stupidities would be the way I showed I was worthy to earn money from my career, talking nonsense about what people did at the Monarchy to make them behave in such ways, whilst we know of an original problem that is so abusive that my life was sweet and my method of driving their cars on the roads, they had obtained a piece of it abusively with the help of a community, which I believe was a complaint therefore that they were better off putting towards the Military and can either decide to keep off my Bookshop and career publicity or continue to play with me and find out what the results will be – so they built a men’s lifestyle gimmicks, read my astrology to decide I am a Libra and their King was a poof Leo with a whole world of gimmicks that will rely on my personal life, and none knows why they made the decision to pursue the series of activities that have since brought them to this state where they needed to spend somebody calm and beautiful on themselves in the first place, we simply know that it continues regardless, especially the part about attacking the female community until they end up with the problem of marrying their fellow narcissists or being denied access to matrimonial happiness all together unless they were Royality whose marriages were fixed, to show up here getting imagination into my panties and being inconsolably provoked when I wondered how they will pick up their stupid lives where they left off once done with current gimmicks; suffices to say either way for the interests that the criminals and famous idiots showed in my affairs building up into actual access to me, that each time I saw or had to tolerate their men’s lifestyle gimmicks, they too got to see it for the last time with a history of dropping out of University, living on social security and unable to keep a bookshop to reference for my responses.

On the point that I am stuck with the matter and trapped – there was no such thing: Celebrities have no public life that involved tackling corrupt American security service staff, looking to public matters and controlling the impact of communist interests on public ceremonies, everything else associated with their public appearances is what their actual public lives looked like, it is provocative claim that they were, which is continually preventing the rest of the public from following my social media and engaging with my Bookshop which leaves me out of pocket, they have now run out of ideas for their narcissism and resorted to lies and blame to continue the narcissism like a testament to the idea that if I had not murdered it, the gimmick and the follow on claims that they were able to give me a difficult time, will never stop or go away. Speaking of which I still have not been able to ascertain the reasons they were always to abusive and insolent all of the time and we are talking about conditions where others thought they should be afraid of me whilst they believed matters ought to play out the other way around; it is a rather very simple matter whereby it does not goad me over public control matters, does not get to tell me what to do unless prepared to pay for it and tidy up the mess. They are grownups, either they can made my own money and came up with gimmicks concerning other peoples lives and career, stupid statements that they were all low lives who knew what work and career was and therefore likely to get desperate and attack younger people and new professionals to get ahead which had to be stopped, the insults which eclipse public access to my Bookshop whilst another group of idiots at the local council developed alliances with them to police people who lived on social security, despite being informed that it was counterproductive and in two decades no body had ever been able to make sense of what the famous idiots were trying to say to the public but does it anyway, to get fed up paying social security whilst the insults had stalled my Bookshop, either they can continue to pick up my career publicity and public life and groom me into a position for the distant violence of their society gits, then tell me I needed to get into trouble with the law to show I am brave enough to keep my career, whilst hanging about spending the benefits of my career publicity and social life more than I was spending it everyday or they can play with me and find out what the consequences will be, the violation bits being the part associated with the way their stupidities organised a life, never mind trading career mobility for immoral society gimmicks and abusing others until the mind was groomed into a state of access for community fantasies, talking nonsense on public media and national politics publicity to avoid the stress associated with my responses every day.

It claims this has all been fun and naturally it is unless I removed the fun bits as everybody had listen to me craft the warnings well enough for them to understand no matter how stupid – I mean it was probably easier to built a two tier community at my expense, with one willing to buy products and help them maintain a livelihood, whilst the other showed up on my door step to shove their problems up my bum especially when I am trying to get some sleep, in order to secure new lifestyles from my career publicity and public image, in the process of working their opinionated ageist gimmicks so well that they became a go-between me and the Parliament and ended up being awarded parliamentary privileges even though I held authority at the Monarchy, the part where I rent a space from somebody and he wastes a decade of my part as part of his male society stupidities, trying to inform me that he was of great social standing when nobody knew who the fuck he is and that he was well known by the local authorities who forge alliance with his stupidities to allow it try to contribute towards the policing of people who lived on social security, ending in me owing rent arrears, about which it clearly now wants to establish a 5 year arrangement with me to secure the monthly instalments, so I may screw its stupidities from the abusive and narcissistic media to the tourist and holiday destinations where it puts the feet up, playing with my career and ripping up everything it came across. I asked the idiots to have it shut down last time we checked, they are aware I am not interested in their complaining and may well tell it to the military as far as I am concerned.

They claim everything I did relied on other people and it is utter nonsense – it started out with a level of insults to intense that there was need to delve into my personal life and prevent me from protecting myself from opinionated ageism, thereafter if I stood up for myself in anyway, it was to pass onto Scorpios that were more willing to get into a fight with others on their behalf, garnished with a process of extracting money from my public life to spend on criminals that want to read astrology, finger bums and sell drugs, then finished off with ideas I needed to get into a fight to show I deserved to earn an income from my own career whilst they kept their jobs to enforce the process and continued to get worse – this was the fun bit, the serious bit was the business of tying my hands every time I had criminality to face up to and on deciding the opinionated ageists needed to at some stage show up here to pick up knowledge of my career and carry it around like PR I did not have to fund, their need to do stupid things with other people’s lives whenever they were trying to make money and get worse whenever they came to some money was affected and we ended up with a public crisis that was linked to their sense of entitlement – so the complaining and the lack of change generally suggests to me that they needed to tell the Military all about it as I did not care, lip flapping about how it will get worse before it got better adds up to a process of getting on my nerves as clearly when they complain to the authorities and I looked out of my window it was still on, likely to build up to a case of me versus their well off neighbourhoods and it had to be settled – this nonsense needs to be shut down and those responsible fool around where it is tolerated. It is a simple matter of completing all these nonsense to follow up a 2 decade career mess they had created for me with another gimmick where they built a narcissism media presence to manage the stress associated with my responses on themselves by processes where I use my public image to do one thing and they have discovered a secret by which they spent 10 times as much of it on themselves to feel good about life, get rich fast and be popular – point made when I say they need tell it to the military and keep their comments restricted to their own careers, stop lip flapping about my so called rudeness bringing me to this point as the question of what is to become of the stress I suffered has not yet been settled. On the point that this was a good opportunity to put the matter of claims that I relied on security services to stand up to myself to bed, we all know we have already done this part, the stupidities had developed a brand of media narcissism that will help get it out of the business of fighting my enemies and complaining that people had died on my account but this nonsense continued still and the famous were on some sort of female narcissism rollercoaster, expressing wish of not wanting to kick back and watch what I had in mind as well.